% /*@@ % @file documentation.tex % @date 16 May 2002 % @author Denis Pollney % @desc % Thorn Noise user's guide. % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @@*/ \documentclass{article} \newif\ifpdf \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX \else \pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX \pdftrue \fi \ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \else \usepackage{graphicx} \fi \parskip = 0 pt \parindent = 0pt \oddsidemargin = 0 cm \textwidth = 16 cm \topmargin = -1 cm \textheight = 24 cm \begin{document} \title{Using the \texttt{Noise} thorn} \author{Denis Pollney} \date{April 2002} \maketitle The \texttt{Noise} thorn can be used to place random values on Cactus grid functions at initial data and at the boundaries during evolution. This can be used to carry out ``robust stability'' tests, such as those proposed by Jeff Winicour.\\ \section{Initial data} To apply a random perturbation to initial data, set \texttt{noise::apply\_id\_noise="yes"}. Then each grid function listed in the parameter \texttt{noise::id\_vars} will be adjusted by a random factor. The maximum size of the random perturbation is controlled by the parameter \texttt{noise::amplitude}. The perturbations are applied during the \texttt{CCTK\_POSTINITIAL} time bin. \section{Boundary conditions} A random number will be added to each point on the boundary of grid functions listed in the \texttt{noise::bc\_vars} parameter if the flag \texttt{noise::apply\_bc\_noise="yes"} is set. As with the initial data, the maximum size of the perturbation is given by the \texttt{noise::amplitude} parameter. The adjustments are applied at each \texttt{CCTK\_POSTSTEP}. \section{Example} The following parameters can be used to apply a random adjustment of size $A=\pm0.0005$ to the initial data and boundaries of the metric variables. \begin{verbatim} ActiveThorns = "... Noise ..." noise::apply_id_noise = "yes" noise::id_vars = "admbase::metric" noise::apply_bc_noise = "yes" noise::bc_vars = "admbase::metric" noise::amplitude = 0.001 \end{verbatim} \end{document}