path: root/archive/api2.2
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diff --git a/archive/api2.2 b/archive/api2.2
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-Author: Jonathan Thornburg <jthorn@aei.mpg.de>
-Date: 30 December 2001
-This is version 2.2 of my proposal for the new interpolator API. The
-main changes since version 1 are
-* function names have changed (longer, more descriptive)
-* output arrays may now be N-dimensional (before they were only 1-D)
-* a bunch more optional stuff in the table to specify array strides,
- time levels, etc
-* no #defines in the header file for derivative operation codes
-* int arrays changed to CCTK_INT
-Don't be scared by the length, for most uses it's not that complicated!
-There are some examples below...
- int status = CCTK_InterpLocalArrays(arguments described below)
- int status = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(arguments described below)
-return is 0 for ok, various -ve values for error codes
-(N.b. the flesh APIs to register interpolation operators will also need
-their C function prototypes changed to match the changes here.)
-Function Arguments
- /***** misc arguments *****/
-for CCTK_InterpGridArrays() only:
- const cGH *GH;
-for both CCTK_InterpLocalArrays() and CCTK_InterpGridArrays():
- /* note N_dims is the number of dimensions in the *interpolation*; */
- /* this may be smaller than the number of dimensions of the input arrays */
- /* if the storage indexing is set up appropriately (eg to interpolate */
- /* in 1-D lines or 2-D planes of 3-D grid arrays) */
- int N_dims;
- int operator_handle;
- int param_table_handle; /* handle to "parameter table", a key-value */
- /* table, see below for table entries */
- /***** arguments specifying the coordinate system *****/
-for CCTK_InterpLocalArrays():
- /* the local coordinate system is specified as a generic linear mapping */
- /* from (integer) local input array subscripts --> (global) coordinates: */
- /* coordinate = coord_system_origin[axis] + subscript*grid_spacing[axis] */
- const CCTK_REAL coord_system_origin[N_dims]; /* coords of subscript 0 */
- const CCTK_REAL grid_spacing[N_dims];
-for CCTK_InterpGridArrays():
- int coord_system_handle; /* handle to Cactus coordinate system */
- /* specifying mapping of */
- /* (integer) input array subscripts */
- /* <--> (floating point) coordinates */
- /***** arguments specifying the interpolation points *****/
- int N_interp_points;
- /* (pointer to) array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving the */
- /* data types of the arrays pointed to by interp_coords[] */
- const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_dims];
- /* (pointer to) array[N_dims] of pointers to arrays[N_interp_points] */
- /* giving x,y,z,... coordinates of interpolation points */
- const void *const interp_coords[N_dims];
- /***** arguments specifying the inputs (the data to be interpolated) *****/
- int N_input_arrays;
-for CCTK_InterpLocalArrays():
- /* array of input array dimensions (common to all input arrays) */
- const CCTK_INT input_array_dims[N_dims];
- /* array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving data types of input arrays */
- const CCTK_INT input_array_type_codes[N_input_arrays];
- /* array of pointers to input arrays */
- const void *const input_arrays[N_input_arrays];
-for CCTK_InterpGridArrays():
- /* array of CCTK variable indices of input arrays */
- const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[N_input_arrays];
-for both CCTK_InterpLocalArrays() and CCTK_InterpGridArrays() again:
- /***** arguments specifying the outputs (the interpolation results) *****/
- int N_output_arrays;
- /* array of CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes giving data types of output arrays */
- const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[N_output_arrays];
- /* array[N_output_arrays] of pointers to output arrays[N_interp_points] */
- void *const output_arrays[N_output_arrays];
-Information Passed in the Parameter Table
-The "parameter table" may be used to specify non-default storage indexing
-for input or output arrays, and/or various options for the interpolation
-itself. Some interpolators may not implement all of these options.
-Array Addressing/Subscripting Options
-Sometimes one of the "arrays" used by the interpolator isn't contiguous
-in memory. For example, we might want to do 2-D interpolation within a
-plane of a 3-D grid array, and/or the grid array might be a member of a
-compact group. To support this, we use several optional table entries
-(these should be supported by all interpolation operators):
-For the input arrays, we use
- const CCTK_INT input_array_offsets[N_input_arrays];
- /* next 3 table entries are shared by all input arrays */
- const CCTK_INT input_array_strides [N_dims];
- const CCTK_INT input_array_min_subscripts[N_dims];
- const CCTK_INT input_array_max_subscripts[N_dims];
-Then for input array number a, the generic subscripting expression for
-the 3-D case is
- data_pointer[offset + i*istride + j*jstride + k*kstride]
- data_pointer = input_arrays[a]
- offset = input_array_offsets[a]
- (istride,jstride,kstride) = input_array_stride[]
-and where (i,j,k) run from input_array_min_subscripts[] to
-input_array_max_subscripts[] inclusive.
-The defaults are offset=0, stride=determined from input_array_dims[]
-in the usual Fortran manner, input_array_min_subscripts[] = 0,
-input_array_max_subscripts[] = input_array_dims[]-1. If the stride
-and max subscript are both specified explicitly, then the
-input_array_dims[] function argument is ignored.
-For CCTK_InterpGridArrays() operating on a member of a compact group
-the offset and strides are interpreted in units of _grid_points_. This
-has the advantage that interpolator calls need not be changed if a grid
-array is changed from being simple to/from compact. In terms of actual
-memory addressing, then, the internal subscripting expression for this
-case would be
- group_data_pointer[offset + member_number + i*istride*N_members
- + j*jstride*N_members
- + k*kstride*N_members]
-For CCTK_InterpGridArrays(), by default the input (grid) arrays are at
-the "current" Cactus time level (level 0). This may be changed with the
-table entry
- const CCTK_INT input_array_time_levels[N_input_arrays];
-By default the interpolation-point coordinates and the output arrays
-are all contiguous 1-D arrays. This may be changed with the table
- const CCTK_INT interp_coords_offsets[N_dims];
- const CCTK_INT output_array_offsets[N_output_arrays];
- /* next 4 table entries are shared by all interp coords and output arrays */
- const CCTK_INT interp_point_N_dims;
- const CCTK_INT interp_point_strides [interp_point_N_dims];
- const CCTK_INT interp_point_min_subscripts[interp_point_N_dims];
- const CCTK_INT interp_point_max_subscripts[interp_point_N_dims];
-For example, if we wanted to do 3-D interpolation, interpolating a value
-at each non-ghost-zone point of a 2-D grid of points, with the grid point
-coordinates stored as 2-D arrays, we would use
- N_dims = 3
- interp_point_N_dims = 2
- interp_point_strides[] = set up from the full size of the 2-D grid
- interp_point_{min,max}_subscripts[] = specify the non-ghost-zone points
- of the 2-D grid
-Excision Options
-Some interpolators may specifically support excision, where a mask array
-(same dimensionality and indexing as the input arrays) is used to mark
-some grid points as valid (ok to use data there) and other grid points
-as invalid (the interpolator isn't allowed to use data there).
-If an interpolator supports this, it should use the following optional
-for CCTK_InterpLocalArrays();
- const CCTK_INT mask_type_code; /* one of the CCTK_VARIABLE_* codes */
- const void *const mask_array; /* same dimensions/indexing as input arrays */
-for CCTK_InterpGridArrays():
- const CCTK_INT mask_variable_index;
-for both CCTK_InterpLocalArrays() and CCTK_InterpGridArrays():
- /* we consider a grid point to be valid if and only if the mask */
- /* has a value in the closed interval [mask_valid_min,mask_valid_max] */
- /* n.b. the caller should beware of possible rounding problems here; */
- /* it may be appropriate to widen the valid interval slightly */
- /* if the endpoints aren't exactly-representable floating-point */
- /* values */
- const mask_type mask_valid_min, mask_valid_max;
-The same type of storage options supported for the input and/or output
-arrays, are also supported for the mask; the mask may have its own offset
-and/or time level, but shares any input-array stride and/or min/max
-subscript specification:
- const CCTK_INT mask_offset;
- const CCTK_INT mask_time_level;
-The remaining parameter-table options are specific to the new interpolator
-I'm currently implementing for PUGHInterp. This registers (only) a single
-operator, "generalized polynomial interpolation".
-Interpolation Order and Molecule Family
-The mandatory parameter
- const CCTK_INT order;
-sets the order of the interpolating polynomial (1=linear, 2=quadratic,
-3=cubic, etc). Thus the simplest call can just use (eg)
- Util_TableCreateFromString("order=3")
-for cubic interpolation.
-All the remaining parameters in the table are optional; if they're
-omitted defaults will be supplied.
- /* this selects one of a family of related operators */
- /* the default (and the only one I'm implementing right now) */
- /* is "cube" to use the usual hypercube-shaped molecules */
- const char *const molecule_family;
-The way I'm implementing the interpolation it's easy to also do
-Savitzky-Golay type smoothing (= moving least-square fitting, cf
-Numerical Recipes 2nd edition section 14.8). This is controlled by
-the parameter
- const CCTK_INT smoothing;
-which says how much (how many points) to enlarge the interpolation
-molecule for this. The default is 0 (no smoothing). 1 would mean to
-enlarge the molecule by 1 point, e.g. to use a 5-point molecule instead
-of the usual 4-point one for cubic interpolation. 2 would mean to
-enlarge by 2 points, e.g. to use a 6-point molecule for cubic
-interpolation. Etc etc.
-This type of smoothing is basically free apart from the increase in
-the molecule size, e.g. a smoothing=2 cubic interpolation has exactly
-the same cost as any other 6-point-molecule interpolation.
-This interpolator can optionally (and again at no extra cost) take
-partial derivatives as part of the interpolation:
- const CCTK_INT operand_indices[N_output_arrays];
- const CCTK_INT opcodes [N_output_arrays];
-The semantics here are that
- output array[i] = op(input array[ operand_indices[i] ])
-where op is specified as an integer operation code as described below.
-Note that the array operand_indices[] doesn't directly name the inputs,
-but rather gives the indices (0-origin) in the list of inputs. This
-allows for a more efficient implementation in the case where some of
-the input arrays have many different operations applied to them.
-The operations are coded based on the decimal digits of the integer:
-each decimal digit means to take the derivative in that direction;
-the order of the digits in a number is ignored. For example:
- 0 = no derivative, "just" interpolate
- 1 = interpolate d/dx1 (derivative along x1 coordinate)
- 2 = interpolate d/dx2 (derivative along x2 coordinate)
- 11 = interpolate d^2/dx1^2 (2nd derivative along x1 coordinate)
- 22 = interpolate d^2/dx2^2 (2nd derivative along x2 coordinate)
- 12 = 21 = interpolate d^2/dx1 dx2 (mixed 2nd partial derivative in x1 and x2)
- 122 = 212 = 221 = interpolate d^3/dx1 dx2^2 (mixed 3rd partial derivative)
- 222 = interpolate d^3/dx2^3 (3rd derivative along x2 coordinate)
- 123 = 132 = 213 = 231 = 312 = 321
- = interpolate d^3/dx1 dx2 dx3 (mixed 3rd partial derivative)
-After discussion with Tom Goodale, we have decided *not* to put #defines
-for the operation codes in any of the interpolator header files -- the
-operation codes are specific to this particular interpolation operator,
-not common to all operators, so they don't belong in the overall
-common-to-all header files.
-Pointers in Fortran
-One possible problem area with this API is that it requires creating
-arrays of pointers pointing to other arrays. In C this is no problem,
-but in Fortran 77 this is difficult. So, I propose adding two new Cactus
-functions to make this easier for Fortran users:
- CCTK_POINTER Util_PointerTo(any Fortran variable or array)
- CCTK_POINTER Util_NullPointer()
-Util_PointerTo would be #defined to %loc on those compilers which have
-that extension to standard Fortran, or would be a Cactus-provided utility
-routine for other cases. It's trivial to write the latter case in C so
-long as the Fortran compiler actually uses call by reference; I've never
-heard of a Fortran compiler doing otherwise for arrays. (And even for
-Fortran scalar variables it would be very hard for a compiler to do otherwise
-in light of separate compilation and 1-element arrays being allowed to be
-passed to/from scalar variables.)
-A Simple Example
-Here's a simple example, written in Fortran 77, to do quadratic interpolation
-of a real and a complex local array in 3-D:
-c input arrays:
- integer ni, nj, nk
- parameter (ni=..., nj=..., nk=...)
- CCTK_REAL real_gridfn (ni,nj,nk)
- CCTK_COMPLEX complex_gridfn(ni,nj,nk)
-c interpolation coordinates
- integer N_interp
- parameter (N_interp = ...)
- CCTK_REAL xcoord(N_interp), y_coord(N_interp), z_coord(N_interp)
-c output arrays:
- CCTK_REAL real_at_xyz (N_interp)
- CCTK_COMPLEX complex_at_xyz(N_interp)
- integer status, dummy
- CCTK_INT input_array_type_codes(2)
- data input_array_type_codes /CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,
- CCTK_INT input_array_dims(3)
- CCTK_POINTER input_arrays(2)
- CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes(3)
- data interp_coord_type_codes /CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,
- CCTK_POINTER interp_coords(3)
- CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes(2)
- data output_array_type_codes /CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,
- CCTK_POINTER output_arrays(2)
- input_array_dims(1) = ni
- input_array_dims(2) = nj
- input_array_dims(3) = nk
- interp_coords(1) = Util_PointerTo(xcoord)
- interp_coords(2) = Util_PointerTo(ycoord)
- interp_coords(3) = Util_PointerTo(zcoord)
- output_arrays(1) = Util_PointerTo(real_at_xyz)
- output_arrays(2) = Util_PointerTo(complex_at_xyz)
- call CCTK_InterpLocalArrays
- $ (status, ! return code
- 3, ! number of dimensions
- operator_handle, coord_system_handle,
- Util_TableCreateFromString("order=2"),
- N_interp,
- interp_coord_type_codes, interp_coords,
- 2, ! number of input arrays
- input_array_type_codes, input_array_dims, input_arrays,
- 2, ! number of output arrays
- output_array_type_codes, output_arrays)
- if (status .lt. 0) then
- call CCTK_WARN(status, "Error return from interpolator!")
- call CCTK_Exit(dummy, Util_NullPointer(), status)
- end if
-A More Complicated Example
-Here's a more complicated example, written in C++. (I'm really only using
-C++ to get cleaner initialization of the various arrays, this is still
-"almost C".) This example is a simplified form of what I will be doing
-in my new apparent horizon finder:
-// input grid functions (12 of them, all 3-D CCTK_REAL):
-// gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz,
-// Kxx, Kxy, Kxz, Kyy, Kyz, Kzz
-// interpolation coordinates:
-// xcoord, ycoord, zcoord (all CCTK_REAL[N_interp_points])
-// we want to interpolate the gij and Kij, and also interpolate all the
-// first derivatives of the gij, so the output arrays are
-// (30 of them, all CCTK_REAL[N_interp_points])
-// I_gxx, dx_gxx, dy_gxx, dz_gxx,
-// I_gxy, dx_gxy, dy_gxy, dz_gxy,
-// I_gxz, dx_gxz, dy_gxz, dz_gxz,
-// I_gyy, dx_gyy, dy_gyy, dz_gyy,
-// I_gyz, dx_gyz, dy_gyz, dz_gyz,
-// I_gzz, dx_gzz, dy_gzz, dz_gzz,
-// I_Kxx, I_Kxy, I_Kxz, I_Kyy, I_Kyz, I_Kzz
-#define VP(x) static_cast<void *>(x)
-const int N_dims = 3;
-const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_dims]
-const void *const interp_coords[N_dims]
- = { VP(xcoord), VP(ycoord), VP(zcoord) };
-const int N_input_arrays = 12;
-const CCTK_INT input_array_types[N_input_arrays]
-const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[N_input_arrays]
- = { CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxx"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxy"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gxz"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gyy"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gyz"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::gzz"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxx"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxy"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kxz"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kyy"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kyz"),
- CCTK_VarIndex("somethorn::Kzz") };
-const int N_output_arrays = 30;
-CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[N_output_arrays];
- for (int oi = 0 ; oi < N_output_arrays ; ++oi)
- {
- output_array_type_codes[oi] = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL;
- }
-void *const output_arrays[N_output_arrays]
- = {
- VP(I_gxx), VP(dx_gxx), VP(dy_gxx), VP(dz_gxx),
- VP(I_gxy), VP(dx_gxy), VP(dy_gxy), VP(dz_gxy),
- VP(I_gxz), VP(dx_gxz), VP(dy_gxz), VP(dz_gxz),
- VP(I_gyy), VP(dx_gyy), VP(dy_gyy), VP(dz_gyy),
- VP(I_gyz), VP(dx_gyz), VP(dy_gyz), VP(dz_gyz),
- VP(I_gzz), VP(dx_gzz), VP(dy_gzz), VP(dz_gzz),
- VP(I_Kxx), VP(I_Kxy), VP(I_Kxz), VP(I_Kyy), VP(I_Kyz), VP(I_Kzz)
- };
-const CCTK_INT operand_indices[N_output_arrays];
- = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, // gxx
- 1, 1, 1, 1, // gxy
- 2, 2, 2, 2, // gxz
- 3, 3, 3, 3, // gyy
- 4, 4, 4, 4, // gyz
- 5, 5, 5, 5, // gzz
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 // Kxx-Kzz
- };
-const CCTK_INT opcodes[N_output_arrays]
- = {
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 1, 2, 3, // I, dx, dy, dz
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // all I
- };
-int param_table_handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_DEFAULT);
-Util_TableSetInt(param_table_handle, 3, "order");
- N_output_arrays, operand_indices,
- "operand_indices");
- N_output_arrays, opcodes,
- "opcodes");
-int status = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(GH,
- N_dims,
- operator_handle, coord_system_handle,
- param_table_handle,
- N_interp_points,
- interp_coord_type_codes, interp_coords,
- N_input_arrays,
- input_array_variable_indices,
- N_output_arrays,
- output_array_type_codes, output_arrays);
-if (status < 0)
- {
- CCTK_WARN(status, "error return from CCTK_InterpGridArrays()!");
- CCTK_Exit(GH, status); /*NOTREACHED*/
- }