# recover.par - recover from a streamed checkpoint file # $Id$ # # /*@@ # @file recover.par # @date Thu Oct 12 2000 # @author Thomas Radke # @desc # Wavetoy parameter file # demonstrating recovery with IOStreamedHDF5. # # Run this parfile in conjunction with checkpoint.par. # @enddesc # @history # Created from wavetoyc_none.par # @endhistory # @@*/ !DESC "Recover from a streamed WaveToy ID checkpoint file in HDF5 file format" ActiveThorns = "IDScalarWaveC Time WaveToyC PUGH PUGHReduce CartGrid3D IOUtil IOBasic IOHDF5Util IOStreamedHDF5" # set the recovery mode to "manual" since "auto" wouldn't make sense here IO::recover = "manual" # tell Cactus where to recover from IO::recover_file = "localhost:8001" # switch off checkpointing which otherwise would be enabled # after parameter recovery IO::checkpoint_every = 0 # print some verbose output and timing information IO::verbose = "standard" IO::print_timing_info = "yes"