$Header$ This directory contains the interpolator registered for CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() under the name "generalized polynomial interpolation" This interpolator is distributed under the GNU GPL; see the file COPYRIGHT for details. Note that this means that if you distribute any program using this interpolator, you must provide source code to the entire program! To add a new combination of (N_dims, molecule_family, order, smoothing), to this interpolator, you need to * edit the appropriate Maple script (1d.maple, 2d.maple, 3d.maple, etc) to generate the coefficients and write the appropriate files * edit the makefile to create the appropriate directory or directories, and if necessary add any new targets * 'make' as appropriate to create the new coefficients etc [note this can be rather computationally intensive -- the current set of {1d,2d,3d} coefficients take {4 seconds, 15 seconds, 8 minutes} to generate using Maple 7 on a xeon (1.7 GHz Pentium 4)] * edit InterpLocalUniform.c to add the new case to the decoding switch statements * create an appropriate "script" file which defines the right macros, then does a #include "template.c" to define the actual interpolation function; the best way to create the script file is just to copy an existing one (eg. 2d.cube.order3.smooth0.c) * add the appropriate entry to all-prototypes.h to define a prototype for the actual interpolation function * add the new "script" file to the list in make.code.defn Other makefile targets: test_molecule_posn This makes a standalone test driver for the LocalInterp_molecule_posn() function defined in molecule_posn.c