#include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" subroutine qlm_import_surface (CCTK_ARGUMENTS, hn) use cctk use qlm_boundary implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS integer :: hn integer :: i, j, sn character :: msg*1000 if (veryverbose/=0) then call CCTK_INFO ("Importing surface shape") end if if (surface_index(hn) < 0 .or. surface_index(hn) >= nsurfaces) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Illegal spherical surface index specified") end if if (verbose/=0 .or. veryverbose/=0) then write (msg, '("Importing from spherical surface ",i4)') surface_index(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) end if sn = surface_index(hn) + 1 if (qlm_calc_error(hn) == 0 .and. cctk_iteration > qlm_iteration(hn)) then ! Cycle time levels qlm_have_valid_data_p_p(hn) = qlm_have_valid_data_p(hn) qlm_have_valid_data_p (hn) = qlm_have_valid_data (hn) qlm_have_killing_vector_p_p(hn) = qlm_have_killing_vector_p(hn) qlm_have_killing_vector_p (hn) = qlm_have_killing_vector (hn) qlm_iteration(hn) = cctk_iteration qlm_time_p_p(hn) = qlm_time_p(hn) qlm_time_p (hn) = qlm_time (hn) qlm_radius_p_p(hn) = qlm_radius_p(hn) qlm_radius_p (hn) = qlm_radius (hn) qlm_origin_x_p_p(hn) = qlm_origin_x_p(hn) qlm_origin_x_p (hn) = qlm_origin_x (hn) qlm_origin_y_p_p(hn) = qlm_origin_y_p(hn) qlm_origin_y_p (hn) = qlm_origin_y (hn) qlm_origin_z_p_p(hn) = qlm_origin_z_p(hn) qlm_origin_z_p (hn) = qlm_origin_z (hn) qlm_shape_p_p(:,:,hn) = qlm_shape_p(:,:,hn) qlm_shape_p (:,:,hn) = qlm_shape (:,:,hn) end if ! Check for valid horizon data if (sf_valid(sn) <= 0) then if (verbose/=0) then call CCTK_INFO ("No valid horizon data found") end if qlm_calc_error(hn) = 1 qlm_have_valid_data(hn) = 0 qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 0 return end if ! Import surface description qlm_calc_error(hn) = 0 qlm_have_valid_data(hn) = 0 qlm_have_killing_vector(hn) = 1 if (qlm_have_valid_data_p(hn) == 0) then qlm_timederiv_order(hn) = 0 else if (qlm_have_valid_data_p_p(hn) == 0) then qlm_timederiv_order(hn) = 1 else qlm_timederiv_order(hn) = 2 end if qlm_time(hn) = cctk_time #warning "TODO: Ensure that the surface parameters don't change" qlm_nghoststheta(hn) = sf_nghoststheta(sn) qlm_nghostsphi (hn) = sf_nghostsphi(sn) qlm_ntheta (hn) = sf_ntheta(sn) qlm_nphi (hn) = sf_nphi(sn) qlm_origin_x (hn) = sf_origin_x(sn) qlm_origin_y (hn) = sf_origin_y(sn) qlm_origin_z (hn) = sf_origin_z(sn) qlm_origin_theta(hn) = sf_origin_theta(sn) qlm_origin_phi (hn) = sf_origin_phi(sn) qlm_delta_theta (hn) = sf_delta_theta(sn) qlm_delta_phi (hn) = sf_delta_phi(sn) if (veryverbose /= 0) then write (msg, '("calc error : ",i6)') qlm_calc_error(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("time deriv order: ",i6)') qlm_timederiv_order(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("time : ",g16.6)') qlm_time(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("nghosts : ",2i6)') qlm_nghoststheta(hn), qlm_nghostsphi(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("n : ",2i6)') qlm_ntheta(hn), qlm_nphi(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("origin : ",3g16.6)') & qlm_origin_x(hn), qlm_origin_y(hn), qlm_origin_z(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("origin : ",2g16.6)') & qlm_origin_theta(hn), qlm_origin_phi(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) write (msg, '("delta : ",2g16.6)') & qlm_delta_theta(hn), qlm_delta_phi(hn) call CCTK_INFO (msg) end if if (qlm_ntheta(hn) > maxntheta .or. qlm_nphi(hn) > maxnphi) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Surface is too large") end if if (qlm_nghoststheta(hn)<1 .or. qlm_nghostsphi(hn)<1) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Not enough ghost zones for the horizon surface -- need at least 1") end if ! Import the surface ! Calculate the coordinates do j = 1, qlm_nphi(hn) do i = 1, qlm_ntheta(hn) qlm_shape(i,j,hn) = sf_radius(i,j,sn) end do end do if (mod(int(qlm_ntheta(hn) - 2*qlm_nghoststheta(hn)),2) /= 1) then ! We need a grid point on the equator call CCTK_WARN (0, "The number of interior grid points in theta direction must be odd") end if if (mod(int(qlm_nphi(hn) - 2*qlm_nghostsphi(hn)),4) /= 0) then ! We need grid points on the four major meridians call CCTK_WARN (0, "The number of interior grid points in phi direction must be a multiple of four") end if end subroutine qlm_import_surface