#include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" subroutine qlm_killing_transport (CCTK_ARGUMENTS, hn) use cctk use constants use qlm_boundary use qlm_killing_transportation use lapack implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS integer :: hn interface integer function TAT_isnan (x) implicit none CCTK_REAL x end function TAT_isnan end interface CCTK_REAL :: xi(2,3), chi(3) CCTK_REAL :: vec(3,3) CCTK_REAL :: wr(3), wi(3), vl(3,3), vr(3,3) integer :: i0, j0 integer :: n integer :: info character :: msg*1000 integer, parameter :: lwork = 100 CCTK_REAL :: work(lwork) if (veryverbose/=0) then call CCTK_INFO ("Transporting Killing vector field") end if ! latitude of "equator" i0 = (qlm_ntheta(hn)+1)/2 ! longitude of zero meridian j0 = 1+qlm_nghostsphi(hn) vec = delta3 if (veryverbose/=0) then write (msg, '("Initial vectors (xi^t xi^p chi):")') call CCTK_INFO (msg) do n=1,3 write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8)') n, vec(:,n) call CCTK_INFO (msg) end do end if xi(1,:) = vec(1,:) xi(2,:) = vec(2,:) chi(:) = vec(3,:) do n=1,3 call transport_along_equator (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0, xi(:,n), chi(n)) end do vec(1,:) = xi(1,:) vec(2,:) = xi(2,:) vec(3,:) = chi(:) if (veryverbose/=0) then write (msg, '("Final vectors (xi^t xi^p chi):")') call CCTK_INFO (msg) do n=1,3 write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8)') n, vec(:,n) call CCTK_INFO (msg) end do end if if (TAT_isnan(sum(vec)) /= 0) then ! qlm_calc_error(hn) = 1 qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 0 call CCTK_WARN (3, "There are nans in the final vectors") goto 9999 end if call geev ('n', 'v', 3, vec, 3, wr, wi, vl, 3, vr, 3, work, lwork, info) if (info/=0) then ! qlm_calc_error(hn) = 1 qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 0 write (msg, '("Error in call to GEEV, info=",i2)') info call CCTK_WARN (3, msg) goto 9999 end if if (veryverbose/=0) then write (msg, '("Eigenvectors and eigenvalues:")') call CCTK_INFO (msg) do n=1,3 write (msg, '(i2,3g18.8,(" (",g18.8,",",g18.8,")"))') & n, vr(:,n), wr(n), wi(n) call CCTK_INFO (msg) end do end if xi(1,:) = vr(1,:) xi(2,:) = vr(2,:) chi(:) = vr(3,:) ! TODO: ! This transport scheme is not ideal. ! It leads to large fluctuations in the phi direction. n=3 qlm_killing_eigenvalue_re(hn) = wr(n) qlm_killing_eigenvalue_im(hn) = wi(n) if (abs(cmplx(wr(n),wi(n),kind(wr)) - (1,0)) > 1.0d-4) then call CCTK_WARN (3, "Did not manage to find an eigenvector with the eigenvalue 1") end if call transport_along_equator (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0, xi(:,n), chi(n)) call transport_along_meridians (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, i0) call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_xi_t(:,:,hn), -1) call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_xi_p(:,:,hn), -1) call set_boundary (CCTK_PASS_FTOF, hn, qlm_chi (:,:,hn), +1) 9999 continue end subroutine qlm_killing_transport