/*@@ @file Interpolate.h @date 22 Jan 2002 @author Jonathan Thornburg @desc function prototypes @enddesc @version $Header$ @history @date 22 Jan 2002 @author Jonathan Thornburg @hdesc created by editing down LocalInterp::pughInterpGH.h (originally dated 4 July 1999, by Thomas Radke) @endhistory @@*/ /* prototypes of interpolation operator to be registered */ int LocalInterp_InterpLocal(cGH *GH, int order, int num_points, int num_dims, int num_in_arrays, int num_out_arrays, const int coord_dims[], const void *const coord_arrays[], const int coord_array_types[], const void *const interp_coord_arrays[], const int interp_coord_array_types[], const void *const in_arrays[], const int in_array_types[], void *const out_arrays[], const int out_array_types[]); /* prototypes of routines used internally */ int LocalInterp_Interpolate(int order, int num_points, int num_dims, int num_arrays, const int dims[ /* num_dims */ ], const CCTK_REAL coord[ /* num_dims*num_points */ ], const CCTK_REAL origin[ /* num_dims */ ], const CCTK_REAL delta[ /* num_dims */ ], const int in_types[ /* num_arrays */ ], const void *const in_arrays[ /* num_arrays */ ], const int out_types[ /* num_arrays */ ], void *const out_arrays[ /* num_arrays */ ]);