#include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "stencil.h" /* Determine whether a boundary with the symmetry handle symbnd is a "regular" symmetry boundary (where the SBP stencils should not be modified), or an outer boundary (or a multi-patch boundary), where the SBP stencils need to be modified. */ void SBP_determine_onesided_stencil (const cGH * cctkGH, int * onesided) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; int symtable; int mp_sym_handle; CCTK_INT symbnd[6]; int ierr; int d; symtable = SymmetryTableHandleForGrid (cctkGH); if (symtable<0) { CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot get symmetry table handle -- maybe thorn SymBase is not active?"); } ierr = Util_TableGetIntArray (symtable, 6, symbnd, "symmetry_handle"); if (ierr!=6) { CCTK_WARN(0,"Cannot get symmetry handles"); } mp_sym_handle = SymmetryHandleOfName ( "multipatch" ); for (d=0; d<6; ++d) { if (! cctkGH->cctk_bbox[d]) { /* This is an inter-processor boundary */ onesided[d] = 0; } else { /* On an outer boundary (which is not a symmetry boundary), symbnd < 0 */ if (symbnd[d] < 0) { /* Use one-sided stencils near outer boundaries if the user wants it so */ onesided[d] = onesided_outer_boundaries; } else { /* If the symmetry boundary is a multi-patch boundary, then symbnd = mp_sym_handle. However, we can only check this if a multi-patch thorn is active, i.e., when mp_sym_handle >= 0 */ if (mp_sym_handle >= 0 && symbnd[d] == mp_sym_handle) { /* Use one-sided stencils near inter-patch boundaries if the user wants it so */ onesided[d] = onesided_interpatch_boundaries; } else { /* Always use centred stencils near regular symmetry boundaries (e.g. a reflection symmetry) */ onesided[d] = 0; } } } } } CCTK_FCALL void CCTK_FNAME (SBP_determine_onesided_stencil) (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST * cctkGH, int * onesided) { SBP_determine_onesided_stencil (* cctkGH, onesided); }