diff options
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/E2xeon_test_rdbh.par b/test/E2xeon_test_rdbh.par
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f4ce5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/E2xeon_test_rdbh.par
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!DESC "Initial data for axisymmetric distored black hole"
+ActiveThorns = "coordgauge admanalysis admbase admmacros staticconformal time boundary ellbase ADMconstraints pugh pughinterp pughreduce pughslab cartgrid3d ADM RotatingDBHIVP ioascii iobasic ioutil"
+admbase::evolution_method = "ADM"
+driver::global_nx = 32
+driver::global_ny = 32
+driver::global_nz = 32
+grid::type = "byspacing"
+grid::dxyz = 0.4
+grid::domain = "full"
+time::dtfac = 0.25
+cactus::cctk_initial_time = 0.
+cactus::cctk_itlast = 1
+adm::method = "stagleap"
+adm::bound = "static"
+admconstraints::bound = "static"
+admbase::initial_data = "rotatingdbh"
+rotatingdbhivp::amp = 0.5
+rotatingdbhivp::eta0 = 0.0
+rotatingdbhivp::sigma = 1.0
+rotatingdbhivp::byJ = 10.0
+rotatingdbhivp::mm = 2.0
+rotatingdbhivp::etamax = 6.0
+rotatingdbhivp::neta = 102
+rotatingdbhivp::ntheta = 27
+rotatingdbhivp::nphi = 5
+rotatingdbhivp::interpolation_order = 1
+admbase::lapse_evolution_method = "geodesic"
+admbase::metric_type = "static conformal"
+staticconformal::conformal_storage = "factor+derivs+2nd derivs"
+# OUTPUT ########################################################
+IO::outdir = "2test_rdbh"
+IOASCII::out1d_every = 1
+IOBasic::outScalar_vars = "admbase::metric admbase::curv admconstraints::ham"
+IOASCII::out1D_vars = "admbase::metric admbase::curv admbase::lapse admconstraints::ham admanalysis::spherical_metric admanalysis::spherical_curv staticconformal::psi staticconformal::confac_1derivs staticconformal::confac_2derivs"
+IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1
+IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "admconstraints::ham admbase::gxx"
diff --git a/test/README b/test/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3baf0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/README
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Organization of these test files:
+"xeon" stands for the rounding errors that I detected for the
+conspiration compiler-precessor in these machines.
+Thus I have preserved the "test" files designed for Einstein 1.
+"E2" Stands for the version converted for Einstein 2.
+How these work:
+Comparing the directories test vs xeon_test you will notice
+the rounding error I just mentioned.....
+Comparing xeon_test vs E2xeon_test you won't notice any
+difference, since both were configured for the conspiracy
+xeon-?compiler .... this is my test for the conversion
+from Einstein 1 to Einstein 2 .... it was done on xeon04....
+I could add a test later carried out in other machines
+and update this information too.... I'll need to ask Ryoji
+where he compiled the test.....