# checkpoint.par - Stream checkpoints from a wavetoy evolution # $Id$ # # /*@@ # @file checkpoint.par # @date Thu Oct 12 2000 # @author Thomas Radke # @desc # Wavetoy parameter file # demonstrating checkpointing with IOStreamedHDF5. # # Run this parfile in conjunction with recover.par. # @enddesc # @history # Created from wavetoyc_none.par # @endhistory # @@*/ !DESC "Stream Wavetoy ID in HDF5 file format" ActiveThorns = "Boundary IDScalarWaveC Time WaveToyC PUGH PUGHReduce PUGHSlab CartGrid3D CoordBase SymBase IOUtil IOBasic IOHDF5Util IOStreamedHDF5 Socket" # tell Cactus how often to checkpoint IO::checkpoint_every = 1 # the IO mode to use for checkpoint files # # Currently IOStreamedHDF5 can only stream "onefile" # but this may be chunked or unchunked. IO::out_mode = "onefile" #IO::out3D_unchunked = "yes" # enable IOStreamedHDF5 checkpointing IOStreamedHDF5::checkpoint = "yes" # set the timeout for clients to connect IOStreamedHDF5::checkpoint_accept_timeout = 3 # print some verbose output and timing information IO::verbose = "standard" IO::print_timing_info = "yes" ############################################################### # the following are WaveToy parameters - no need to touch these ############################################################### driver::global_nsize = 40 cactus::cctk_itlast = 10 time::dtfac = 0.5 idscalarwave::initial_data = "gaussian" idscalarwave::sigma = 2.8 idscalarwave::radius = 0 wavetoy::bound = "none" grid::type = "BySpacing" grid::domain = "full" grid::dxyz = 0.3 IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1 IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "wavetoy::phi"