! $Header$ ! Extrapolate the difference between the grid function var and oldvar to ! var where indicated by mask. Use the normal direction given by dirx, ! diry, and dirz for extrapolation. #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "maskvalues.h" subroutine excision_extrapolate (ierr, cctkgh, var, oldvar, & mask, dirx, diry, dirz, ni, nj, nk) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS ! Arguments ! out: zero for success, nonzero for error integer :: ierr ! in: pointer to Cactus GH CCTK_POINTER :: cctkgh ! in: array sizes for grid functions ! (you can pass in cctk_lsh(:) for these) integer :: ni,nj,nk ! inout: grid function that should be interpolated CCTK_REAL :: var(ni,nj,nk) ! in: other grid function for interpolation CCTK_REAL :: oldvar(ni,nj,nk) ! in: mask CCTK_REAL :: mask(ni,nj,nk) ! in: normal directions to use for interpolation CCTK_REAL :: dirx(ni,nj,nk), diry(ni,nj,nk), dirz(ni,nj,nk) integer i,j,k integer ii,jj,kk do k=2,nk-1 do j=2,nj-1 do i=2,ni-1 if (mask(i,j,k)==MASK_BOUNDARY) then ii = i + dirx(i,j,k) jj = j + diry(i,j,k) kk = k + dirz(i,j,k) var(i,j,k) = oldvar(i,j,k) + var(ii,jj,kk) - oldvar(ii,jj,kk) end if end do end do end do ierr = 0 end subroutine excision_extrapolate