#schedule.ccl for thorn Multipole if (enable_test) { STORAGE: harmonics[1] STORAGE: test_integration_convergence_orders } schedule Multipole_Calc at CCTK_ANALYSIS after (calc_np,PsiKadelia,Accelerator_CopyBack) { LANG: C OPTIONS: GLOBAL } "Calculate Multipoles" if (enable_test) { schedule Multipole_SetHarmonic at CCTK_INITIAL { LANG: C } "Populate grid functions with spherical harmonics" } schedule Multipole_ParamCheck at CCTK_PARAMCHECK { LANG: C OPTIONS: GLOBAL } "Check Multipole parameters" # Tests if (enable_test) { schedule Multipole_TestIntegrationConvergence at CCTK_PARAMCHECK { LANG: C } "Test convergence of integration" }