/*@@ @file molecule_posn.c @date 23 Oct 2001 @author Jonathan Thornburg @desc Worker function to compute molecule positions for interpolator. @enddesc @version $Id$ @@*/ #include #include #include #ifndef LOCALINTERP_STANDALONE_BUILD #include "cctk.h" #endif #include "InterpLocalUniform.h" /* the rcs ID and its dummy function to use it */ static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; #ifndef LOCALINTERP_STANDALONE_BUILD CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusBase_LocalInterp_src_GeneralizedPolynomialUniform_molecule_posn_c) #endif /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine LocalInterp_molecule_posn @date 23 Oct 2001 @author Jonathan Thornburg @desc Given a uniformly-spaced grid, this function computes molecule positions for an interpolation or similar operation: (1) It computes the closest grid point to the input coordinate (2) It does the slightly tricky odd/even computation to decide where to center the molecule (3) It checks for the molecule falling off the edge of the grid, and off-centers it as appropriate. For (1), we assume that grid points have floating-point coordinates (we refer to these as "x") which are an arbitrary linear function of the integer grid coordinates (we refer to these as "i"), x = grid_origin + i*grid_delta. For (2), suppose we have a data array indexed by [i], from which we wish to select an N-point molecule [i_lo, i_hi] centered as close as possible to the point x . The problem is just how to choose the centering. The following diagram illustrates the issues: N i_lo i_hi [i-3] [i-2] [i-1] [i] [i+1] [i+2] [i+3] [i+4] - ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 2 i i+1 *xxxxxx* 3 i-1 i+1 * xxx*xxx * 4 i-1 i+2 * *xxxxxx* * 5 i-2 i+2 * * xxx*xxx * * 6 i-2 i+3 * * *xxxxxx* * * 7 i-3 i+3 * * * xxx*xxx * * * 8 i-3 i+4 * * * *xxxxxx* * * * The diagram shows the range of x values relative to the grid, for which we'll choose each centering. Thus if N is even, the centering is based on which grid zone contains x (take the floor of the floating-point i coordinate), while if N is odd, the centering is based on which grid point is closest to x (round the floating- -point i coordinate to the nearest integer). It's also convenient to introduce the integer molecule coordinate m; this is the integer grid coordinate i relative to that of the molecule center, i.e. the above diagram has columns labelled with [i+m]. @enddesc @hdate 27.Jan.2003 @hauthor Jonathan Thornburg @hdesc Complete rewrite: now supports @var boundary_off_centering_tolerance_min, @var boundary_off_centering_tolerance_max, @var boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_min, @var boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_max, also change to returning status code, also drop returning @var min_m and @var max_m since they were never used. @endhdesc @var grid_origin @vdesc The floating-point coordinate x of the grid point i=0. @vtype fp grid_origin @endvar @var grid_delta @vdesc The grid spacing (in the floating-point coordinate x). @vtype fp grid_delta @endvar @var grid_i_min @vdesc The minimum integer coordinate i of the grid. @vtype int grid_i_min @endvar @var grid_i_max @vdesc The maximum integer coordinate i of the grid. @vtype int grid_i_max @endvar @var molecule_size @vdesc The size (number of points) of the molecule. @vtype int molecule_size @endvar @var boundary_off_centering_tolerance_min, boundary_off_centering_tolerance_max @vdesc Specifies how many grid spacings the interpolation point may be beyond the default-centering region before being declared "out of range" on the {minimum,maximum} boundaries of the grid respectively. @vtype fp boundary_off_centering_tolerance_min, boundary_off_centering_tolerance_max @endvar @var boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_min, boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_max @vdesc Specifies how many grid spacings the interpolation point may be beyond the grid boundary before being declared "out of range" on the {minimum,maximum} boundaries of the grid respectively. @vtype fp boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_min, boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_max @endvar @var x @vdesc The floating-point coordinate of the interpolation point. @vtype fp x @endvar @var i_center @vdesc A pointer to an value where this function should store the integer coordinate of the molecule center, or NULL to skip storing this @vtype int *i_center @vio pointer to out @endvar @var x_rel @vdesc A pointer to where this function should store the interpolation point's x coordinate relative to the molecule center, measured in units of the grid spacing; or NULL to skip storing this. @vtype fp *x_rel @vio pointer to out @endvar @returntype int @returndesc This function returns 0 if the interpolation point is "in range", or one of the (negative) error codes defined in "InterpLocalUniform.h" if the interpolation point is "out of range": MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_LT_MIN if x is out-of-range on the min end of the grid (i.e. x < the minimum allowable x) MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_GT_MAX if x is out-of-range on the max end of the grid (i.e. x > the maximum allowable x) MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_GRID_TINY if the grid is smaller than the molecule @endreturndesc @@*/ int LocalInterp_molecule_posn(fp grid_origin, fp grid_delta, int grid_i_min, int grid_i_max, int molecule_size, fp boundary_off_centering_tolerance_min, fp boundary_off_centering_tolerance_max, fp boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_min, fp boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_max, fp x, int* i_center, fp* x_rel) { /* molecule radia (inherently positive) in +/- directions */ const int mr_plus = (molecule_size >> 1); const int mr_minus = molecule_size - mr_plus - 1; /* range of x_rel for which this molecule is centered, cf. diagram in header comment */ const fp centered_min_x_rel = IS_EVEN(molecule_size) ? 0.0 : -0.5; const fp centered_max_x_rel = IS_EVEN(molecule_size) ? 1.0 : +0.5; /* range of i where we *could* center the molecule, as floating-point numbers */ const fp fp_centered_min_possible_i = grid_i_min + mr_minus + centered_min_x_rel; const fp fp_centered_max_possible_i = grid_i_max - mr_plus + centered_max_x_rel; /* integer coordinate i of interpolation point, as a floating-point number */ const fp fp_i = (x - grid_origin) / grid_delta; /* is the molecule larger than the grid? */ if (molecule_size > HOW_MANY_IN_RANGE(grid_i_min,grid_i_max)) then return MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_GRID_TINY; /*** ERROR RETURN ***/ /* is interpolation point x beyond the extrapolation tolerance? */ if (fp_i < (fp)grid_i_min - boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_min) then return MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_LT_MIN; /*** ERROR RETURN ***/ if (fp_i > (fp)grid_i_max + boundary_extrapolation_tolerance_max) then return MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_GT_MAX; /*** ERROR RETURN ***/ /* is interpolation point x beyond the off-centering tolerance? */ if (fp_i < fp_centered_min_possible_i - boundary_off_centering_tolerance_min) then return MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_LT_MIN; /*** ERROR RETURN ***/ if (fp_i > fp_centered_max_possible_i + boundary_off_centering_tolerance_max) then return MOLECULE_POSN_ERROR_X_GT_MAX; /*** ERROR RETURN ***/ /* now choose the actual molecule position/centering: */ /* first set up a centered molecule */ { fp fp_i_center = IS_EVEN(molecule_size) /* ... as a floating-point number */ ? floor(fp_i) : JT_ROUND(fp_i); int int_i_center = (int) fp_i_center; /* ... as an integer */ /* then clamp the molecule at the grid boundaries */ if (int_i_center - mr_minus < grid_i_min) then { int_i_center = grid_i_min + mr_minus; fp_i_center = (fp) int_i_center; } if (int_i_center + mr_plus > grid_i_max) then { int_i_center = grid_i_max - mr_plus; fp_i_center = (fp) int_i_center; } /* store the results */ if (i_center != NULL) then *i_center = int_i_center; if (x_rel != NULL) then *x_rel = fp_i - fp_i_center; return 0; /*** NORMAL RETURN ***/ } }