/* $Header$ */ #ifndef SLAB_H #define SLAB_H #include "cctk.h" struct slabinfo { int gsh; int lbnd, lsh; int lbbox, ubbox, nghostzones; int off, str, len; }; struct xferinfo { struct slabinfo src, dst; int xpose; int flip; }; /* Slab_Transfer copies a slab from one array into a slab of another array. The src and dst variables describe the source and the destination slab, respectively. The variables gsh, lbnd, and lsh describe the shape and distribution of the array containing the slab. They are equivalent to the corresponding quantities in the cGH structure. off, str, and len describe the location and shape of the slab within the array. off is the offset, i.e. the location of the "first" corner of the slab. str is the stride, i.e. the distance between to grid points in the slab. The stride can be negative. len is the length, i.e. the number of grid points making up the slab. len does not include the grid points that are skipped if the stride is larger than one. xpose describes a possible permutation of the coordinate axes between the slabs. It is source-axis = xpose[destination-axis]. flip describes a possible inversion of the coordinate axes (from the point of view of the destination slab). It is source-axis = xpose[flip[destination-axis]]. The corresponding lengths of the source and the destination slabs must be equal, i.e. for all d: src.len[xpose[d]] = dst.len[d]. The slabs are copied according to . dst[dst.off + I * dst.str] = src[src.off + J * src.str] where the multi-indices I and J have the ranges specified by dst.len and src.len, respectively, and I and J are related by the transposition . J = xpose[flip[I]] Restrictions: . dim >= 0 . gsh >= 0 . lbnd >= 0 . lsh >= 0 . lbnd + lsh <= gsh . lbbox and ubbox must be booleans, i.e. either 0 or 1 . nghostzones >= 0 . len >= 0 . str != 0 . off >= 0 . off < gsh . off + (len-1) * str >= 0 . off + (len-1) * str < gsh . xpose must be a permutation of 0 ... dim-1 . flip must be a boolean, i.e. either 0 or 1 The source and the destination arrays may be the same. */ int Slab_Transfer (cGH * const cctkGH, int const dim, struct xferinfo const * const xferinfo, int const srctype, void const * const srcptr, int const dsttype, void * const dstptr); #endif /* defined SLAB_H */