# Parameter definitions for thorn QuasiLocalMeasures BOOLEAN verbose "Produce log output while running" STEERABLE=always { } "no" BOOLEAN veryverbose "Produce much log output while running" STEERABLE=always { } "no" INT num_surfaces "Number of surfaces" { 0:100 :: "" } 1 INT surface_index[100] "Spherical surface that contains the surface shape" { -1 :: "do not calculate" 0:* :: "surface index" } -1 STRING coordsystem "The coordinate system to use" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "must be a registered coordinate system" } "cart3d" STRING interpolator "The interpolator to use" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "must be a registered interpolator" } "Lagrange polynomial interpolation" STRING interpolator_options "Options for the interpolator" STEERABLE=always { "" :: "must be a valid options specification" } "order=2" INT spatial_order "Order of spatial differencing" { 2 :: "second order" 4 :: "fourth order" } 2 REAL begin_qlm_calculations_after[100] "when should we start calculations?" STEERABLE=always { *:* :: "at/after this time (inclusively)" } 0.0 KEYWORD killing_vector_method "Method for finding the Killing vector field" STEERABLE=always { "axial" :: "Assume that d/dphi is a Killing vector" "eigenvector" :: "Solve the Killing vector equation as eigenvector equation" "gradient" :: "Calculate the normal to the gradient of a scalar" } "eigenvector" KEYWORD killing_vector_normalisation "Method for normalising the Killing vector field" STEERABLE=always { "average" :: "Average several integral lines" "median" :: "Use the median integral line" } "average" BOOLEAN output_vtk "Output a VTK file with the main 2D arrays?" STEERABLE=always { } "no" INT output_vtk_every "Order of spatial differencing" { *:* :: "output every so many iterations" } 1 SHARES: ADMBase USES KEYWORD metric_type SHARES: SphericalSurface USES INT nsurfaces USES BOOLEAN auto_res USES INT maxntheta USES INT maxnphi USES INT ntheta USES INT nphi USES INT nghoststheta USES INT nghostsphi USES BOOLEAN symmetric_x USES BOOLEAN symmetric_y USES BOOLEAN symmetric_z