# Parameter definitions for thorn NaNChecker # $Header$ ############################################################################# ### declare NaNChecker parameters ############################################################################# private: INT check_every "How often to check for NaNs" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0 :: "Never (default)" 1:* :: "Every so many iterations" } 0 INT check_after "Start checking for NaNs after so many iterations" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0:* :: "Any valid iteration number" } 0 INT report_max "How many NaNs to report for a single variable" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { -1 :: "Report all (default)" 0:* :: "Do not report more than report_max number of NaNs" } -1 STRING check_vars "Groups and/or variables to check for NaNs" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "List of full group and/or variable names, or 'all' for everything" } "" KEYWORD check_for "Check for NaNs and/or infinite numbers (only evaluated if finite(3) is available)" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "NaN" :: "Check only for NaNs" "Inf" :: "Check only for infinite numbers" "both" :: "Check for both NaNs and infinite numbers" } "both" BOOLEAN out_NaNmask "Dump the NaN grid function mask into an HDF5 file" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "yes" KEYWORD action_if_found "What to do if a NaN was found" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "just warn" :: "Just print a level 1 warning" "terminate" :: "Warn and terminate Cactus gracefully as soon as possible" "abort" :: "Warn and abort Cactus immediately" } "just warn" KEYWORD verbose "How much information to give" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "all" :: "All information" "standard" :: "Standard information" } "standard"