Cactus Code Thorn LocalInterp Authors: Thomas Radke (with some documentation provided by Jonathan Thornburg ), drawing on older code by Paul Walker and optimization ideas from Erik Schnetter Maintainer : Thomas Radke CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn ==================== This thorn does processor-local interpolation of N-dimensional data arrays. In general there may be many input arrays (all defined on the same uniform Cartesian grid) all being interpolated to the same set of interpolation points. At present this thorn only supports the CCTK_InterpLocal() API, but in the near future it will probably be enhanced to support the newer CCTK_InterpLocalUniform() API. History ======= This interpolator was written by Thomas Radke in early 2001 (drawing on older code by Paul Walker), and supports the interpolation operators "first order uniform cartesian" "second order uniform cartesian" "third order uniform cartesian" Originally lived in the PUGHInterp thorn, but it turned to have very little to do with PUGH, so was moved here in winter 2001-2002. From winter 2001-2002 to July 2003 this thorn also contained another interpolator written by Jonathan Thornburg, but in July 2003 that interpolator was moved to AEIThorns/AEILocalInterp because it was (is) GPL and Cactus policies forbids GPL code in this arrangement. Because CVS can't delete directories, this thorn still contains a lot of empty-except-for-CVS-directories directory trees left over from Jonathan Thornburg's interpolator. You can/should ignore these.