/*@@ @file Output3D.c @date 01 Oct 1999 @author Jonghyun Lee @desc Functions to deal 3D output of GFs @enddesc @history @hendhistory @@*/ #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "CactusBase/IOUtil/src/ioGH.h" #include "CactusPUGH/PUGH/src/include/pugh.h" #include "external/FlexIO/src/IOProtos.h" #include "ioPandaGH.h" #include "Panda/c_interface.h" /* function prototypes */ int IOPanda_Output3DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *var, const char *alias); int IOPanda_TimeFor3D (cGH *GH, int index); void IOPanda_getDumpData (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, void **outme, int *free_outme, CCTK_INT4 *geom, int element_size); void PandaTimestep(ArrayInfo *); int PandaIsNewFile(char *); void Panda_WriteAttribute(char *, char *, int, int, void *); static int CheckOutputVar (int index); static void CheckSteerableParameters (pandaGH *myGH); static void SetOutputFlag (int index, const char *optstring, void *arg); static void IOPanda_Timestep (cGH *GH, int index, const char *alias); static void IOPanda_IEEEIOStructDump (cGH *GH, char *fname); static void IOPanda_AddCommonAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, int global_size[3], char *fname); static void IOPanda_AddChunkAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, CCTK_INT4 *geom, char *fname); /*@@ @routine IOPanda_Output3DGH @date Sat March 6 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Loops over all variables and outputs them if necessary @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH @vtype cGH * @vio in @endvar @@*/ int IOPanda_Output3DGH (cGH *GH) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int index; char *fullname; const char *name; pandaGH *myGH; /* Get the GH extension for IOPanda */ myGH = (pandaGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IOPanda")]; CheckSteerableParameters (myGH); if (myGH->out3D_every <= 0) { return (0); } /* Loop over all variables */ for (index = 0; index < CCTK_NumVars (); index++) { if (IOPanda_TimeFor3D (GH, index)) { name = CCTK_VarName (index); if (verbose) { fullname = CCTK_FullName (index); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "IOPanda_Output3DGH: " "(fullname, name) = (%s, %s)", fullname, name); free (fullname); } /* Do the 3D output */ IOPanda_Timestep (GH, index, name); /* Register variable as having 3D output this iteration */ myGH->out3D_last [index] = GH->cctk_iteration; } } return (0); } /*@@ @routine IOPanda_Output3DVarAs @date Sat March 6 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Unconditional output of a variable using the IOPanda 3D output method @enddesc @calledby IOPanda_Output3DGH @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH @vtype cGH @vio in @endvar @var fullname @vdesc complete name of variable to output @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var alias @vdesc alias name of variable to output (used to generate output filename) @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @@*/ int IOPanda_Output3DVarAs (cGH *GH, const char *fullname, const char *alias) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int index; index = CCTK_VarIndex(fullname); if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "IOPanda_Output3DVarAs: " "(fullname, alias, index) = (%s, %s, %d)", fullname, alias, index); } /* Do the 3D output */ IOPanda_Timestep (GH, index, alias); return (0); } /*@@ @routine IOPanda_TimeFor3D @date Sat March 6 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Decides if it is time to output a variable using the IOPanda 3D output method @enddesc @calledby IOPanda_Output3DGH @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH @vtype cGH @vio in @endvar @var index @vdesc index of variable @vtype int @vio in @endvar @@*/ int IOPanda_TimeFor3D (cGH *GH, int index) { pandaGH *myGH; /* Get the GH extension for IOPanda */ myGH = (pandaGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IOPanda")]; CheckSteerableParameters (myGH); /* Check if any output was requested */ if (myGH->out3D_every <= 0) { return (0); } /* Check this variable should be output */ if (! (myGH->do_out3D [index] && GH->cctk_iteration % myGH->out3D_every == 0)) { return (0); } /* Check variable not already output this iteration */ if (myGH->out3D_last [index] == GH->cctk_iteration) { char *fullname = CCTK_FullName (index); CCTK_VWarn (5, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Already done IOPanda 3D output for variable '%s' in current " "iteration (probably via triggers)", fullname); free (fullname); return (0); } return (1); } /*@@ @routine IOPanda_TriggerOutput3D @date Sat March 6 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Triggers the output a variable using the IOPanda 3D output method @enddesc @var GH @vdesc Pointer to CCTK GH @vtype cGH @vio in @endvar @var index @vdesc index of variable to output @vtype int @vio in @endvar @@*/ int IOPanda_TriggerOutput3D (cGH *GH, int index) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS pandaGH *myGH; const char *varname; varname = CCTK_VarName (index); /* Get the GH extension for IOPanda */ myGH = (pandaGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IOPanda")]; if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "TriggerOutput3D: " "name, index = %s, %d", varname, index); } /* Do the 3D output */ IOPanda_Timestep (GH, index, varname); /* Register variable as having 3D output this iteration */ myGH->out3D_last [index] = GH->cctk_iteration; return (0); } /**************************** local functions ******************************/ /* check if steerable parameters have changed */ static void CheckSteerableParameters (pandaGH *myGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int times_set; static int out3D_vars_lastset = -1; /* How often to output */ myGH->out3D_every = out_every > 0 ? out_every : -1; if (out3D_every > 0) { myGH->out3D_every = out3D_every; } /* re-parse the 'out3D_vars' parameter if it was changed */ times_set = CCTK_ParameterQueryTimesSet ("out3D_vars", CCTK_THORNSTRING); if (times_set != out3D_vars_lastset) { memset (myGH->do_out3D, 0, CCTK_NumVars ()); CCTK_TraverseString (out3D_vars, SetOutputFlag, myGH->do_out3D, CCTK_GROUP_OR_VAR); /* Save the last setting of 'out3D_vars' parameter */ out3D_vars_lastset = times_set; } } /* check if this variable can be output (static conditions) */ static int CheckOutputVar (int index) { char *errormsg; char *fullname; errormsg = NULL; /*** FIXME: IEEEIO doesn't provide a COMPLEX datatype so somehow CCTK_COMPLEX has to be mapped onto REALs or so. We have to check this already here because if an IEEEIO file is created and nothing is written to, it crashes at re-opening. ***/ if (CCTK_VarTypeI (index) == CCTK_VARIABLE_COMPLEX) { errormsg = "IOPanda 3D output for complex variable '%s' not yet supported"; } else if (CCTK_GroupTypeFromVarI (index) == CCTK_SCALAR) { errormsg = "IOPanda 3D output for scalar variable '%s' not supported"; } if (errormsg) { fullname = CCTK_FullName (index); CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, errormsg, fullname); free (fullname); } return (errormsg != NULL); } /* callback for CCTK_TraverseString() to set the output flag for the given variable */ static void SetOutputFlag (int index, const char *optstring, void *arg) { char *flags = (char *) arg; /* Check the variable type */ if (CheckOutputVar (index) == 0) { flags[index] = 1; } if (optstring) { CCTK_VWarn (5, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Optional string '%s' in variable name ignored", optstring); } } static void IOPanda_Timestep (cGH *GH, int index, const char *alias) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS void *data; int tmp[1], tmp1[3], tmp2[3]; Distribution dist1[3], dist2[3]; CCTK_INT4 bnd[9]; int free_flag, timelevel; ArrayInfo ainfo; ioGH *ioUtilGH; pGH *pughGH; /* check if variable has storage assigned */ if (! CCTK_QueryGroupStorageI (GH, CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (index))) { char *fullname = CCTK_FullName (index); CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING, "No IOPanda 3D output for '%s' (no storage)", fullname); free (fullname); return; } /* get the handles for PUGH and IOUtil GH extensions */ pughGH = PUGH_pGH (GH); ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IO")]; ainfo.name_ = (char *)alias; ainfo.rank_ = 3; tmp1[0] = GH->cctk_gsh[2]; tmp1[1] = GH->cctk_gsh[1]; tmp1[2] = GH->cctk_gsh[0]; ainfo.size_ = tmp1; switch (CCTK_VarTypeI (index)) { case CCTK_VARIABLE_CHAR: ainfo.esize_ = CHAR; break; case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT: #ifdef CCTK_INTEGER_PRECISION_8 ainfo.esize_ = INT64; #elif CCTK_INTEGER_PRECISION_4 ainfo.esize_ = INT32; #elif CCTK_INTEGER_PRECISION_2 ainfo.esize_ = INT16; #endif break; case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL: if (ioUtilGH->out_single) { ainfo.esize_ = FLOAT32; } else { #ifdef CCTK_REAL_PRECISION_8 ainfo.esize_ = FLOAT64; #elif CCTK_REAL_PRECISION_4 ainfo.esize_ = FLOAT32; #endif } } /* FIXME: rank */ ainfo.mem_rank_ = 3; tmp2[0] = pughGH->Connectivity [2]->nprocs [2]; tmp2[1] = pughGH->Connectivity [2]->nprocs [1]; tmp2[2] = pughGH->Connectivity [2]->nprocs [0]; ainfo.mem_layout_ = tmp2; dist1[0] = dist1[1] = dist1[2] = BLOCK; ainfo.mem_dist_ = dist1; ainfo.disk_rank_ = 1; dist2[0] = BLOCK; dist2[1] = dist2[2] = NONE; tmp[0]= ((CCTK_nProcs(GH) - 1) / ioUtilGH->ioproc_every + 1); ainfo.disk_layout_ = tmp; ainfo.disk_dist_ = dist2; timelevel = 0; IOPanda_getDumpData(GH, index, timelevel, &data, &free_flag, bnd, ainfo.esize_); ainfo.data_ = (char *)data; /*** FIXME: asymmetric ghostzones */ ainfo.stencil_width_ = GH->cctk_nghostzones [0]; PandaTimestep(&ainfo); if (free_flag) { free (data); } IOPanda_AddCommonAttributes(GH, index, timelevel, ainfo.size_, ainfo.name_); if (! ioUtilGH->unchunked) { /* Write chunk attributes */ IOPanda_AddChunkAttributes (GH, index, bnd, ainfo.name_); } if (PandaIsNewFile(ainfo.name_)) { IOPanda_IEEEIOStructDump(GH, ainfo.name_); } } static void IOPanda_AddCommonAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, int timelevel, int global_size[3], char *fname) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_REAL d3_to_IO [6]; /* buffer for writing doubles to IEEEIO */ CCTK_INT4 i_to_IO; /* buffer for writing an int to IEEEIO */ CCTK_INT4 i3_to_IO[3]; /* buffer for writing ints to IEEEIO */ CCTK_REAL dummy; char *name, *gname; ioGH *ioUtilGH; char *char_time_date = ""; #ifdef SGI time_t t = time(NULL); char_time_date = asctime (localtime (&t)); #endif /* Get the handle for IO extensions */ ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IO")]; name = CCTK_FullName (index); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "name", BYTE, strlen (name) + 1, name); free (name); gname = CCTK_GroupNameFromVarI (index); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "groupname", BYTE, strlen (gname) + 1, gname); free (gname); i_to_IO = CCTK_GroupTypeFromVarI (index); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "grouptype", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); i_to_IO = CCTK_NumTimeLevelsFromVarI (index); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "ntimelevels", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); i_to_IO = timelevel; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "timelevel", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); if (char_time_date && out3D_datestamp) { Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "date", BYTE, strlen (char_time_date) + 1, char_time_date); } Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "time", FLOAT64, 1,&GH->cctk_time); d3_to_IO [0] = CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [0], &dummy, -1, "x", "cart3d"); d3_to_IO [1] = CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [1], &dummy, -1, "y", "cart3d"); d3_to_IO [2] = CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [2], &dummy, -1, "z", "cart3d"); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "origin", FLOAT64,3,d3_to_IO); CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [0], &d3_to_IO [3], -1, "x", "cart3d"); CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [1], &d3_to_IO [4], -1, "y", "cart3d"); CCTK_CoordRange (GH, &d3_to_IO [2], &d3_to_IO [5], -1, "z", "cart3d"); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "min_ext", FLOAT64, 3, d3_to_IO); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "max_ext", FLOAT64, 3, d3_to_IO+3); /* FIXME: dimension */ d3_to_IO [0] = GH->cctk_delta_space [0] * ioUtilGH->downsample[0]; d3_to_IO [1] = GH->cctk_delta_space [1] * ioUtilGH->downsample[1]; d3_to_IO [2] = GH->cctk_delta_space [2] * ioUtilGH->downsample[2]; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "delta", FLOAT64, 3,d3_to_IO); if (ioUtilGH->downsample[0] > 1 || ioUtilGH->downsample[1] > 1 || ioUtilGH->downsample[2] > 1) { d3_to_IO [0] = GH->cctk_delta_space [0]; d3_to_IO [1] = GH->cctk_delta_space [1]; d3_to_IO [2] = GH->cctk_delta_space [2]; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "evolution_delta", FLOAT64, 3, d3_to_IO); } i3_to_IO[0] = global_size[0]; i3_to_IO[1] = global_size[1]; i3_to_IO[2] = global_size[2]; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "global_size", INT32, 3, i3_to_IO); i_to_IO = CCTK_nProcs (GH); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "nprocs", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); i_to_IO = ioUtilGH->ioproc_every; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "ioproc_every", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); i_to_IO = ioUtilGH->unchunked; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "unchunked", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); i_to_IO = GH->cctk_iteration; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "iteration", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); } static void IOPanda_AddChunkAttributes (cGH *GH, int index, CCTK_INT4 *geom, char *fname) { int dim; char *name; CCTK_INT4 i_to_IO; /* there is nothing to do for a serial run */ if (CCTK_nProcs (GH) == 1) return; /* get the dimension of the variable */ dim = CCTK_GroupDimI (CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (index)); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "chunk_origin", INT32, dim, &geom[0]); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "subchunk_lb", INT32, dim, &geom[0]); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "global_size", INT32, dim, &geom[2*dim]); i_to_IO = GH->cctk_iteration; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "chunk_dataset", INT32, 1, &i_to_IO); name = CCTK_FullName (index); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "name", CHAR, strlen (name)+1, name); free (name); } static void IOPanda_IEEEIOStructDump (cGH *GH, char *fname) { CCTK_INT4 i_temp; CCTK_REAL d_temp; ioGH *ioUtilGH; ioUtilGH = (ioGH *) GH->extensions [CCTK_GHExtensionHandle ("IO")]; i_temp = GH->cctk_iteration; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "GH$iteration", INT32, 1, &i_temp); i_temp = ioUtilGH->ioproc_every; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "GH$ioproc_every", INT32, 1, &i_temp); i_temp = CCTK_nProcs (GH); Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "GH$nprocs", INT32, 1, &i_temp); d_temp = GH->cctk_time; Panda_WriteAttribute (fname, "GH$time", FLOAT64, 1, &d_temp); }