# Parameter definitions for thorn NoExcision # $Header$ BOOLEAN verbose "Produce some screen output" { } "no" KEYWORD method "Method to use" { "old" :: "Use old method" "new" :: "Use new method" } "old" INT num_regions "Number of no-excision regions" { 0:10 :: "" } 0 BOOLEAN overwrite_geometry[10] "Set the geometry to Minkowski" { } "yes" REAL Minkowski_scale[10] "Scaling factor for Minkowski" { (*:*) :: "Choose 1 for true Minkowski" } 1.0 BOOLEAN overwrite_lapse[10] "Set the lapse to one" { } "yes" REAL lapse_scale[10] "Scaling factor for lapse" { (*:*) :: "Choose 1 for geodesic slicing, 0 to halt evolution" } 1.0 BOOLEAN overwrite_shift[10] "Set the shift to zero" { } "yes" REAL centre_x[10] "x-coordinate of the centre of the region" { (*:*) :: "" } 0.0 REAL centre_y[10] "y-coordinate of the centre of the region" { (*:*) :: "" } 0.0 REAL centre_z[10] "z-coordinate of the centre of the region" { (*:*) :: "" } 0.0 KEYWORD region_shape[10] "Shape of the region" { "sphere" :: "use radius" "ellipsoid" :: "use radius_x, radius_y, and radius_z" "surface" :: "use a spherical surface shape" } "sphere" REAL radius[10] "Radius of the region" { 0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0 REAL radius_x[10] "x-radius of the region" { 0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0 REAL radius_y[10] "y-radius of the region" { 0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0 REAL radius_z[10] "z-radius of the region" { 0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0 INT surface_index[10] "Spherical surface index" { 0:* :: "must be an index of a spherical surface" } 0 BOOLEAN reduce_rhs[10] "Reduce RHS" { } "no" REAL reduction_factor[10] "Reduction factor for RHS (0=complete, 1=no reduction)" { *:* :: "" } 0.0 KEYWORD smoothing_function[10] "Smoothing function" { "linear" :: "linear ramp" "spline" :: "cubic spline ramp" "cosine" :: "cosine ramp" } "linear" REAL smoothing_zone_width[10] "Relative width of smoothing zone inside the region" { 0.0:1.0 :: "" } 0.0 INT smoothing_iterations "Smoothing iterations" { 0:* :: "" } 10 REAL smoothing_factor "Initial moothing factor" { (0:2) :: "" } 1.2 BOOLEAN smooth_regions "Smooth overwritten regions?" { } "no" INT smoothing_order "Order of the derivatives used for CG smoothing" { 2:6:2 :: "" } 6 REAL smoothing_eps "CG smoothing stop criteria" { (0.0:* :: "" } 1e-6