! $Header$ ! Take a mask where the boundary has been been marked. ! Return information about the normals in these locations. #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" #include "maskvalues.h" subroutine excision_findnormals (ierr, mask, dirx, diry, dirz, ni, nj, nk) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS ! Arguments ! out: zero for success, nonzero for error integer :: ierr ! in: array sizes for grid functions ! (you can pass in cctk_lsh(:) for these) integer :: ni,nj,nk ! in: mask CCTK_REAL :: mask(ni,nj,nk) ! out: normal directions to use for interpolation CCTK_REAL :: dirx(ni,nj,nk), diry(ni,nj,nk), dirz(ni,nj,nk) ! Internal variables. integer i,j,k,ii,jj,kk CCTK_REAL sx,sy,sz,smag CCTK_REAL vx,vy,vz CCTK_REAL dot,dotmax ! Initialise direction arrays to zero. dirx = 0 diry = 0 dirz = 0 ! Loop over all grid points. do k=2,nk-1 do j=2,nj-1 do i=2,ni-1 ! Check if the point is on the boundary, if it ! is not forget about it. if (mask(i,j,k)==MASK_BOUNDARY) then ! Initialise the vector (sx,sy,sz) to zero. sx = 0.0D0 sy = 0.0D0 sz = 0.0D0 ! Loop around nearest neighbours. do kk=-1,1 do jj=-1,1 do ii=-1,1 ! If a given neighbour is active, then add its ! relative coordinates to (sx,sy,sz). if (mask(i+ii,j+jj,k+kk)==MASK_ACTIVE) then sx = sx + dble(ii) sy = sy + dble(jj) sz = sz + dble(kk) end if end do end do end do ! Find magnitude of (sx,sy,sz). smag = sqrt(sx**2 + sy**2 + sz**2) ! Normalize (sx,sy,sz). if (smag /= 0.0D0) then sx = sx/smag sy = sy/smag sz = sz/smag end if ! Now we have a unit vector pointing in the average ! direction on the unmasked neighbours. This is ! as close to the normal direction as we can get. ! What we need to do now is find that unmasked ! neighbour that is closest to this direction. ! For this I loop again over unmasked neighbours, ! and find the normalized dot product between ! (sx,sy,sz) and the direction of a given neighbour. ! The largest dot product will give us our best ! normal direction. dotmax = 0.0D0 dirx(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 diry(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 dirz(i,j,k) = 0.0D0 do kk=-1,1 do jj=-1,1 do ii=-1,1 ! If the point is not active, forget about it. if (mask(i+ii,j+jj,k+kk)==MASK_ACTIVE) then ! Find normalized dot product. vx = dble(ii) vy = dble(jj) vz = dble(kk) dot = (sx*vx + sy*vy + sz*vz) & / sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2) ! If the new product is larger than the ! largest so far, redifine the normal. if (dot > dotmax) then dotmax = dot dirx(i,j,k) = vx diry(i,j,k) = vy dirz(i,j,k) = vz end if end if end do end do end do ! Sanity check. If the check fails then ! something is very wrong. ii = int(dirx(i,j,k)) jj = int(diry(i,j,k)) kk = int(dirz(i,j,k)) if (mask(i+ii,j+jj,k+kk) /= MASK_ACTIVE) then call CCTK_WARN (0, "Mask boundary layer is too thick") end if end if end do end do end do ! Success ierr = 0 end subroutine excision_findnormals