# Parameter definitions for thorn MoL # $Header$ restricted: CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars "The maximum number of variables to be evolved by MoL" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Constrained_Vars "The maximum number of constrained variables with timelevels that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_SaveAndRestore_Vars "The maximum number of variables to be evolved outside of MoL but that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexEvolved_Vars "The maximum number of complex variables to be evolved by MoL" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexConstrained_Vars "The maximum number of complex constrained variables with timelevels that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexSaveAndRestore_Vars "The maximum number of complex variables to be evolved outside of MoL but that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Max_Evolved_Array_Size "The maximum total size of any grid arrays to be evolved" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Accumulated by other thorns" } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Max_Evolved_ComplexArray_Size "The maximum total size of any complex grid arrays to be evolved" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Accumulated by other thorns" } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ArrayEvolved_Vars "The maximum number of array variables to be evolved by MoL" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ArrayConstrained_Vars "The maximum number of array constrained variables with timelevels that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ArraySaveAndRestore_Vars "The maximum number of array variables to be evolved outside of MoL but that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexArrayEvolved_Vars "The maximum number of complex array variables to be evolved by MoL" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexArrayConstrained_Vars "The maximum number of complex array constrained variables with timelevels that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_ComplexArraySaveAndRestore_Vars "The maximum number of complex array variables to be evolved outside of MoL but that MoL needs to know about" ACCUMULATOR = (x+y) { 0:* :: "Anything non negative. Added to by other thorns." } 0 CCTK_INT MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels "Number of scratch levels required by the ODE method" { 0:* :: "Anything non negative" } 0 private: KEYWORD ODE_Method "The ODE method use by MoL to do time integration" { "Generic" :: "Generic Shu-Osher Runga-Kutta type" "ICN" :: "Iterative Crank Nicholson" "ICN-avg" :: "Iterative Crank Nicholson with averaging" "RK2" :: "Efficient RK2" "RK3" :: "Efficient RK3" "RK4" :: "Efficient RK4" "RK45" :: "RK45 (Fehlberg) with error estimation" "RK45CK" :: "RK45CK (Cash-Karp) with error estimation" "RK65" :: "RK65 with error estimation" "RK87" :: "RK87 with error estimation" } "ICN" KEYWORD Generic_Type "If using the generic method, which sort" { "RK" :: "One of the standard TVD Runga-Kutta methods" "ICN" :: "Iterative Crank Nicholson as a generic method" "Table" :: "Given from the generic method descriptor parameter" "Classic RK3" :: "Efficient RK3 - classical version" } "RK" CCTK_REAL ICN_avg_theta "theta of averaged ICN method, usually 0.5" { 0:1 :: "0 <= theta <= 1" } 0.5 BOOLEAN ICN_avg_swapped "Use swapped averages in ICN method?" { } "no" CCTK_INT MoL_Intermediate_Steps "Number of intermediate steps taken by the ODE method" { 1:* :: "Anything greater than 1" } 3 BOOLEAN MoL_Memory_Always_On "Do we keep the scratch arrays allocated all the time?" { } "yes" CCTK_REAL MoL_Tiny "Effective local machine zero; required by generic solvers" { 0:* :: "Defaults to 1.e-15" } 1.e-15 BOOLEAN initial_data_is_crap "If the initial data routine fails to set up the previous time levels, copy the current backwards" { } "no" # If initial_data_is_crap is false, this parameter is ignored. # If initial_data_is_crap is true, this parameter controls *when* # in CCTK_POSTINITIAL we copy the initial data to previous time levels, # relative to our scheduling of MoL_PostStep. # false ==> copy *before* MoL_PostStep (default, matches old behavior) # true ==> copy *after* MoL_PostStep (may be preferable for new code) BOOLEAN copy_ID_after_MoL_PostStep \ "if initial_data_is_crap is true, *when* should we copy the \ current time level to all previous time levels: \ false ==> copy *before* MoL_PostStep (default, matches old behavior)\ true ==> copy *after* MoL_PostStep (maybe preferable for new code)" { } "no" # The default for this parameter corresponds to generic RK2 STRING Generic_Method_Descriptor "A string used to create a table containing the description of the generic method" { ".*" :: "Should contain the Alpha and Beta arrays, and the number of intermediate steps" } "GenericIntermediateSteps = 2 \ GenericAlphaCoeffs = { 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 } \ GenericBetaCoeffs = { 1.0 0.5 }" BOOLEAN MoL_NaN_Check "Should the RHS GFs be checked for NaNs?" { } "no" BOOLEAN disable_prolongation "If Mesh refinement is enabled should we use buffer zones in intermediate steps?" { } "yes" BOOLEAN init_RHS_zero "Initialise the RHS to zero" STEERABLE=recover { } "yes" BOOLEAN adaptive_stepsize "Choose the time step size adaptively" { } "no" REAL maximum_absolute_error "Maximum allowed absolute error for adaptive stepsize control" { (0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0e-6 REAL maximum_relative_error "Maximum allowed relative error for adaptive stepsize control" { (0.0:*) :: "" } 1.0e-6 REAL RHS_error_weight "Weight of the RHS in the relative error calculation" { 0.0:* :: "should be between zero and one" } 1.0 REAL safety_factor "Safety factor for stepsize control" { (0.0:*) :: "should be less than one" } 0.9 REAL maximum_decrease "Maximum stepsize decrease factor" { (0.0:*) :: "should be larger than one" } 10.0 REAL maximum_increase "Maximum stepsize increase factor" { (0.0:*) :: "should be larger than one" } 5.0 KEYWORD verbose "How verbose should MoL be?" { "none" :: "No output at all (not implemented)" "normal" :: "Standard verbosity" "register" :: "List the variables registered as well" "extreme" :: "Everything you never wanted to know" } "normal"