/*@@ @file FinishReceiveGA.c @date Wed Feb 2 11:37:28 1997 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc The routine which finalize the MPI recieves for a communication. Critically linked with @seefile PostRecvGA.c and @seefile PostSendGA.c @enddesc @version $Id$ @@*/ /*#define DEBUG_PUGH*/ #include #include "pugh.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusPUGH_PUGH_FinishReceiveGA_c); #ifdef CCTK_MPI void FinishReceiveGA(pGH *pughGH, int dir, pComm *comm); /*@@ @routine FinishReceiveGA @date Thu Apr 3 11:38:07 1997 @author Paul Walker @desc This routine finalizes the MPI communication through a face. It is crucially linked with @seeroutine PostRecvGA and @seeroutine PostSendGA.

Important! This routine does not wait on the recieves. Before it is called, you must do the MPI_Wait or else you will not get the right answer. for an example of this, see @seeroutine PUGH_DisableArrayGroupComm or @seeroutine PUGH_Sync @enddesc @calledby PUGH_Sync @history @hdate Nov 4 1998 @hauthor Gabrielle Allen @hdesc Allow for forced synchronization of all GAs with storage @endhistory @@*/ void FinishReceiveGA(pGH *pughGH, int dir, pComm *comm) { pGA *GA; int i, dim, copy_bytes, offset; char *copy_from, *copy_to; int *istart, *iend, *iterator; GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables[comm->first_var][0]; /* Return if GA has no storage */ if (! GA->storage) { return; } /* Return if communication not required and no forced synchronisation */ if (! (pughGH->forceSync || comm->docomm[dir])) { return; } if (GA->connectivity->neighbours[pughGH->myproc][dir] < 0) { return; } /* Here wait one at a time, so the others can arrive while we copy the data back in... */ #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf ("FinishReceiveGA: into direction %d from proc %d for %d vars " "starting with '%s'\n", dir, GA->connectivity->neighbours[pughGH->myproc][dir], comm->n_vars, GA->name); #endif istart = GA->extras->ghosts[GA->stagger][0][dir]; iend = GA->extras->ghosts[GA->stagger][1][dir]; iterator = GA->extras->iterator; /* set iterator to the start vector */ for(dim = 0; dim < GA->extras->dim; dim++) { iterator[dim] = istart[dim]; } /* get the source and the number of bytes to copy in the lowest dimension */ copy_from = comm->recv_buffer[dir]; copy_bytes = (iend[0] - istart[0]) * GA->varsize; /* now do the nested loops starting with the innermost */ dim = 1; while (1) { /* check for end of current loop */ if (GA->extras->dim > 1 && iterator[dim] >= iend[dim]) { /* increment outermost loopers */ for (dim++; dim < GA->extras->dim; dim++) { iterator[dim]++; if (iterator[dim] < iend[dim]) { break; } } /* done if beyond outermost loop */ if (dim >= GA->extras->dim) { break; } /* reset innermost loopers */ for (dim--; dim > 0; dim--) { iterator[dim] = istart[dim]; } dim = 1; } /* get the linear offset */ offset = istart[0]; for (i = 1; i < GA->extras->dim; i++) { offset += iterator[i] * GA->extras->hyper_volume[i]; } offset *= GA->varsize; /* copy the data in dimension 0 */ for (i = comm->first_var; i < comm->first_var + comm->n_vars; i++) { copy_to = ((pGA *) pughGH->variables[i][comm->sync_timelevel])->data; memcpy (copy_to + offset, copy_from, copy_bytes); copy_from += copy_bytes; } if (GA->extras->dim > 1) { /* increment current looper */ iterator[dim]++; } else { /* exit loop if array dim is 1D */ break; } } /* end of nested loops over all dimensions */ } #endif /* CCTK_MPI */