Cactus Code Thorn IOBasic Authors : Gabrielle Allen CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose of the thorn This thorn provides two I/O methods "Info" and "Scalar" which output grid variables as scalars as a function on time. Grid scalars: - Output the value of the scalar straight forwardly Grid functions: - Output the reduction value of the grid function versus time. For this you also need to activate a thorn which implements reduction operators (eg. PUGHReduce which provides the standard reductions "minimum", "maximum", "sum", "norm1", "norm2", and "norm_inf"). The "Info" method would print the values, along with the current iteration number and the physical time, in a formatted table to stdout. The "Scalar" methods outputs to ASCII files which can be processed with gnuplot or xgraph. 2. Additional information There is more comprehensive documention available in this thorn's doc/documentation.tex file which is included in the Cactus Thorn Guide.