\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{Time} \author{Gabrielle Allen} \date{1999} \maketitle \abstract{Calculates the timestep used for an evolution} \section{Purpose} This thorn provides a routines for calculating the timestep for an evolution based on the spatial Cartesian grid spacing and a wave speed. \section{Comments} There are currently two methods for calculating the timestep, either the simple courant method, or a dynamic courant method. The method is chosen using the keyword parameter {\tt time::method} The timestep, is passed into the Cactus variable {\tt cctk\_delta\_time}. Both timesteps are based on the Courant condition, which states that for numerical stability, the chosen timestep should satisfy $$ \Delta t \le \mbox{min}(\Delta x^i)/\mbox{wave speed}/\sqrt(\mbox{dim}) $$ The two methods currently implemented are: \begin{itemize} \item {\tt time::method = "standard"} (this is the default). The timestep is calculated once at the start of the run in the {\tt BASEGRID} timebin, and is then held static throughout the run. The algorithm, which uses the parameter {\tt time::dtfac} is $$ \Delta t = \mbox{\tt dtfac} * \mbox{min}(\Delta x^i) $$ Note that the parameter {\tt dtfac} should take into account the dimension of the space being used, and the wave speed. \item {\tt time::method = "courant"}. The timestep is calculated dynamically at the start of each iteration in the {\tt PRESTEP} timebin. The algorithm is $$ \Delta t = \mbox{\tt courant\_fac} * \mbox{min}(\Delta x^i)/\mbox{maximum wavespeed}/\sqrt(\mbox{dim}) $$ \item {\tt time::method = "courant\_time"}. The timestep is calculated dynamically at the start of each iteration in the {\tt PRESTEP} timebin. The algorithm is $$ \Delta t = \mbox{\tt courant\_fac} * \mbox{minimum time to cross a zone}/\sqrt(\mbox{dim}) $$ \section{Technical Details} If a dynamic {\tt courant} condition is selected, a thorn must set the protected variable {\tt courant\_wave\_speed} for the maximum wave speed before Time sets the timestep. If a dynamic {\tt courant\_time} condition is selected, a thorn must set the protected variable {\tt courant\_time} for the minimum time for a wave to cross a zone before Time sets the timestep. \end{itemize} % Automatically created from the ccl files by using gmake thorndoc \include{interface} \include{param} \include{schedule} \end{document}