/*@@ @file planewaves.f @date Wed Jan 24 16:51:03 1996 @author Malcolm Tobias + Joan Masso @desc Routine to initialize linear plane wave spacetime @enddesc @hdate Tue Mar 16 12:38:04 1999 @hauthor Gerd Lanfermann @hdesc Converted to Cactus4.0. the code and its comments of the original authors are kept. There is NO BM suport at this point. Id like to know how Cactus handles this w/o #ifdef ! @@*/ /*@@ @routine planewaves @date Mon Jan 29 11:57:00 1996 @author Malcolm Tobias + Joan Masso @desc Routine to initialize a linear plane wave travelling in an arbitrary direction. The form of the packet is:

$ A*exp\left[-(kp_ix^i-\omega_p (time-ra))^2\right] cos(k_ix^i-\omega \ time) $


A = amplitude of the wave
k = the wave # of the sine wave
$\omega$ = the frequency of the sine wave
kp = the wave # of the gaussian modulating the sine wave
$\omega_p$ = the frequency of the gaussian
ra = the initial position of the packet(s) @enddesc @calledby linearWaves @calls @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "declare_arguments.h" #include "declare_parameters.h" c Using macro definitions from Einstein #include "../../packages/CactusEinstein/Einstein/src/Einstein.h" subroutine planewaves(CCTK_FARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS DECLARE_PARAMETERS INTEGER iin,iout REAL pi REAL ra,the,phi REAL wave,wavep REAL kx,ky,kz,w REAL kxp,kyp,kzp,wp c local arrays (scalars! Man, what a sweat!) REAL plus,minus,plusp,minusp,ain,aout INTEGER i,j,k INTEGER CCTK_Equals pi = 3.14159265358979d0 c Wave characteristics c amplitude is declared by DECLARE_PARAMETER, for all other parameters c we stick to the naming in the cactus3.2.0 version of cactus c wavecentering ra = wavecenter c wavelength wave = wavelength c wavepulse wavep= wavepulse c determine whether the wave is ingoing, outgoing, or both iin = 0 iout = 0 if(CCTK_Equals(wavesgoing,'in').ne.0) then iin = 1 elseif(CCTK_Equals(wavesgoing,'out').ne.0) then iout = 1 elseif(CCTK_Equals(wavesgoing,'both').ne.0) then iin = 1 iout = 1 endif c determine the direction for the plane wave to travel c and convert it from degrees to radians the = pi*wavetheta/180.d0 phi = pi*wavephi/180.d0 write(*,*)'Plane waves' write(*,*)'amplitude = ',amplitude write(*,*)'wavecenter = ',ra write(*,*)'wavelength = ',wave write(*,*)'wavepulse = ',wavep c precalc kx = 2*pi*sin(the)*cos(phi)/wave ky = 2*pi*sin(the)*sin(phi)/wave kz = 2*pi*cos(the)/wave w = (kx*kx+ky*ky+kz*kz)**0.5 kxp = 2*pi*sin(the)*cos(phi)/wavep kyp = 2*pi*sin(the)*sin(phi)/wavep kzp = 2*pi*cos(the)/wavep wp = (kxp*kxp+kyp*kyp+kzp*kzp)**0.5 c *************** plane waves ******************** do k=1,sh(3) do j=1,sh(2) do i=1,sh(1) plus = (kx*x(i,j,k)+ky*y(i,j,k)+kz*z(i,j,k)+w*time) minus = (kx*x(i,j,k)+ky*y(i,j,k)+kz*z(i,j,k)-w*time) plusp =(kxp*x(i,j,k)+kyp*y(i,j,k)+kzp*z(i,j,k)+wp*(time-ra)) minusp =(kxp*x(i,j,k)+kyp*y(i,j,k)+kzp*z(i,j,k)-wp*(time-ra)) ain = iin*amplitude*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) aout = iout*amplitude*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) c the metric functions gxx(i,j,k) = cos(the)**2*cos(phi)**2*(1+ain+aout) + & sin(phi)**2*(1-ain-aout) + sin(the)**2*cos(phi)**2 gxy(i,j,k) = cos(the)**2*sin(phi)*cos(phi)*(1+ain+aout) + & sin(phi)*cos(phi)*(1-ain-aout) - sin(the)**2*sin(phi)*cos(phi) gxz(i,j,k) = sin(the)*cos(the)*cos(phi)*(1+ain+aout) - & sin(the)*cos(the)*cos(phi) gyy(i,j,k) = cos(the)**2*sin(phi)**2*(1+ain+aout) + & cos(phi)**2*(1-ain-aout) + sin(the)**2*sin(phi)**2 gyz(i,j,k) = -sin(the)*cos(the)*sin(phi)*(1+ain+aout) + & sin(the)*cos(the)*sin(phi) gzz(i,j,k) = sin(the)**2*(1+ain+aout) + cos(the)**2 c At this pint, the CAC3.2.0 version has some code for the dxgxx,.... c defined, how does CAC4.0 handles this without #ifdef THORN_BONAMASSO ? c and finally the extrinsic curvatures c Joan: I removed the division by alp as the initialization c of the lapse may take place later. This data is consistent c for initial lapse equal one. hxx(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (cos(the)**2*cos(phi)**2* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))) - & sin(phi)**2* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) hxy(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (cos(the)**2*sin(phi)*cos(phi)* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))) - & sin(phi)*cos(phi)* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) hxz(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (sin(the)*cos(the)*cos(phi)* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) hyy(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (cos(the)**2*sin(phi)**2* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))) - & cos(phi)**2* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) hyz(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (-sin(the)*cos(the)*sin(phi)* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) hzz(i,j,k) = amplitude* & (sin(the)**2* & (iin*(-w*sin(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2) - & 2.d0*wp*plusp*cos(plus)*exp(-(plusp)**2)) + & iout*(w*sin(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2) + & 2.d0*wp*minusp*cos(minus)*exp(-(minusp)**2))))/(-2.d0) c loop over sh ends here: enddo enddo enddo c initialize the conformal factor if (use_conformal == 1) then conformal_state = CONFORMAL_METRIC psi = 1d0 psix = 0d0 psiy = 0d0 psiz = 0d0 psixy = 0d0 psixz = 0d0 psiyz = 0d0 psixx = 0d0 psiyy = 0d0 psizz = 0d0 else conformal_state = NOCONFORMAL_METRIC end if return end