# Parameter definitions for thorn TOVSolver CCTK_INT TOV_Num_TOVs "The number of TOVs" { 1:* :: "Greater than 0" } 1 CCTK_INT TOV_Solve_for_TOVs "Solve for TOVs even if no TOV initial data was requested?" { 0:3 :: "depreciated in favour of TOVSolver::TOV_Enforce_Interpolation" } 3 BOOLEAN TOV_Enforce_Interpolation "Enforce the interpolation of the data onto the Hydro GFs even without tov as specified initial data" STEERABLE=always { } "no" CCTK_INT TOV_Num_Radial "The number of radial points for the ODE integration" { 1:* :: "Greater than 0" } 100000 CCTK_REAL TOV_Rho_Central[10] "The central density" { 0.0:* :: "Must be positive" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Gamma[10] "The polytropic constant in P = K rho^Gamma" { 1.0: :: "The physical range at high Lorentz factors is [1,2], but otherwise higher values of gamma can also be used" } 2.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_K[10] "The polytropic constant in P = K rho^Gamma" { (0.0:* :: "Greater than 0" } 100.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_dr[10] "The spacing in the radial direction on the 1d grid" { (0.0:* :: "Greater than 0" } 5.e-4 BOOLEAN Perturb[10] "Add density perturbation (you should solve the IVP if true)" { } "no" CCTK_REAL Pert_Amplitude[10] "Amplitude of perturbation" { *:* :: "Anything" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Position_x[10] "Position of neutron star, x coordinate" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Position_y[10] "Position of neutron star, y coordinate" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Position_z[10] "Position of neutron star, z coordinate" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Velocity_x[10] "(fixed) Velocity of neutron star, x coordinate (caution!)" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Velocity_y[10] "(fixed) Velocity of neutron star, y coordinate (caution!)" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL TOV_Velocity_z[10] "(fixed) Velocity of neutron star, z coordinate (caution!)" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "real" } 0.0 BOOLEAN TOV_ProperPosition "For use only with two NSs, atm only handles equal mass" { } "no" BOOLEAN TOV_Fast_Interpolation "Use faster interpolation algorithm? Default is yes." { } "yes" BOOLEAN TOV_Clear_Initial_Data "Clear initial data? Default is yes." { } "yes" BOOLEAN TOV_Use_Old_Initial_Data "Take old initial data into account? Default is no." { } "no" BOOLEAN TOV_Use_Old_Matter_Initial_Data "Use also old matter initial data? Default is no." { } "no" BOOLEAN TOV_Conformal_Flat_Three_Metric "Use conformal factor to get the 3-metric flat. default is no" { } "no" keyword TOV_Combine_Method "Which combine method should be used." { "maximum" :: "Take the maximum of rho and gxx as clue for the rest as clue." "average" :: "Take the average of all available parts." } "average" CCTK_INT TOV_Populate_Timelevels "Populate that amount of timelevels" STEERABLE=always { 1:3 :: "1 (default) to 3" } 1 CCTK_INT TOV_Momentum_Psi_Power "Power of Psi to be multiplied with J^i for Mom" { *:* :: "anything, 0 as default" } 0 CCTK_INT TOV_fake_evolution "Fake evolution by setting ID at every step" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "anything, 0 as off (default), everything else as on" } 0 STRING TOV_save_to_datafile "Only save data to file and exit" { ".*" :: "Any filename, not used if empty" } "" shares:HydroBase EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_hydro "" { "tov" :: "TOV star initial hydrobase variables" } shares:admbase EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_data { "tov" :: "TOV star initial metric" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_lapse { "tov" :: "TOV star initial lapse; isotropic" } EXTENDS KEYWORD initial_shift { "tov" :: "TOV star initial shift" } USES KEYWORD metric_type shares:StaticConformal USES KEYWORD conformal_storage shares:Whisky USES real rho_abs_min USES real rho_rel_min USES REAL initial_rho_abs_min USES REAL initial_rho_rel_min USES REAL initial_atmosphere_factor USES real whisky_rho_central