/*@@ @file Comm.c @date Thu Feb 4 11:34:29 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc PUGH communication functions @enddesc @version $Id$ @@*/ /*#define DEBUG_PUGH 1*/ #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "pugh.h" #include "pughi.h" #include "pugh_Comm.h" static const char *rcsid="$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusPUGH_PUGH_Comm_c); /* local function prototypes */ static int PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm(pGH *pughGH, int first_var, int commflag); static int PUGH_EnableComm(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm, int commflag); static int PUGH_DisableComm(pGA *GA, pComm *comm); static int PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup(pGH *pughGH, int first_var); static int PUGH_Sync(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm); static int PUGH_SyncSingleProc(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm); /*@@ @routine PUGH_SyncGroup @author Thomas Radke @date 30 Mar 1999 @desc Synchronizes all variables in the group indicated by groupname. @enddesc @calls PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var groupname @vdesc name of the group to be synchronized @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup for grid array groups
-1 for an unknown group or group type @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_SyncGroup(const cGH *GH, const char *groupname) { cGroup pgroup; int group, retval; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf (" PUGH_SyncGroup: request for group '%s'\n", groupname); fflush (stdout); #endif /* get the group info from its index */ group = CCTK_GroupIndex(groupname); if (group < 0) { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "PUGH_SyncGroup: Unknown group: %s", groupname); retval = -1; } else if (CCTK_NumVarsInGroupI(group) == 0) { retval = 0; /* do nothing */ } else { CCTK_GroupData(group, &pgroup); retval = PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup(PUGH_pGH(GH), CCTK_FirstVarIndexI(group)); } return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_EnableGroupComm @author Thomas Radke @date 30 Mar 1999 @desc Enables communication for all variables in the group indicated by groupname. @enddesc @calls PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var groupname @vdesc name of the group to be synchronized @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm for grid array groups
-1 for an unknown group type @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_EnableGroupComm(const cGH *GH, const char *groupname) { int group, retval; cGroup pgroup; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_EnableGroupComm: request for group '%s'\n", groupname); fflush(stdout); #endif /* get the group info from its index */ group = CCTK_GroupIndex(groupname); CCTK_GroupData(group, &pgroup); retval = PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm(PUGH_pGH(GH), CCTK_FirstVarIndexI(group), PUGH_ALLCOMM); return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_DisableGroupComm @author Thomas Radke @date 30 Mar 1999 @desc Disables communication for all variables in the group indicated by groupname. @enddesc @calls PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @var groupname @vdesc name of the group to be synchronized @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm for grid array groups
-1 for an unknown group type @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_DisableGroupComm(const cGH *GH, const char *groupname) { int group, first_var, retval; cGroup pgroup; pGA *GA; pGH *pughGH; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_DisableGroupComm: request for group '%s'\n", groupname); fflush(stdout); #endif /* get the group info from its index */ group = CCTK_GroupIndex(groupname); CCTK_GroupData(group, &pgroup); first_var = CCTK_FirstVarIndexI(group); pughGH = PUGH_pGH(GH); GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables[first_var][0]; /* FIXME: workaround. This one is really bad ! */ retval = PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm(pughGH, first_var, GA->groupcomm); return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_EnableGArrayComm @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Enables communication for a single array. @enddesc @var GA @vdesc Pointer to grid array structure @vtype pGA * @vio in @endvar @var commflag @vdesc flag indicating in which directions to communicate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_EnableComm @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_EnableGArrayComm(pGA *GA, int commflag) { #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_EnableGArrayComm: request for var '%s' commflag %d\n", GA->name, commflag); fflush(stdout); #endif return (PUGH_EnableComm((pGH *) GA->parent, GA->comm, commflag)); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_DisableGArrayComm @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Disables communication for a single array. @enddesc @var GA @vdesc Pointer to grid array structure @vtype pGA * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_DisableComm @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_DisableGArrayComm(pGA *GA) { #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_DisableGArrayComm: request for var '%s'\n", GA->name); fflush(stdout); #endif return (PUGH_DisableComm(GA, GA->comm)); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Synchronizes a group of arrays given the first variable within this group. @enddesc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid hierarchy extension @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var first_var @vdesc grid index of first variable in the group @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_Sync @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup(pGH *pughGH, int first_var) { int retval; pGA *firstGA; if (first_var<0 || first_var>=CCTK_NumVars()) { CCTK_WARN (0, "internal error"); } firstGA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables [first_var][0]; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_SyncGArrayGroup: request for group with first var '%s'\n", firstGA->name); fflush(stdout); #endif /* Automatically enable communication for this group. */ PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm(pughGH, first_var, PUGH_ALLCOMM); retval = PUGH_Sync(pughGH, firstGA->groupcomm); return (retval); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_SyncGArray @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Synchronizes a single array variable given the GA structure of this variable. @enddesc @var GA @vdesc Pointer to grid array structure @vtype pGA * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_Sync @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_SyncGArray(pGA *GA) { #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_SyncGArray: request for var '%s'\n", GA->name); fflush(stdout); #endif return (PUGH_Sync((pGH *) GA->parent, GA->comm)); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Disables communication for a group of arrays given the first variable within this group. @enddesc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid hierarchy extension @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var first_var @vdesc grid index of first variable in the group @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var groupcomm @vdesc pointer to comm structure for this group @vtype pComm * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_DisableComm @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm(pGH *pughGH, int first_var, pComm *groupcomm) { pGA *GA; /* first variable in group */ GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables[first_var][0]; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_DisableGArrayGroupComm: request for group " "with first var '%s'\n", GA->name); fflush(stdout); #endif return (PUGH_DisableComm(GA, groupcomm)); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_Barrier @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Synchronize all processors at a given point of execution. @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy @vtype const cGH * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ int PUGH_Barrier(const cGH *GH) { #ifdef CCTK_MPI CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Barrier (PUGH_pGH (GH)->PUGH_COMM_WORLD)); #else GH = GH; #endif return (0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* local functions */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Enables communication for a group of arrays given the first variable within this group. @enddesc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid hierarchy extension @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var first_var @vdesc grid index of first variable in the group @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var commflag @vdesc flag indicating in which directions to communicate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine PUGH_EnableComm @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm(pGH *pughGH, int first_var, int commflag) { pGA *GA; /* first variable in group */ GA = pughGH->variables [first_var][0]; #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf(" PUGH_EnableGArrayGroupComm: request for group " "with first var '%s', commflag %d\n", GA->name, commflag); fflush(stdout); #endif return (PUGH_EnableComm(pughGH, GA->groupcomm, commflag)); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_EnableComm @date Sun Jan 23 12:46:23 2000 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc This sets the docomm[2*dim] array of the GA based on the setting of the comm flag and allocates the comm buffers. @enddesc @history @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke Moved buffer allocation from PUGH_EnableGArrayDataStorage @endhistory @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid hierarchy extension @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var comm @vdesc Pointer to comm structure @vtype pComm * @vio in @endvar @var commflag @vdesc flag indicating in which directions to communicate @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 if communication was enabled,
or negative otherwise @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_EnableComm(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm, int commflag) { int retval; /* return value */ #ifdef CCTK_MPI pGA *GA; /* GA structure the pComm belongs to */ int i, idir; /* loopers */ int dir; /* direction */ int sz; /* buffer size */ #endif retval = 1; #ifdef CCTK_MPI /* check whether this comm buffer is already set up */ if (comm->commflag == commflag) { return (retval); } /* get the GA structure the comm structure belongs to For a group comm structure this GA is the first one within the group. */ GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables [comm->first_var][comm->sync_timelevel]; if (comm->commflag == PUGH_NOCOMM) { #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf (" PUGH_EnableComm: allocating comm buffer for %d vars starting " "with %d '%s'\n", comm->n_vars, comm->first_var, GA->name); fflush (stdout); #endif /* allocate memory for communication buffers: 2 faces per direction */ for (i = 0; i < 2 * GA->extras->dim; i++) { comm->buffer_sz[i] = 0; comm->send_buffer[i] = NULL; comm->recv_buffer[i] = NULL; if (GA->connectivity->neighbours[pughGH->myproc][i] >= 0) { dir = i/2; /* no ghostzones -> no comm buffers */ sz = comm->n_vars * GA->extras->nghostzones[dir]; if (sz > 0) { for (idir = 0; idir < GA->extras->dim; idir++) { if (idir != dir) { sz *= GA->extras->lnsize[idir]; } } comm->buffer_sz[i] = sz; comm->send_buffer[i] = malloc(sz * GA->varsize); comm->recv_buffer[i] = malloc(sz * GA->varsize); if (! (comm->send_buffer[i] && comm->recv_buffer[i])) { for (; i >=0 ; i--) { free(comm->send_buffer[i]); free(comm->recv_buffer[i]); comm->buffer_sz[i] = 0; } CCTK_WARN(1, "Out of memory !"); retval = -1; break; } } } } } /* set up comm flags for each face */ if (retval >= 0) { /* Copy commflag */ comm->commflag = commflag; /* First set all communcation off */ for (idir = 0; idir < 2 * GA->extras->dim; idir++) { comm->docomm[idir] = 0; } if (commflag == PUGH_ALLCOMM) { for (idir = 0; idir < 2 * GA->extras->dim; idir++) { comm->docomm[idir] = comm->buffer_sz[idir] > 0; } } else if (commflag == PUGH_PLUSFACESCOMM) { for (idir = 0; idir < GA->extras->dim; idir++) { comm->docomm[2*idir+1] = comm->buffer_sz[2*idir+1] > 0; } } else if (commflag == PUGH_MINUSFACESCOMM) { for (idir = 0; idir < GA->extras->dim; idir++) { comm->docomm[2*idir] = comm->buffer_sz[2*idir] > 0; } } else { for (idir = 0; idir < GA->extras->dim; idir++) { if (commflag == PUGH_COMM(idir)) { comm->docomm[2*idir] = comm->buffer_sz[2*idir] > 0; comm->docomm[2*idir+1] = comm->buffer_sz[2*idir+1] > 0; } } } /* FIXME Add back the check that you have a valid COMM model: Gab */ /* Handle nsize = 1 type cases. This is only important for one processor MPI periodic boundaries */ for (idir = 0; idir < GA->extras->dim; idir++) { if (GA->extras->nsize[idir] == 1) { comm->docomm[2*idir] = 0; comm->docomm[2*idir+1] = 0; } } } #else /* get rid of compiler warning about unused parameters */ pughGH = pughGH; comm = comm; commflag = commflag; #endif /* CCTK_MPI */ return retval; } /*@@ @routine PUGH_DisableComm @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc This frees the communication buffers of a given comm structure. @enddesc @history Separated from routine PUGH_DisableGArrayDataStorage() @endhistory @var GA @vdesc Pointer to grid array structure @vtype pGA * @vio in @endvar @var comm @vdesc Pointer to comm structure @vtype pComm * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 for communication was disabled @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_DisableComm(pGA *GA, pComm *comm) { #ifdef CCTK_MPI int i; /* looper */ #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf (" PUGH_DisableComm: freeing comm buffer for group of %d vars and " "first var '%s'\n", comm->n_vars, GA->name); fflush (stdout); #endif if (comm->commflag != PUGH_NOCOMM) { /* free memory for communication buffers: 2 faces per direction */ for (i = 0; i < 2 * GA->extras->dim; i++) { if (comm->send_buffer[i]) { free(comm->send_buffer[i]); comm->send_buffer[i] = NULL; } if (comm->recv_buffer[i]) { free(comm->recv_buffer[i]); comm->recv_buffer[i] = NULL; } comm->buffer_sz[i] = 0; } comm->commflag = PUGH_NOCOMM; } else { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "PUGH_DisableComm: Communication already disabled for " "group of %d vars and first var '%s'", comm->n_vars, GA->name); } #else /* get rid of compiler warning about unused parameters */ GA = GA; comm = comm; #endif /* CCTK_MPI */ return (1); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_Sync @date Mon Jun 05 2000 @author Thomas Radke @desc Finally synchronizes a variable or group of variables according to a given comm structure. @enddesc @calls PUGH_SyncSingleProc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid extensions @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var comm @vdesc Pointer to comm structure @vtype pComm * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_Sync(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm) { #ifdef CCTK_MPI int dir; pGA *GA; MPI_Status mss; #ifdef PUGH_WITH_DERIVED_DATATYPES int i; MPI_Request *sr; #endif #ifdef COMM_TIMING double t1, t2; #endif #endif /* single-processor case is handled in separate routine */ if (pughGH->nprocs == 1) { return (PUGH_SyncSingleProc (pughGH, comm)); } #ifdef CCTK_MPI /* start the timer for communication time */ if (pughGH->comm_time >= 0) { CCTK_TimerStartI (pughGH->comm_time); } GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables [comm->first_var][comm->sync_timelevel]; #ifdef PUGH_WITH_DERIVED_DATATYPES if (pughGH->commmodel == PUGH_DERIVEDTYPES) { /* 2 faces, send and receive is the 2 * 2 */ sr = (MPI_Request *) malloc(comm->n_vars * 2 * 2 * sizeof(MPI_Request)); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_PUGH printf (" PUGH_Sync: syncing group of %d vars with first var '%s'\n", comm->n_vars, GA->name); fflush (stdout); #endif for (dir = 0; dir < GA->extras->dim; dir ++) { #ifdef COMM_TIMING t1 = MPI_Wtime(); #endif PostReceiveGA(pughGH, 2*dir, comm); PostReceiveGA(pughGH, 2*dir+1, comm); #ifdef COMM_TIMING t2 = MPI_Wtime(); printf("PR : %f\n",t2-t1); #endif PostSendGA(pughGH, 2*dir, comm); PostSendGA(pughGH, 2*dir+1, comm); #ifdef COMM_TIMING t1 = MPI_Wtime(); printf("PS : %f\n",t1-t2); #endif /* Now comes the big difference between derived types and allocated buffers. With derived types, we now have to wait on all our recieve AND SEND buffers so we can keep on using the send buffers ( as communications are in-place). With the allocated we have to wait on each recieve, but not on the send, since we don't need the send buffer until we pack a send again (above) */ if (pughGH->commmodel == PUGH_ALLOCATEDBUFFERS) { /* Do a wait any on the receives */ MPI_Wait(&comm->rreq[2*dir], &mss); FinishReceiveGA(pughGH, 2*dir, comm); MPI_Wait(&comm->rreq[2*dir+1], &mss); FinishReceiveGA(pughGH, 2*dir+1, comm); } #ifdef PUGH_WITH_DERIVED_DATATYPES else if (pughGH->commmodel == PUGH_DERIVEDTYPES) { /* Load up the thing for the waitall */ for (i = 0; i < comm->n_vars; i++) { int id = i * 2 * 2; pGA *GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables [i][comm->sync_timelevel]; if (GA->comm->docomm[2*dir] && GA->storage) { sr[id] = GA->comm->sreq[2*dir]; sr[id+1] = GA->comm->rreq[2*dir]; } else { sr[id] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; sr[id+1] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; } if (GA->comm->docomm[2*dir+1] && GA->storage) { sr[id+2] = GA->comm->sreq[2*dir+1]; sr[id+3] = GA->comm->rreq[2*dir+1]; } else { sr[id+2] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; sr[id+3] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; } } /* Now do a waitall */ MPI_Waitall(4*comm->n_vars, sr, &mss); } #endif #ifdef COMM_TIMING t2 = MPI_Wtime(); printf("FR : %f\n",t2-t1); #endif } #ifdef PUGH_WITH_DERIVED_DATATYPES if (pughGH->commmodel == PUGH_DERIVEDTYPES) { free(sr); } else #endif { /* wait for MPI to finish all outstanding send requests */ CACTUS_MPI_ERROR (MPI_Waitall (2 * GA->extras->dim, comm->sreq, comm->sstatus)); } /* get the time spent in communication */ if (pughGH->comm_time >= 0) { CCTK_TimerStopI(pughGH->comm_time); } #endif /* CCTK_MPI */ return (0); } /*@@ @routine PUGH_SyncSingleProc @date Sun Jan 14 2001 @author Thomas Radke @desc Finally synchronizes a variable or group of variables in the single-processor case. @enddesc @var pughGH @vdesc Pointer to PUGH grid extensions @vtype pGH * @vio in @endvar @var comm @vdesc Pointer to comm structure @vtype pComm * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 for success @endreturndesc @@*/ static int PUGH_SyncSingleProc(pGH *pughGH, pComm *comm) { pGA *GA; int i, face, dim, copy_bytes, offset_from, offset_to; char *data; int *istart_from, *iend_from, *iterator_from; int *istart_to, *iterator_to; GA = (pGA *) pughGH->variables [comm->first_var][comm->sync_timelevel]; /* return if no storage assigned */ if (! GA->storage) { CCTK_VWarn(2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Trying to synchronize variable '%s' with no storage", GA->name); return (0); } /* since we need to iterators here we need to allocate one */ iterator_from = GA->extras->iterator; iterator_to = (int *) malloc (GA->extras->dim * sizeof (int)); /* loop over all faces */ for (face = 0; face < 2 * GA->extras->dim; face++) { /* there's only something to do for periodic boundary conditions */ if (GA->connectivity->perme[face / 2]) { /* get the index ranges for the nested loops */ istart_from = GA->extras->overlap[GA->stagger][0][face]; iend_from = GA->extras->overlap[GA->stagger][1][face]; if (face & 1) { istart_to = GA->extras->ghosts[GA->stagger][0][face - 1]; } else { istart_to = GA->extras->ghosts[GA->stagger][0][face + 1]; } /* set iterators to the start vector */ for(dim = 0; dim < GA->extras->dim; dim++) { iterator_from[dim] = istart_from[dim]; iterator_to[dim] = istart_to[dim]; } /* get the number of bytes to copy in the lowest dimension */ copy_bytes = (iend_from[0] - istart_from[0]) * GA->varsize; /* now do the nested loops starting with the innermost */ dim = 1; while (1) { /* check for end of current loop */ if (GA->extras->dim > 1 && iterator_from[dim] >= iend_from[dim]) { /* increment outermost loopers */ for (dim++; dim < GA->extras->dim; dim++) { iterator_from[dim]++; iterator_to[dim]++; if (iterator_from[dim] < iend_from[dim]) { break; } } /* done if beyond outermost loop */ if (dim >= GA->extras->dim) { break; } /* reset innermost loopers */ for (dim--; dim > 0; dim--) { iterator_from[dim] = istart_from[dim]; iterator_to[dim] = istart_to[dim]; } dim = 1; } /* get the linear offsets */ offset_from = istart_from[0]; offset_to = istart_to[0]; for (i = 1; i < GA->extras->dim; i++) { offset_from += iterator_from[i] * GA->extras->hyper_volume[i]; offset_to += iterator_to[i] * GA->extras->hyper_volume[i]; } offset_from *= GA->varsize; offset_to *= GA->varsize; /* copy the data for all the variables in the comm structure */ for (i = comm->first_var; i < comm->first_var + comm->n_vars; i++) { data = ((pGA *) pughGH->variables[i][comm->sync_timelevel])->data; memcpy (data + offset_to, data + offset_from, copy_bytes); } /* increment current loopers */ if (GA->extras->dim > 1) { /* increment current looper */ iterator_from[dim]++; iterator_to[dim]++; } else { /* exit loop if array dim is 1D */ break; } } /* end of nested loops over all dimensions */ } } /* free the allocated iterator */ free (iterator_to); return (0); }