/*@@ @file SetupPGH.c @date Fri Feb 21 10:18:17 1997 @author Paul Walker @desc Initializes the Pugh Grid Hierachy. @enddesc @version $Id$ @@*/ /*#define DEBUG_PUGH*/ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "pugh.h" #include "pughi.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusPUGH_PUGH_SetupPGH_c) /******************************************************************** ********************* Internal Routines ********************** ********************************************************************/ static int Setup_nProcs (pGH *pughGH, int dim); /*@@ @routine PUGH_SetupPGH @date Fri Feb 21 10:21:36 1997 @author Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Paul Walker @desc Sets up the PGH distribution based on processor number and problem size. This includes setting an optimal domain decomposition for each dimension, and setting ghosts and overlaps. @enddesc @var callerid @vdesc back reference to the calling cGH structure @vtype void * @vio in @endvar @var dim @vdesc number of dimensions to set up @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var nsize @vdesc number of grid points in every dimension @vtype int * @vio in @endvar @var nghostzones @vdesc number of ghostzones in every dimension @vtype int * @vio in @endvar @var staggertype @vdesc staggering type for variables on this pGH @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var perme @vdesc periodic boundary flags for every dimension @vtype int * @vio in @endvar @returntype pGH * @returndesc the pointer to the new pGH structure @endreturndesc @@*/ pGH *PUGH_SetupPGH (void *callerid, int dim, int *nsize, int *nghostzones, int staggertype, int *perme) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS pGH *pughGH; int i, idim; int *nprocs; /* Allocate for myself */ pughGH = (pGH *) malloc (sizeof (pGH)); /* Set an identifier for my parent */ pughGH->callerid = callerid; pughGH->GFExtras = (pGExtras **) malloc (dim * sizeof (pGExtras *)); pughGH->Connectivity = (pConnectivity **) malloc (dim*sizeof(pConnectivity*)); /* Set the total number of processors */ Setup_nProcs (pughGH, dim); /* Set up connectivity and extras for each dimension */ for (idim = 1; idim <= dim; idim++) { nprocs = (int *) malloc (idim * sizeof (int)); PUGH_SetupDefaultTopology (idim, nprocs); /* Check that there are enough grid points in this dimension * to make parallelising it worthwhile */ for (i = 0; i < idim; i++) { if ((! nprocs[i]) && (abs (nsize[i]) <= 2 * nghostzones[i] + 1)) { nprocs[i] = 1; } } pughGH->Connectivity[idim-1] = PUGH_SetupConnectivity (idim, pughGH->nprocs, nprocs, perme); free(nprocs); pughGH->GFExtras[idim-1] = PUGH_SetupPGExtras (idim, perme, staggertype, nsize, nghostzones, pughGH->nprocs, pughGH->Connectivity[idim-1]->nprocs, pughGH->myproc); } /* create the timer for communication time */ pughGH->comm_time = timer_output ? CCTK_TimerCreateI () : -1; pughGH->active = 1; pughGH->commmodel = PUGH_ALLOCATEDBUFFERS; pughGH->identity_string = NULL; pughGH->level = 0; pughGH->mglevel = 0; pughGH->convlevel = 0; pughGH->forceSync = 0; pughGH->nvariables = 0; pughGH->narrays = 0; pughGH->variables = NULL; return (pughGH); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_Terminate @date Tue Apr 18 15:21:42 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc PUGH's termination routine to destroy a pGH structure. @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype cGH * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_Terminate (cGH *GH) { pGH *pughGH = PUGH_pGH (GH); PUGH_DestroyPGH (&pughGH); return (0); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_DestroyPGH @date Thu Aug 21 11:38:10 1997 @author Paul Walker @desc Destroys a GH object. @enddesc @var GHin @vdesc address of PUGH GH extensions object to be destroyed @vtype pGH ** @vio in @endvar @@*/ void PUGH_DestroyPGH (pGH **GHin) { pGH *GH; pGA *GA; cGroup pgroup; int i; int variable; int group; int this_var; GH = *GHin; #ifdef CCTK_MPI CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_free (&GH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_free (&GH->PUGH_mpi_complex)); #ifdef CCTK_REAL4 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_free (&GH->PUGH_mpi_complex8)); #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL8 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_free (&GH->PUGH_mpi_complex16)); #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL16 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_free (&GH->PUGH_mpi_complex32)); #endif #endif /* Great. Now go about the work of destroying me. */ variable = 0; for(group = 0; group < CCTK_NumGroups(); group++) { #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf("Calling Destroying Group %s\n", CCTK_GroupName(group)); fflush(stdout); #endif CCTK_GroupData(group,&pgroup); if (pgroup.grouptype == CCTK_ARRAY || pgroup.grouptype == CCTK_GF) { GA = (pGA *) GH->variables[variable][0]; /* Destroy group comm buffers */ if (GA->groupcomm) { if (GA->groupcomm->commflag != PUGH_NOCOMM) { PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm (GH, variable, GA->groupcomm); } PUGH_DestroyComm (&GA->groupcomm); } /* Destroy the group's connectivity and extras structure for CCTK_ARRAY groups. Remember that the connectivity and extras for CCTK_GF types are shared between all such groups and are destroyed later. */ if (GA->connectivity != GH->Connectivity[pgroup.dim-1]) { PUGH_DestroyConnectivity (&GA->connectivity); } if (GA->extras != GH->GFExtras[pgroup.dim-1]) { PUGH_DestroyPGExtras (&GA->extras); } } for (this_var = 0; this_var < pgroup.numvars; this_var++, variable++) { for(i = 0 ; i < pgroup.numtimelevels; i++) { switch(pgroup.grouptype) { case CCTK_GF: case CCTK_ARRAY: PUGH_DestroyGArray(&(((pGA ***)GH->variables)[variable][i])); break; case CCTK_SCALAR: if (GH->variables[variable][i]) { free(GH->variables[variable][i]); } break; } } free(GH->variables[variable]); } } for (i=1;i<=GH->dim;i++) { PUGH_DestroyConnectivity(&GH->Connectivity[i-1]); PUGH_DestroyPGExtras(&GH->GFExtras[i-1]); } if(GH->identity_string) { free(GH->identity_string); } free(GH->Connectivity); free(GH->GFExtras); free(GH->variables); free(GH); *GHin = NULL; } /*@@ @routine PUGH_SetupDefaultTopology @date Sun 23 Jan 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Set the processor decomposition from PUGH parameters. @enddesc @var dim @vdesc topology dimension @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var nprocs @vdesc number of processors in each dimension @vtype int [] @vio out @endvar @returntype int @returndesc PUGH_SUCCESS for success, or PUGH_ERROR for invalid dimension @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_SetupDefaultTopology (int dim, int nprocs[]) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int retval; retval = PUGH_SUCCESS; switch (dim) { case 1: nprocs[0] = processor_topology_1d_x; break; case 2: nprocs[0] = processor_topology_2d_x; nprocs[1] = processor_topology_2d_y; break; case 3: nprocs[0] = processor_topology_3d_x; nprocs[1] = processor_topology_3d_y; nprocs[2] = processor_topology_3d_z; break; default: memset (nprocs, 0, dim * sizeof (int)); retval = PUGH_ERROR; } return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_ParallelInit @date Tue Apr 18 15:21:42 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc PUGH overloadable routine for CCTK_ParallelInit(). @enddesc @calls @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype cGH * @vio unused @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_ParallelInit (cGH *GH) { /* avoid compiler warning about unused parameter */ GH = GH; return (0); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_Exit @date Saturday July 15 2000 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc PUGH overloadable routine for CCTK_Exit(). @enddesc @calls MPI_Finalize exit @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype cGH * @vio in @endvar @var retval @vdesc return code to exit with @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc This function should never return. But if it does it will return the given return code. @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_Exit (cGH *GH, int retval) { /* avoid compiler warning about unused parameter */ GH = GH; #ifdef CCTK_MPI CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Finalize ()); #endif exit (retval); return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_Abort @date Saturday July 15 2000 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc PUGH overloadable routine for CCTK_Abort(). @enddesc @calls MPI_Abort exit @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype cGH * @vio in @endvar @var retval @vdesc return code to abort with @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc This function should never return. But if it does it will return 0. @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_Abort (cGH *GH, int retval) { #ifdef CCTK_MPI /* flush stdout and stderr before calling MPI_Abort() because some MPI implementations simply kill other MPI processes */ fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Abort (GH ? PUGH_pGH (GH)->PUGH_COMM_WORLD : MPI_COMM_WORLD, retval)); #else /* avoid compiler warning about unused parameter */ GH = GH; retval = retval; /* FIXME */ /*abort();*/ #endif exit (0); return (0); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_MyProc @date Tue Jan 23 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc PUGH overloadable routine for CCTK_MyProc(). @enddesc @calls MPI_Comm_rank @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc the processor number of the caller @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_MyProc (const cGH *GH) { int myproc; #ifdef CCTK_MPI CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_rank (GH ? PUGH_pGH (GH)->PUGH_COMM_WORLD : MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myproc)); #else GH = GH; myproc = 0; #endif return (myproc); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_nProcs @date Tue Jan 23 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc PUGH overloadable routine for CCTK_nProcs(). @enddesc @calls MPI_Comm_size @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc the total number of processors @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_nProcs (const cGH *GH) { int nprocs; #ifdef CCTK_MPI CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_size (GH ? PUGH_pGH (GH)->PUGH_COMM_WORLD : MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs)); #else GH = GH; nprocs = 1; #endif return (nprocs); } #if 0 void pGH_DumpInfo(pGH *GH) { int i,j,k; printf("INFO: \n"); printf(" myproc: %d/%d \n",GH->myproc,GH->nprocs); printf(" ownership: \n"); for (i=0;idim;j++) { printf(" GH->ownership[%d][0/1][%d]: %d %d \n", i,j,GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->ownership[i][0][j],GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->ownership[i][1][j]); } } for (i=0;idim;j++) { for (k=0;k<2*GH->dim;k++) { printf(" GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->ghosts[%d][0/1][%d][%d]: %d %d \n", i,k,j,GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->ghosts[i][0][k][j],GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->ghosts[i][1][k][j]); } } } for (i=0;idim;j++) { for (k=0;k<2*GH->dim;k++) { printf(" GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->overlap[%d][0/1][%d][%d]: %d %d \n", i,k,j,GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->overlap[i][0][j][k],GH->GFExtras[GH->dim-1]->overlap[i][1][k][j]); } } } } #endif /******************************************************************** ********************* Internal Routines ********************** ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine Setup_nProcs @date Tue Apr 18 15:21:42 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Setup PUGH_COMM_WORLD communicator and make sure that CCTK_INT and CCTK_REAL sizes are the same on all processors. Define MPI datatypes for CCTK_REAL and CCTK_COMPLEX variables. @enddesc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid hierarchy @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var dim @vdesc dimension of processor topology to set up @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ static int Setup_nProcs (pGH *pughGH, int dim) { #ifdef CCTK_MPI CCTK_REAL4 sum_sizes [2], compiled_sizes [2]; /* Set up my communicator. This would allow us to run pugh on a subset of processors at a later date if, for instance, we were using panda or what not. */ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_size (pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &pughGH->nprocs)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Comm_rank (pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD, &pughGH->myproc)); /* check that all executables uses the same integer and fp precision within a metacomputing environment NOTE: We cannot use CCTK_INT4s in MPI_Allreduce() since (although they have the same size) they might be correspond to different MPI datatypes. CCTK_REAL4 should always refer to MPI_FLOAT. */ compiled_sizes [0] = sizeof (CCTK_INT); compiled_sizes [1] = sizeof (CCTK_REAL); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Allreduce (compiled_sizes, sum_sizes, 2, PUGH_MPI_REAL4, MPI_SUM, pughGH->PUGH_COMM_WORLD)); if (compiled_sizes [0] * pughGH->nprocs != sum_sizes [0]) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Cannot run executables with different precision for " "CCTK_INTs within a metacomputing environment !\n" "Please configure with unique CCTK_INTEGER_PRECISION !"); } if (compiled_sizes [1] * pughGH->nprocs != sum_sizes [1]) { CCTK_WARN (0, "Cannot run executables with different precision for " "CCTK_REALs within a metacomputing environment !\n" "Please configure with unique CCTK_REAL_PRECISION !"); } /* define the complex datatype as a concatanation of 2 PUGH_MPI_REALs */ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_contiguous (2, PUGH_MPI_REAL, &pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_commit (&pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex)); /* dito for fixed-precision reals */ #ifdef CCTK_REAL4 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_contiguous (2, PUGH_MPI_REAL4, &pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex8)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_commit (&pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex8)); #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL8 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_contiguous (2, PUGH_MPI_REAL8, &pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex16)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_commit (&pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex16)); #endif #ifdef CCTK_REAL16 CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_contiguous (2, PUGH_MPI_REAL16, &pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex32)); CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Type_commit (&pughGH->PUGH_mpi_complex32)); #endif #else pughGH->nprocs = 1; pughGH->myproc = 0; #endif pughGH->dim = dim; return (0); }