% Thorn documentation template \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \title{IDBrillData} \author{Carsten Gundlach, Gabrielle Allen} \date{$Date$} \maketitle \abstract{This thorn creates time symmetric initial data for Brill wave spacetimes. It can create both axisymmetric data (in a 3D cartesian grid), as well as data with an angular dependency.} \section{Purpose} The purpose of this thorn is to create initial data for a Brill wave spacetime. It does so by starting from a three--metric of the form originally considered by Brill \begin{equation} ds^2 = \Psi^4 \left[ e^{2q} \left( d\rho^2 + dz^2 \right) + \rho^2 d\phi^2 \right] =\Psi^4 \hat{ds}^{2}, \label{eqn:brillmetric} \end{equation} where $q$ is a free function subject to certain regularity and fall-off conditions, $\rho=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ and $\Psi$ is a conformal factor to be solved for. Substituting this metric into the Hamiltonian constraint gives an elliptic equation for the conformal factor $\Psi$ which is then numerically solved for a given function $q$: \begin{equation} \hat{\nabla} \Psi - \frac{\Psi}{8} \hat{R} = 0 \end{equation} where the conformal Ricci scalar is found to be \begin{eqnarray} \hat{R} = -2 \left(e^{-2q} (\partial^2_z q + \partial^2_\rho q) + \frac{1}{\rho^2} (3 (\partial_\phi q)^2 + 2 \partial_\phi q)\right) \end{eqnarray} Assuming the initial data to be time symmetric means that the momentum constraints are trivially satisfied. The thorn considers several different forms of the function $q$ depending on certain parameters that will be described below. Brill initial data is activated by choosing the {\tt CactusEinstein/ADMBase} parameter {\tt initial\_data} to be {\tt brilldata}. In the case of axisymmetry, the Hamiltonian constraint can be written as an elliptic equation for $\Psi$ with just the flat space Laplacian, \begin{equation} \nabla_{flat} \Psi + \frac{\Psi}{4} (\partial_z^2 q + \partial_\rho^2 q) = 0 \end{equation} If the initial data is chosen to be {\tt ADMBase::initial\_data = "brilldata2D"} then this elliptic equation is solved rather than the equation above. \section{Parameters for the thorn} The thorn is controlled by the following parameters: \begin{itemize} \item brill\_q (INT): Form of the function $q$ [0,1,2] (default 2): \begin{itemize} \item brill\_q = 0: \[ q = a \; \frac{\rho^{2+b}}{r^2} \left( \frac{z}{\sigma_z} \right)^2 e^{-(\rho - \rho_0^2)} \] \item brill\_q = 1: \[ q = a \left( \frac{\rho}{\sigma_\rho} \right)^b \frac{1}{1 + \left[ \left( r^2 - r_0^2 \right) / \sigma_r^2 \right]^{c/2}} \] \item brill\_q = 2: \[ q = a \left( \frac{\rho}{\sigma_\rho} \right)^b e^{-\left[ \left( r^2 - r_0^2 \right) / \sigma_r^2 \right]^{c/2}} \] \item If one specifies 3D data (see above), the function $q$ is multiplied by an additional factor with an angular dependency: \[ q \rightarrow q \left[ 1 + d \frac{\rho^m}{1 + e \rho^m} \cos^2 \left( n \phi + \phi_0 \right) \right] \] \end{itemize} \item brill\_a (REAL): Amplitude (default 0.0). \item brill\_b (REAL): $b$ in above expressions (default 2.0). \item brill\_c (REAL): $c$ in above expressions (default 2.0). \item brill\_d (REAL): $d$ in above expressions (default 0.0). \item brill\_e (REAL): $e$ in above expressions (default 1.0). \item brill\_m (REAL): $m$ in above expressions (default 2.0). \item brill\_n (REAL): $n$ in above expressions (default 2.0). \item brill\_r0 (REAL): $r_0$ in above expressions (default 0.0). \item brill\_rho0 (REAL): $\rho_0$ in above expressions (default 0.0). \item brill\_phi0 (REAL): $\phi_0$ in above expressions (default 0.0). \item brill\_sr (REAL): $\sigma_r$ in above expressions (default 1.0). \item brill\_srho (REAL): $\sigma_\rho$ in above expressions (default 1.0). \end{itemize} The elliptic solver is controlled by the additional parameters: \begin{itemize} \item {\tt solver} (KEYWORD): Elliptic solver used to solve the hamiltonian constraint [sor/petsc/bam] (default "sor"). \item {\tt thresh} (REAL): Threshold for elliptic solver (default 0.00001). \end{itemize} \section{Notes} Thorn {\tt IDBrillData} understands both the {\tt physical} and {\tt static conformal} {\tt metric\_type}. In the case of a conformal metric being chosen, the conformal factor is set to $\Psi$. Currently the derivatives of the conformal factor are not calculated, so that only {\tt staticconformal::conformal\_storage = "factor"} is supported. % Automatically created from the ccl files % Do not worry for now. \include{interface} \include{param} \include{schedule} \end{document}