path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Mag_NS.cc b/src/Mag_NS.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af67c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Mag_NS.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Arguments.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+#include <mag_ns.h>
+using namespace std;
+extern "C"
+void ID_Mag_NS_initialise (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ CCTK_INFO ("Setting up LORENE Mag_NS initial data");
+ // Meudon data are distributed in SI units (MKSA). Here are some
+ // conversion factors.
+ // Defined constants
+ CCTK_REAL const c_light = 299792458.0; // speed of light [m/s]
+ CCTK_REAL const mu0 = 4*M_PI * 1.0e-7; // vacuum permeability [N/A^2]
+ CCTK_REAL const eps0 = 1 / (mu0 * pow(c_light,2));
+ // Constants of nature (IAU, CODATA):
+ CCTK_REAL const G_grav = 6.67428e-11; // gravitational constant [m^3/kg/s^2]
+ CCTK_REAL const M_sun = 1.98892e+30; // solar mass [kg]
+ // Cactus units in terms of SI units:
+ // (These are derived from M = M_sun, c = G = 1, and using 1/M_sun
+ // for the magnetic field)
+ CCTK_REAL const cactusM = M_sun;
+ CCTK_REAL const cactusL = cactusM * G_grav / pow(c_light,2);
+ CCTK_REAL const cactusT = cactusL / c_light;
+ CCTK_REAL const cactusB =
+ sqrt(4*M_PI) / cactusL / sqrt(4*M_PI * eps0 * G_grav / pow(c_light,2));
+ // Other quantities in terms of Cactus units
+ CCTK_REAL const coord_unit = cactusL / 1.0e+3; // from km
+ CCTK_REAL const rho_unit = cactusM / pow(cactusL,3); // from kg/m^3
+ CCTK_REAL const ener_unit = pow(cactusL,2); // from c^2
+ CCTK_REAL const vel_unit = cactusL / cactusT / c_light; // from c
+ CCTK_REAL const B_unit = cactusB / 1.0e+9; // from 10^9 T
+ CCTK_INFO ("Setting up coordinates");
+ int const npoints = cctk_lsh[0] * cctk_lsh[1] * cctk_lsh[2];
+ vector<double> xx(npoints), yy(npoints), zz(npoints);
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i) {
+ xx[i] = x[i] * coord_unit;
+ yy[i] = y[i] * coord_unit;
+ zz[i] = z[i] * coord_unit;
+ }
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Reading from file \"%s\"", filename);
+ Mag_NS mag_ns (npoints, &xx[0], &yy[0], &zz[0], filename);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "omega [rad/s]: %g", mag_ns.omega);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "rho_c [kg/m^3] %g", mag_ns.rho_c);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "eps_c [c^2]: %g", mag_ns.eps_c);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "mass_b [M_sun]: %g", mag_ns.mass_b);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "mass_g [M_sun]: %g", mag_ns.mass_g);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "r_eq [km]: %g", mag_ns.r_eq);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "r_p [km]: %g", mag_ns.r_p);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "L [G M_sum^2/c]: %g", mag_ns.angu_mom);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "T/W: %g", mag_ns.T_over_W);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "mu [A m^2]: %g", mag_ns.magn_mom);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "B_z_pole [10^9 T]: %g", mag_ns.b_z_pole);
+ CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "B_z_eq [10^9 T]: %g", mag_ns.b_z_eq);
+ assert (mag_ns.np == npoints);
+ CCTK_INFO ("Filling in Cactus grid points");
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i) {
+ alp[i] = mag_ns.nnn[i];
+ betax[i] = mag_ns.beta_x[i];
+ betay[i] = mag_ns.beta_y[i];
+ betaz[i] = mag_ns.beta_z[i];
+ CCTK_REAL g[3][3];
+ g[0][0] = mag_ns.g_xx[i];
+ g[0][1] = mag_ns.g_xy[i];
+ g[0][2] = mag_ns.g_xz[i];
+ g[1][1] = mag_ns.g_yy[i];
+ g[1][2] = mag_ns.g_yz[i];
+ g[2][2] = mag_ns.g_zz[i];
+ g[1][0] = g[0][1];
+ g[2][0] = g[0][2];
+ g[2][1] = g[1][2];
+ CCTK_REAL ku[3][3];
+ ku[0][0] = mag_ns.k_xx[i];
+ ku[0][1] = mag_ns.k_xy[i];
+ ku[0][2] = mag_ns.k_xz[i];
+ ku[1][1] = mag_ns.k_yy[i];
+ ku[1][2] = mag_ns.k_yz[i];
+ ku[2][2] = mag_ns.k_zz[i];
+ ku[1][0] = ku[0][1];
+ ku[2][0] = ku[0][2];
+ ku[2][1] = ku[1][2];
+ CCTK_REAL k[3][3];
+ for (int a=0; a<3; ++a) {
+ for (int b=0; b<3; ++b) {
+ k[a][b] = 0.0;
+ for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) {
+ for (int d=0; d<3; ++d) {
+ k[a][b] += g[a][c] * g[b][d] * ku[c][d];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gxx[i] = g[0][0];
+ gxy[i] = g[0][1];
+ gxz[i] = g[0][2];
+ gyy[i] = g[1][1];
+ gyz[i] = g[1][2];
+ gzz[i] = g[2][2];
+ kxx[i] = k[0][0];
+ kxy[i] = k[0][1];
+ kxz[i] = k[0][2];
+ kyy[i] = k[1][1];
+ kyz[i] = k[1][2];
+ kzz[i] = k[2][2];
+ rho[i] = mag_ns.nbar[i] / rho_unit;
+ eps[i] = rho[i] * mag_ns.ener_spec[i] / ener_unit;
+ vel[i ] = mag_ns.u_euler_x[i] / vel_unit;
+ vel[i+ npoints] = mag_ns.u_euler_y[i] / vel_unit;
+ vel[i+2*npoints] = mag_ns.u_euler_z[i] / vel_unit;
+ Bmag[i ] = mag_ns.bb_x[i] / B_unit;
+ Bmag[i+ npoints] = mag_ns.bb_y[i] / B_unit;
+ Bmag[i+2*npoints] = mag_ns.bb_z[i] / B_unit;
+ } // for i
+ CCTK_INFO ("Done.");
diff --git a/src/check_parameters.cc b/src/check_parameters.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac34a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/check_parameters.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <cctk.h>
+#include <cctk_Arguments.h>
+#include <cctk_Parameters.h>
+extern "C"
+void ID_Mag_NS_check_parameters (CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ if (not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_data , "ID_Mag_NS") or
+ not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_lapse, "ID_Mag_NS") or
+ not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_shift, "ID_Mag_NS") or
+ not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_hydro, "ID_Mag_NS") or
+ not CCTK_EQUALS (initial_Bmag, "ID_Mag_NS"))
+ {
+ CCTK_PARAMWARN ("The parameters ADMBase::initial_data, ADMBase::initial_lapse, ADMBase::initial_shift, HydroBase::initial_hydro, and HydroBase::initial_Bmag must all be set to the value \"ID_Mag_NS\"");
+ }
diff --git a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..329f9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/make.code.defn
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Main make.code.defn file for thorn ID_Mag_NS
+# Source files in this directory
+SRCS = Mag_NS.cc check_parameters.cc
+# Subdirectories containing source files