! $Header$ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" subroutine NoExcision_CGInit_1 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_INT :: my_level, n_levels CCTK_INT :: ierr CCTK_INT, dimension(3) :: sym nx = cctk_lsh(1); ny = cctk_lsh(2); nz = cctk_lsh(3) loop_control = 0 call NoExcision_levelinfo ( cctkGH, my_level, n_levels ) if ( my_level == n_levels-1 ) then where (abs(gxx) < 1d-8 .and. abs(alp) < 1d-8) nes_mask = 1 elsewhere nes_mask = 0 end where call CCTK_INFO ( 'Starting smoothing procedure' ) resgxx = zero; resgxy = zero; resgxz = zero resgyy = zero; resgyz = zero; resgzz = zero reskxx = zero; reskxy = zero; reskxz = zero reskyy = zero; reskyz = zero; reskzz = zero res = zero; resx = zero; resy = zero; resz = zero dgxx = zero; dgxy = zero; dgxz = zero dgyy = zero; dgyz = zero; dgzz = zero dkxx = zero; dkxy = zero; dkxz = zero dkyy = zero; dkyz = zero; dkzz = zero d = zero; dx = zero; dy = zero; dz = zero qgxx = zero; qgxy = zero; qgxz = zero qgyy = zero; qgyz = zero; qgzz = zero qkxx = zero; qkxy = zero; qkxz = zero qkyy = zero; qkyz = zero; qkzz = zero q = zero; qx = zero; qy = zero; qz = zero redgxx = zero; redgxy = zero; redgxz = zero redgyy = zero; redgyz = zero; redgzz = zero redkxx = zero; redkxy = zero; redkxz = zero redkyy = zero; redkyz = zero; redkzz = zero red = zero; redx = zero; redy = zero; redz = zero ! r = b - A x. ! Since x=0 and we actually use A': b = -A' 0 and r = b = -A' 0. call residual_all ( gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, & kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz, & alp, betax, betay, betaz, & resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & nes_mask, -one, smoothing_order ) ! d = r = b. call residual_all ( gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, & kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz, & alp, betax, betay, betaz, & dgxx, dgxy, dgxz, dgyy, dgyz, dgzz, & dkxx, dkxy, dkxz, dkyy, dkyz, dkzz, & d, dx, dy, dz, & nes_mask, -one, smoothing_order ) ! red = r*r. call multiply ( resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & redgxx, redgxy, redgxz, redgyy, redgyz, redgzz, & redkxx, redkxy, redkxz, redkyy, redkyz, redkzz, & red, redx, redy, redz, nes_mask ) call CCTK_ReductionArrayHandle ( sum_handle, 'sum' ) if ( sum_handle .lt. 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN(0,'Could not obtain a handle for sum reduction') end if call CCTK_ReductionArrayHandle ( infnorm_handle, 'norm_inf' ) if ( infnorm_handle .lt. 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN(0,'Could not obtain a handle for norm_inf reduction') end if loop_counter = 0 loop_control = 1 sym_selector = 1 end if end subroutine NoExcision_CGInit_1 subroutine NoExcision_CGInit_2 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_INT :: res_var, ierr integer :: i character(len=56) :: conv_message if ( loop_control == 1 ) then do i = 1, 16 if ( cont(i) ) then call CCTK_VarIndex ( res_var, red_names(i) ) if ( res_var < 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not get index to grid function red' ) end if ! delta_new = r^T r. call CCTK_Reduce ( ierr, cctkGH, -1, sum_handle, 1, & CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, delta_new(i), 1, res_var ) call CCTK_Reduce ( ierr, cctkGH, -1, infnorm_handle, 1, & CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, infnormresid(i), 1, res_var ) ! Since we are reducing r*r, we have to take the square root. infnormresid(i) = sqrt(infnormresid(i)) end if end do ! Check if some variables has already converged. This happens when the ! variable is identically zero. do i = 1, 16 if ( cont(i) ) then if ( infnormresid(i) < smoothing_eps ) then write ( conv_message, '(a23,i8,a20,a5)' ) 'CG method converged in ', & loop_counter, ' steps for variable ', var_names(i) call CCTK_INFO ( conv_message ) cont(i) = .false. end if end if end do if ( .not. any ( cont ) ) then loop_control = 0 end if end if end subroutine NoExcision_CGInit_2 subroutine NoExcision_CG_1 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS nx = cctk_lsh(1); ny=cctk_lsh(2); nz = cctk_lsh(3) loop_counter = loop_counter + 1 ! Since d is zero outside of the active region we have: ! q = A d = A' d. call residual_all ( dgxx, dgxy, dgxz, dgyy, dgyz, dgzz, & dkxx, dkxy, dkxz, dkyy, dkyz, dkzz, & d, dx, dy, dz, & qgxx, qgxy, qgxz, qgyy, qgyz, qgzz, & qkxx, qkxy, qkxz, qkyy, qkyz, qkzz, & q, qx, qy, qz, & nes_mask, one, smoothing_order ) ! red = d*q = d*(A d) call multiply ( dgxx, dgxy, dgxz, dgyy, dgyz, dgzz, & dkxx, dkxy, dkxz, dkyy, dkyz, dkzz, & d, dx, dy, dz, & qgxx, qgxy, qgxz, qgyy, qgyz, qgzz, & qkxx, qkxy, qkxz, qkyy, qkyz, qkzz, & q, qx, qy, qz, & redgxx, redgxy, redgxz, redgyy, redgyz, redgzz, & redkxx, redkxy, redkxz, redkyy, redkyz, redkzz, & red, redx, redy, redz, nes_mask ) sym_selector = 2 end subroutine NoExcision_CG_1 subroutine NoExcision_CG_2 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_INT res_var, ierr integer :: i if ( loop_control == 1 ) then do i = 1, 16 if ( cont(i) ) then call CCTK_VarIndex ( res_var, red_names(i) ) if ( res_var < 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not get index to grid function red' ) end if ! alpha = delta_new / ( d^T A d ). call CCTK_Reduce ( ierr, cctkGH, -1, sum_handle, 1, & CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, alpha(i), 1, res_var ) alpha(i) = delta_new(i) / alpha(i) end if end do end if end subroutine NoExcision_CG_2 subroutine NoExcision_CG_3 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS nx = cctk_lsh(1); ny=cctk_lsh(2); nz = cctk_lsh(3) ! x = x + alpha * d. call multiply_sum ( gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, & kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz, & alp, betax, betay, betaz, & dgxx, dgxy, dgxz, dgyy, dgyz, dgzz, & dkxx, dkxy, dkxz, dkyy, dkyz, dkzz, & d, dx, dy, dz, & (/ (one, i=1, 16) /), alpha, nes_mask ) if ( mod ( loop_counter, 50 ) == 0 ) then ! Restart: ! r = b - A x = - A' x call residual_all ( gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, & kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz, & alp, betax, betay, betaz, & resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & nes_mask, -one, smoothing_order ) else ! r = r - alpha q. call multiply_sum ( resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & qgxx, qgxy, qgxz, qgyy, qgyz, qgzz, & qkxx, qkxy, qkxz, qkyy, qkyz, qkzz, & q, qx, qy, qz, & (/ (one, i=1, 16) /), -alpha, nes_mask ) end if ! delta_old = delta_new. where ( cont ) delta_old = delta_new ! red = r*r. call multiply ( resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & redgxx, redgxy, redgxz, redgyy, redgyz, redgzz, & redkxx, redkxy, redkxz, redkyy, redkyz, redkzz, & red, redx, redy, redz, nes_mask ) sym_selector = 3 end subroutine NoExcision_CG_3 subroutine NoExcision_CG_4 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_INT res_var, ierr integer :: i if ( loop_control == 1 ) then do i = 1, 16 if ( cont(i) ) then call CCTK_VarIndex ( res_var, red_names(i) ) if ( res_var < 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not get index to grid function red' ) end if ! delta_new = r^T r. call CCTK_Reduce ( ierr, cctkGH, -1, sum_handle, 1, & CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, delta_new(i), 1, res_var ) call CCTK_Reduce ( ierr, cctkGH, -1, infnorm_handle, 1, & CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, infnormresid(i), 1, res_var ) infnormresid(i) = sqrt(infnormresid(i)) end if end do end if end subroutine NoExcision_CG_4 subroutine NoExcision_CG_5 (CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS integer :: i character(len=192) :: res_message, var_message character(len=56) :: conv_message character(len=18) :: iter_message nx = cctk_lsh(1); ny=cctk_lsh(2); nz = cctk_lsh(3) ! beta = delta_new / delta_old where ( cont ) beta = delta_new / delta_old ! d = r + beta d call multiply_sum ( dgxx, dgxy, dgxz, dgyy, dgyz, dgzz, & dkxx, dkxy, dkxz, dkyy, dkyz, dkzz, & d, dx, dy, dz, & resgxx, resgxy, resgxz, resgyy, resgyz, resgzz, & reskxx, reskxy, reskxz, reskyy, reskyz, reskzz, & res, resx, resy, resz, & beta, (/ (one, i=1, 16) /), nes_mask ) if ( verbose > 0 .and. mod(loop_counter,100) == 0 ) then write (var_message, '(16(a3,a9))' ) (' | ', var_names(i), i=1, 16) call CCTK_INFO ( var_message ) end if if ( verbose > 0 .and. mod(loop_counter,10) == 0 ) then write (iter_message, '(a10,i8)' ), 'Iteration ', loop_counter write (res_message, '(16(a3,es9.3))' ) (' | ', infnormresid(i), i=1, 16 ) call CCTK_INFO ( iter_message ) call CCTK_INFO ( res_message ) end if ! Check if any variables have converged during this iteration. do i = 1, 16 if ( cont(i) ) then if ( infnormresid(i) < smoothing_eps ) then write ( conv_message, '(a23,i8,a20,a5)' ) 'CG method converged in ', & loop_counter, ' steps for variable ', var_names(i) call CCTK_INFO ( conv_message ) cont(i) = .false. end if end if end do ! If all variables have converged we exit. if ( .not. any ( cont ) ) then loop_control = 0 end if sym_selector = 4 end subroutine NoExcision_CG_5 ! I leave this in here in case somebody uses CartGrid3D symmetries... ! Not tested, though... subroutine NoExcision_SetSym(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS CCTK_INT :: ierr CCTK_INT, dimension(3) :: sym sym = 1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkxx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkyy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkzz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::res' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::d' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::q' ) call SetCartSymGN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::cg_red_all' ) sym(1) = -1; sym(2) = -1; sym(3) = 1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgxy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskxy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgxy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkxy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgxy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkxy' ) sym(1) = -1; sym(2) = 1; sym(3) = -1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgxz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskxz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgxz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkxz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgxz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkxz' ) sym(1) = 1; sym(2) = -1; sym(3) = -1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resgyz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::reskyz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dgyz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dkyz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qgyz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qkyz' ) sym(1) = -1; sym(2) = 1; sym(3) = 1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dx' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qx' ) sym(1) = 1; sym(2) = -1; sym(3) = 1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dy' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qy' ) sym(1) = 1; sym(2) = 1; sym(3) = -1 call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::resz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::dz' ) call SetCartSymVN ( ierr, cctkGH, sym, 'noexcision::qz' ) end subroutine NoExcision_SetSym subroutine NoExcision_CGApplySym(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) use NoExcision_mod DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS CCTK_INT :: ierr if ( loop_control > 0 ) then if ( sym_selector <1 .or. sym_selector > 4 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Internal error. Inconsistent symmetry selector' ) end if select case ( sym_selector ) case (1, 4) ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_d_lapse', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_d_lapse for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_d_shift', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_d_shift for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_d_curv', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_d_curv for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_d_metric', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_d_metric for boundary condition' ) end if end select select case ( sym_selector ) case (1, 3) ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_res_lapse', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_res_lapse for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_res_shift', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_res_shift for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_res_curv', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_res_curv for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_res_metric', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_res_metric for boundary condition' ) end if end select select case ( sym_selector ) case (1, 2, 3) ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_red_all', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_red_all for boundary condition' ) end if end select select case ( sym_selector ) case (2) ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_q_lapse', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_q_lapse for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_q_shift', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_q_shift for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_q_curv', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_q_curv for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'NoExcision::cg_q_metric', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select cg_q_metric for boundary condition' ) end if end select select case ( sym_selector ) case (3) ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'ADMBase::lapse', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select lapse for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'ADMBase::shift', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select shift for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'ADMBase::curv', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select curv for boundary condition' ) end if ierr = Boundary_SelectGroupForBC ( cctkGH, CCTK_ALL_FACES, 1, -1, & 'ADMBase::metric', 'None' ) if ( ierr /= 0 ) then call CCTK_WARN ( 0, 'Could not select metric for boundary condition' ) end if end select end if end subroutine NoExcision_CGApplySym