# Parameter definitions for thorn IOJpeg # $Header$ ############################################################################# ### declare IOJpeg parameters ############################################################################# private: ######################## # The basic parameters: # how often to do output # for which variables # into which output directory ######################## INT out_every "How often to do IOJpeg output, overrides IO::out_every" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1:* :: "Every so many iterations" 0: :: "Disable IOJpeg output" -1: :: "Choose the default from IO::out_every" } -1 STRING out_vars "Variables to output by IOJpeg" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { ".+" :: "Space-separated list of fully qualified variable/group names" "^$" :: "An empty string to output nothing" } "" STRING out_dir "Output directory for IOJpeg files, overrides IO::out_dir" STEERABLE = RECOVER { ".+" :: "A valid directory name" "^$" :: "An empty string to choose the default from IO::out_dir" } "" KEYWORD mode "Output mode to use" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "remove" :: "Remove files from old timesteps" "standard" :: "Generate a file for each out_every timesteps" } "standard" ######################## # Specific to jpegs ######################## REAL colormap_bias "Bias automatic colormap generation towards red (low) or blue (high)" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { -1:1 :: "Could be unrestricted" } 0.5 INT colormap_quality "JPEG quality of level" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0:100 :: "Percentage of full quality" } 75 INT colormap_factor "How to scale float values to rgb color" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 2:256 :: "Positive scaling" } 32 KEYWORD colormap "How to set the colormap" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "auto" :: "Set automatically using min/max of grid variables" "custom" :: "Set min/max manually" } "custom" REAL colormap_min "minimum value to be mapped to colors" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { *:* :: "Only for custom colormap scale" } -1.0 REAL colormap_max "maximum value to be mapped to colors" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { *:* :: "Only for custom colormap scale" } +1.0 ################################ # Choosing what planes to output ################################ REAL out2D_yzplane_x "x-coord for 2D planes in yz" STEERABLE = RECOVER { *:* :: "A value between [xmin, xmax]" -424242: :: "Default to IO::out_yzplane_x" } -424242 REAL out2D_xzplane_y "y-coord for 2D planes in xz" STEERABLE = RECOVER { *:* :: "A value between [ymin, ymax]" -424242: :: "Default to IO::out_xzplane_y" } -424242 REAL out2D_xyplane_z "z-coord for 2D planes in xy" STEERABLE = RECOVER { *:* :: "A value between [zmin, zmax]" -424242: :: "Default to IO::out_xyplane_z" } -424242 INT out2D_yzplane_xi "x-index (from 0) for 2D planes in yz" STEERABLE = RECOVER { 0:* :: "An index between [0, nx)" -1: :: "Choose the default from IO::out_yzplane_xi" } -1 INT out2D_xzplane_yi "y-index (from 0) for 2D planes in xz" STEERABLE = RECOVER { 0:* :: "An index between [0, ny)" -1: :: "Choose the default from IO::out_xzplane_yi" } -1 INT out2D_xyplane_zi "z-index (from 0) for 2D planes in xy" STEERABLE = RECOVER { 0:* :: "An index between [0, nz)" -1: :: "Choose the default from IO::out_xyplane_zi" } -1 ############################################################################# ### import IOUtil parameters ############################################################################# shares: IO USES STRING out_dir AS io_out_dir USES INT out_every AS io_out_every USES KEYWORD verbose USES REAL out_yzplane_x USES REAL out_xzplane_y USES REAL out_xyplane_z USES INT out_yzplane_xi USES INT out_xzplane_yi USES INT out_xyplane_zi