% Thorn documentation template \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{IOBasic} \author{Gabrielle Allen, Paul Walker} \date{1999} \maketitle \abstract{Thorn IOBasic provides IO methods for outputting scalar values in ASCII format and for printing some runtime information on grid functions to screen.} \section{Purpose} Thorn IOBasic registers 2 IO methods with the IO interface in the flesh: % \begin{itemize} \item {\tt Scalar} \begin{itemize} \item for scalar variables this method outputs the value of the scalar versus time into ASCII files named {\tt ".tl"}. \item for a grid function it plots the minimum, maximum, L1, and L2 norm versus time into ASCII files named {\tt "\_.tl"} where {\tt reduction} stands for {\tt min, max, nm1, nm2} respectively. \end{itemize} The output data can be plotted by using either xgraph or gnuplot (you can select the style of output via parameter settings). \item {\tt INFO} computes the minimum and maximum values of a grid function and prints the results to stdout as runtime information. The output occurs as a table with rows containing the current iteration number, the physical time, and the reduction values of the grid function. \end{itemize} % % You obtain output by an IO method by either % \begin{itemize} \item setting the appropriate IO parameters \item calling one the routines of the IO function interface provided by the flesh \end{itemize} % For a description of basic IO parameters and the IO function interface to invoke IO methods by application thorns please see the documentation of thorn IOUtil and the flesh. % \section{Comments} % Since IOBasic uses parameters from IOUtil it also needs this IO skeleton thorn be compiled into Cactus and activated. % % Automatically created from the ccl files % Do not worry for now. \include{interface} \include{param} \include{schedule} \end{document}