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Compiling without MPI results in an executable which can only be used on a single processor, compiling with MPI leads to an executable which can be used with either single or multiple processors. (Section~\ref{pugh_understanding} describes how you can tell if your executable has been compiled with or without MPI). For configuring with MPI, see the Cactus User's Guide. \section{Grid Size} The number of grid points used for a simulation can be set in PUGH either globally (that is, the total number of points across all processors), or locally (that is, the number of points on each processor). To set the global size of a 2D grid to be $40\times 40$ use {\tt \begin{verbatim} driver::global_nx = 40 driver::global_ny = 40 \end{verbatim} } To set the local size of a 2D grid to be $40\times 20$ on each processor, use {\tt \begin{verbatim} pugh::local_nx = 40 pugh::local_ny = 20 \end{verbatim} } \section{Periodic Boundary Conditions} PUGH can implement periodic boundary conditions during the synchronization of grid functions. Although this may a first seem a little confusing, and unlike the usual use of boundary conditions which are directly called from evolution routines, it is the most efficient and natural place for periodic boundary conditions. PUGH applied periodic conditions by simply communicating the appropriate ghostzones between "end" processors. For example, for a 1D domain with two ghostzones, split across two processors, Figure~\ref{pugh::fig1} shows the implementation of periodic boundary conditions. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{center} \ifpdf \else \includegraphics[angle=0,width=8cm]{periodic.eps} \fi \end{center} \caption[]{Implementation of periodic boundary conditions for a 1D domain, with two ghostzones, split across two processors. The lines labelled {\bf A} show the {\it standard} communications during synchronisation, the lines labelled {\bf B} show the additional communications for periodic boundary conditions.} \label{pugh::fig1} \end{figure} Periodic boundary conditions are applied to all grid functions, by default they are applied in all directions, although this behaviour can be customised to switch them off in given directions. By default, no periodic boundary conditions are applied. To apply periodic boundary conditions in all directions, set {\tt \begin{verbatim} driver::periodic = "yes" \end{verbatim} } To apply periodic boundary conditions in just the x- and y- directions or a 3 dimension domain, use {\tt \begin{verbatim} driver::periodic = "yes" driver::periodic_z = "no" \end{verbatim} } \section{Processor Decomposition} \section{Load Balancing} By default PUGH will distribute the computational grid evenly across all processors. This may not be efficient if there is a different computational load on different processors, or for example for a simulation distributed across different processor speeds. The computational grid can be manually distributed using the parameters {\tt partition[\_1d\_x|\_2d\_x|\_2d\_y|\_3d\_x|\_3d\_y|\_3d\_z]}. To manual specify the load distribution, set {\tt pugh::partition = ``manual''} and then, depending on the grid dimension, set the remaining parameters to distribute the load in each direction. Note that for this you need to know apriori the processor decomposition. The decomposition is easiest to explain with an example, to distribute a grid with $30 \times 30$ points across 4 processors (decomposed as $2 \times 2$) as: \begin{tabular}{cc} $20\times 15$ & $10 \times 15$ \\ $20\times 15$ & $10 \times 15$ \end{tabular} use the parameters {\tt \begin{verbatim} pugh::partition=''manual'' pugh::partition_2d_x=''20:10'' pugh::partition_2d_y=''15:15'' \end{verbatim} } Note that an empty string for a direction will apply the automatic distribution. \section{Understanding PUGH Output} \label{pugh_understanding} PUGH reports information about the processor decomposition to standard output at the start of a job. This section described how to interpret that output. \vskip .3cm \noindent {\bf Single Processor (no MPI)} \begin{itemize} \item{\bf Type of evolution} If an executable has been compiled for only single processor use (without MPI), the first thing which PUGH reports is this fact: {\tt INFO (PUGH): Single processor evolution} \end{itemize} \vskip .3cm \noindent {\bf Multiple Processor (with MPI)} \vskip .3cm \begin{itemize} \item{\bf Type of evolution} If an executable has been compiled using MPI, the first thing which PUGH reports is this fact, together with the number of processors being used: {\tt INFO (PUGH): MPI Evolution on 3 processors} \item{\bf Maximum load skew} The maximum load skew describes the variance in the number of gridpoints on each processor, and is defined by $$\mbox{Max Skew} = 100 \;\;\frac{\mbox{Max Points}- \mbox{Min Points}}{\mbox{Average Points}} $$ For most purposes, the maximum skew should ideally be close to zero, however if your simulation has a different load at different grid points, or if you are running across processors with different properties, the optimal skew could be quite different. By default, PUGH tries to minize the skew in gridpoints, however this may be overriden by performing the load balancing manually. \end{itemize} \section{Useful Parameters} There are several parameters in PUGH which are useful for debugging and optimisation: \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt pugh::enable\_all\_storage}] Enables storage for all grid variables (that is, not only those set in a thorns {\tt schedule.ccl} file). Try this parameter if you are getting segmentation faults, if enabling all storage removes the problem, it most likely means that you are accessing a grid variable (probably in a Fortran thorn) for which storage has not been set. \item[{\tt pugh::initialise\_memory}] By default, when PUGH allocates storage for a grid variable it does not initialise its elements. If you access an uninitialised variable on some platforms you will get a segmentation fault (and in general you will see erratic behaviour). This parameter can be used to initialise all elements to zero, if this removes your segmentation fault you can then track down the cause of the problem by using the same parameter to initialize all elements to NaNs and then track them with the thorn {\tt CactusUtils/NaNChecker}. Note that it isn't recommended to simply use this parameter to initialise all elements to zero, instead we recommend you to set all variables to their correct values before using them. \item[{\tt pugh::storage\_verbose}] This parameter can be set to print out the number of grid variables which have storage allocated at each iteration, and the total size of the storage allocated by Cactus. Note that this total does not include storage allocated independently in thorns. \item[{\tt timer\_output}] This parameter can be set to provide the time spent communicating variables between processors. \end{Lentry} % Automatically created from the ccl files by using gmake thorndoc \include{interface} \include{param} \include{schedule} \end{document}