% Thorn documentation template \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{IOFlexIO} \author{Paul Walker} \date{1998-1999} \maketitle \abstract{Thorn IOFlexIO provides IO methods for 2D and 3D output of variables using John Shalf's FlexIO library ({\tt http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/FlexIO/}).\\ It also implements checkpointing/recovery functionality.} % \section{Purpose} % Thorn IOFlexIO registers 2 IO methods with the IO interface in the flesh: % \begin{itemize} \item {\tt IOFlexIO\_2D} creates two-dimensional output of grid functions extracting the xy, xz, yz planes by slicing through the edge (in the octant case) or center (in all origin centered cases). \item {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D} creates three-dimensional output of grid functions as well as plain output of scalar variables. \end{itemize} % Data for both methods is written in IEEEIO binary file format ({\tt http://bach.ncsa.uiuc.edu/IEEEIO/}) and goes into files named {\tt "\_2D.ieee"} and {\tt "\_3D.ieee"} respectively.\\ Further processing of these data can be done with visualization tools like Amira, AVS, and IDL.\\ % \newline % You obtain output by an IO method by either % \begin{itemize} \item setting the appropriate IO parameters \item calling one the routines of the IO function interface provided by the flesh \end{itemize} % % IOFlexIO also provides checkpointing/recovery functionality by registering % \begin{itemize} \item a checkpoint method with the Runtime Function Repository in the flesh if checkpointing was requested for this thorn. This method is then scheduled at {\em CCTK\_CPINITIAL} and/or {\em CCTK\_CHECKPOINT} (to checkpoint initial and/or evolution data).\\ Controled via checkpoint parameters, it decides when to save the current state of simulation by dumping the contents of all Cactus variables and parameters into a checkpoint file which is in IEEEIO file format.\\ To write this file the thorn's IO method {\tt IOFlexIO\_3D} is used. \item a recovery method with the generic recovery function interface of thorn IOUtil.\\ At recovery time this method is called by IOUtil's generic recovery routine. It gets passed a filename which is tested to identify a checkpoint file in IEEEIO format. If successful the method will then restore the contents of all Cactus variables and parameters from the given checkpoint file. \end{itemize} % For a description of IO and checkpoint/recovery parameters and the generic recovery function interface please see also the documentation of thorn IOUtil.\\ For a description of IO function interface to invoke IO methods by application thorns please see the flesh documentation. % % \section{Comments} Since IOFlexIO uses parameters and the recovery function interface from IOUtil it also needs this I/O skeleton thorn compiled into Cactus and activated.\\ % % % Automatically created from the ccl files % Do not worry for now. \include{interface} \include{param} \include{schedule} \end{document}