c/*@@ c @file IDAxiBrillBH.F c @date c @author c @desc c c @enddesc c@@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" c/*@@ c @routine IDAxiBrillBH c @date c @author c @desc c c @enddesc c @calls c @calledby c @history c c @endhistory c@@*/ subroutine IDAxiBrillBH(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS real*8 axibheps, rmax, dq, deta integer levels,id5,id9,idi,idg,ier real*8, allocatable :: cc(:,:),ce(:,:),cw(:,:),cn(:,:),cs(:,:), $ rhs(:,:),psi2d(:,:),detapsi2d(:,:),dqpsi2d(:,:), $ detaetapsi2d(:,:),detaqpsi2d(:,:),dqqpsi2d(:,:) real*8, allocatable :: etagrd(:),qgrd(:) real*8, allocatable :: eta(:,:,:),abseta(:,:,:),sign_eta(:,:,:), $ q(:,:,:),phi(:,:,:) real*8, allocatable :: psi2dv(:,:,:),detapsi2dv(:,:,:), $ dqpsi2dv(:,:,:),detaetapsi2dv(:,:,:),detaqpsi2dv(:,:,:), $ dqqpsi2dv(:,:,:) real*8 error_at_this_grid_point,max_error_in_grid real*8 o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6,o7,o8,o9 real*8 o10,o11,o12,o13,o14,o15,o16,o17,o18,o19 real*8 o20,o21,o22,o23,o24,o25,o26,o27,o28,o29 real*8 o30,o31,o32,o33,o34,o35,o36,o37,o38,o39 real*8 o40,o41,o42,o43,o44,o45,o46,o47,o48,o49 real*8 o50,o51,o52,o53,o54,o55,o56,o57,o58,o59 real*8 o60,o61,o62,o63,o64,o65,o66,o67,o68,o69 real*8 o70,o71,o72,o73,o74,o75,o76,o77,o78,o79 real*8 o80,o81,o82,o83,o84,o85,o86,o87,o88,o89 real*8 o90,o91,o92,o93,o94,o95,o96,o97,o98,o99 integer i22 real*8 pi real*8 adm real*8 exp_mhalf_eta, psi3d integer :: nx,ny,nz integer i,j,k,nquads integer npoints,ierror integer neb, nqb integer posn integer io_status integer, parameter :: max_string_length = 500 integer param_table_handle, interp_handle character(max_string_length) :: message_buffer integer fstring_length character(max_string_length) :: interpolator_name_fstring character(max_string_length) :: interpolator_pars_fstring character(max_string_length) :: output_psi2D_file_name_fstring CCTK_REAL, dimension(2) :: coord_origin, coord_delta CCTK_POINTER, dimension(2) :: interp_coords CCTK_POINTER, dimension(6) :: in_arrays, out_arrays CCTK_INT, dimension(2) :: in_array_dims CCTK_INT, dimension(6), parameter :: type_codes = CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) c Set up the grid spacings nx = cctk_lsh(1) ny = cctk_lsh(2) nz = cctk_lsh(3) c c ***** set up interpolator handle and parameter table ***** c c c ... we do this now, rather than waiting till we need them, c so any errors (eg user forgot to activate a suitable interpolator thorn) c get printed right away, rather than making the user wait for them c ... n.b. we must first convert our C-style string parameters c to Fortran strings c call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length, $ interpolator_name, $ interpolator_name_fstring) call CCTK_InterpHandle(interp_handle, $ interpolator_name_fstring(1:fstring_length)) if (interp_handle .lt. 0) then call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Cannot get interpolator handle! Did you forgot to activate a suitable local-interpolator thorn?") endif c c build the interpolator parameter table from a suitable string: c if interpolator_pars is a nonempty string, use that, otherwise c use "order=n" where n is given by the interpolation_order c parameter c call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length, $ interpolator_pars, $ interpolator_pars_fstring) if (fstring_length .eq. 0) then interpolator_pars_fstring $ = "order=" // char(ichar('0') + interpolation_order) endif call Util_TableCreateFromString $ (param_table_handle, $ interpolator_pars_fstring(1:fstring_length)) if (param_table_handle .lt. 0) then write(message_buffer, '(A,I8)') $ 'failed to create interpolator param table: error code ', $ param_table_handle call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer) endif c c ***** solve Brill-wave equation on 2D (eta,theta) grid ***** c c The code uses the abbreviation 'q' for theta. This is a bit confusing, c because this is *not* the same quantity as $q(\eta,\theta)$ described c in the thorn guide (which is is stored in the 3-D array q(nx,ny,nz)). c c The (eta,theta) grid spans the range c eta in [0,etamax] + ghost zones (neb points, spacing deta) c theta in [0,pi ] + ghost zones (nqb points, spacing dq ) c c 2D grid size NE x NQ, plus 2 zones for boundaries c c 21/11/00 TR: dont change parameters in place c but keep a copy in local variables c Otherwise the changed parameters cause trouble c after recovery. c neb = ne+2 nqb = nq+2 allocate( cc(neb,nqb)) allocate( ce(neb,nqb)) allocate( cw(neb,nqb)) allocate( cn(neb,nqb)) allocate( cs(neb,nqb)) allocate( rhs(neb,nqb)) allocate( psi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( detapsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( dqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate(detaetapsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( detaqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate( dqqpsi2d(neb,nqb)) allocate(etagrd(neb)) allocate( qgrd(nqb)) allocate( eta(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( abseta(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( sign_eta(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( q(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( phi(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( psi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( detapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( dqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) allocate(detaetapsi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( detaqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) allocate( dqqpsi2dv(nx,ny,nz)) c Initialize some arrays psi2d = 1.0d0 detapsi2d = 0.0d0 nquads = 2 dq = nquads*0.5d0*pi/(nqb-2) deta = etamax/(neb-3) do j=1,nqb qgrd(j) = (j-1.5d0)*dq do i=1,neb etagrd(i) = (i-2)*deta #include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/bhbrill.x" enddo enddo c Boundary conditions do j=1,nqb ce(2,j)=ce(2,j)+cw(2,j) cw(2,j)=0.0d0 cw(neb-1,j)=cw(neb-1,j)+ce(neb-1,j) cc(neb-1,j)=cc(neb-1,j)-deta*ce(neb-1,j) ce(neb-1,j)=0.0d0 enddo do i=1,neb cc(i,2)=cc(i,2)+cs(i,2) cs(i,2)=0.0d0 cc(i,nqb-1)=cc(i,nqb-1)+cn(i,nqb-1) cn(i,nqb-1)=0.0d0 enddo c Do the solve axibheps = error_tolerance call CCTK_INFO("Calling axisymmetric solver") call mgparm (levels,5,id5,id9,idi,idg,neb,nqb) call mg5 (neb,2,neb-1,nqb,2,nqb-1, $ cc,cn,cs,cw,ce,psi2d,rhs, $ id5,id9,idi,idg,1,axibheps,rmax,ier) call CCTK_INFO("Solve complete") c c The solution is (hopefully) now available. c if(ier .ne. 0) then write(message_buffer, '(A,I8)') $ 'failed to solve elliptic equation: ier=', ier call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer) end if print *,'rmax = ',rmax print *,'axibheps = ',axibheps print *,'psi2d = ',maxval(psi2d),' ',minval(psi2d) max_error_in_grid = 0.0d0 do j=2,nqb-1 do i=2,neb-1 error_at_this_grid_point = rhs(i,j) $ - psi2d(i,j )*cc(i,j) $ - psi2d(i,j+1)*cn(i,j) $ - psi2d(i,j-1)*cs(i,j) $ - psi2d(i+1,j)*ce(i,j) $ - psi2d(i-1,j)*cw(i,j) max_error_in_grid = max(max_error_in_grid, $ abs(error_at_this_grid_point)) enddo enddo print *,'Resulting eps =',max_error_in_grid c Boundary conditions do j=1,nqb psi2d(1 ,j) = psi2d(3,j) psi2d(neb,j) = - deta*psi2d(neb-1,j) + psi2d(neb-2,j) enddo do i=1,neb psi2d(i,1 ) = psi2d(i,2) psi2d(i,nqb) = psi2d(i,nqb-1) enddo c derivatives of psi do j=2,nqb-1 do i=2,neb-1 dqpsi2d (i,j) = 0.5d0*(psi2d(i,j+1)-psi2d(i,j-1))/dq dqqpsi2d (i,j) = (psi2d(i,j+1)+psi2d(i,j-1)-2.0d0*psi2d(i,j))/dq**2 detapsi2d(i,j) = sinh(0.5d0*etagrd(i)) $ + 0.5d0*(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta detaetapsi2d(i,j) $ = 0.5d0*cosh(0.5d0*etagrd(i)) $ + (psi2d(i+1,j)+psi2d(i-1,j)-2.0d0*psi2d(i,j))/deta**2 enddo enddo do j=1,nqb detapsi2d(1,j)=-detapsi2d(3,j) detapsi2d(neb,j)=detapsi2d(neb-2,j) ! simplified detaetapsi2d(1,j)=detaetapsi2d(3,j) detaetapsi2d(neb,j)=detaetapsi2d(neb-2,j) ! simplified... dqqpsi2d(1,j)=dqqpsi2d(3,j) dqqpsi2d(neb,j)=dqqpsi2d(neb-2,j) ! simplified dqpsi2d(1,j)=dqpsi2d(3,j) dqpsi2d(neb,j)=-dq*dqpsi2d(neb-1,j)+dqpsi2d(neb-2,j) enddo do i=1,neb detapsi2d(i,1)=detapsi2d(i,2) detapsi2d(i,nqb)=detapsi2d(i,nqb-1) detaetapsi2d(i,1)=detaetapsi2d(i,2) detaetapsi2d(i,nqb)=detaetapsi2d(i,nqb-1) dqqpsi2d(i,1)=dqqpsi2d(i,2) dqqpsi2d(i,nqb)=dqqpsi2d(i,nqb-1) dqpsi2d(i,1)=-dqpsi2d(i,2) dqpsi2d(i,nqb)=-dqpsi2d(i,nqb-1) enddo do j=2,nqb-1 do i=2,neb-1 detaqpsi2d(i,j)=0.5d0*(detapsi2d(i,j+1)-detapsi2d(i,j-1))/dq enddo enddo do j=1,nqb detaqpsi2d(1,j)=-detaqpsi2d(3,j) detaqpsi2d(neb,j)=detaqpsi2d(neb-2,j) ! simplified enddo do i=1,ne detaqpsi2d(i,1)=-detaqpsi2d(i,2) detaqpsi2d(i,nqb)=-detaqpsi2d(i,nqb-1) enddo do j=1,nqb psi2d(:,j)=psi2d(:,j)+2.0d0*cosh(0.5d0*etagrd) enddo if (debug .ge. 6) then print *, '### 2-D grid results (= inputs to interpolation) ###' print *, 'effective 2-D grid size: neb,nqb =', neb,nqb print *, 'debug_{ii,jj} =', debug_ii,debug_jj print *, 'at this 2-D grid point...' print *, ' eta =', etagrd(debug_ii) print *, ' theta [q] =', qgrd(debug_jj) print *, ' psi2d =', psi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) print *, ' detapsi2d =', detapsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) print *, ' dqpsi2d =', dqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) print *, ' detaetapsi2d =', detaetapsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) print *, ' detaqpsi2d =', detaqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) print *, ' dqqpsi2d =', dqqpsi2d(debug_ii,debug_jj) endif c c write conformal factor psi on 2D grid to output file if requested c if (output_psi2D .ne. 0) then write (message_buffer, '(A,A,A)') $ 'writing 2D psi to "', $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring(1:fstring_length), $ '"' call CCTK_INFO(message_buffer) call CCTK_FortranString(fstring_length, $ output_psi2D_file_name, $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring) open (9, iostat=io_status, status='replace', $ file=output_psi2D_file_name_fstring) if (io_status .ne. 0) then write (message_buffer, '(A,A,A,I8)') $ 'error opening psi2D output file "', $ output_psi2D_file_name_fstring(1:fstring_length), $ '": io_status=', io_status call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer) endif write (9, '(a)') $ '# eta theta (=q) psi (2D) psi (3D)' do i = 1,neb exp_mhalf_eta = exp(-0.5d0 * etagrd(i)) do j = 1,nqb psi3d = psi2d(i,j) * exp_mhalf_eta write (9, '(f12.8,a, f12.8,a, g20.10e3,a, g20.10e3)') $ etagrd(i), ' ', qgrd(j), ' ', $ psi2d(i,j), ' ', psi3d end do write (9, '(a)') '' end do close (9, iostat=io_status) if (io_status .ne. 0) then write(message_buffer, '(A,I8)') $ 'error closing psi2D output file: io_status=', io_status call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer) endif endif c c ***** interpolate psi and its derivatives to the xyz grid positions ***** c ***** and compute the ADM variables there ***** c c More precisely, at this point we have q, psi, and psi's derivatives c on the (eta,theta) grid. We want to interpolate these values to the c (eta,theta) locations of each of the (x,y,z) grid points. c c The (eta,theta) grid only spans the range eta >= 0, so we actually c interpolate using the (x,y,z) grid points' |eta| values, and fix c things up afterwords. c call CCTK_INFO("interpolating solution to xyz grid points") eta = 0.5d0 * dlog (x**2 + y**2 + z**2) abseta = abs (eta) q = datan2 (sqrt (x**2 + y**2), z) phi = datan2 (y, x) do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx if(eta(i,j,k) .lt. 0)then sign_eta(i,j,k) = -1 else sign_eta(i,j,k) = 1 endif enddo enddo enddo if (debug .ge. 6) then c posn = (0-origin) 1-D positionn of this point in interpolator arrays c (this is useful because interpolator error messages refer to it) posn = (debug_i-1) + nx*(debug_j-1) + nx*ny*(debug_k-1) print *, '### 3-D interpolation coordinates and inputs ###' print *, '3-D grid size: n[xyz] =', nx,ny,nz print *, 'debug_[ijk] =', debug_i,debug_j,debug_k, '==> posn =', posn print *, 'at this 3-D grid point, ...' print *, ' x =', x(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' y =', y(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' z =', z(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' eta =', eta(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' abseta =', abseta(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, 'theta [q] =', q(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' phi =', phi(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) endif c set up the interpolator array pointers npoints = nx*ny*nz coord_origin(1) = etagrd(1) coord_origin(2) = qgrd(1) coord_delta(1) = etagrd(2) - etagrd(1) coord_delta(2) = qgrd(2) - qgrd(1) if (debug .ge. 6) then print *, '### 2-D grid origin: eta=', coord_origin(1) print *, ' theta=', coord_origin(2) print *, ' delta: eta=', coord_delta(1) print *, ' theta=', coord_delta(2) end if interp_coords(1) = CCTK_PointerTo(abseta) interp_coords(2) = CCTK_PointerTo(q) in_array_dims(1) = neb in_array_dims(2) = nqb in_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo( psi2d) in_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo( detapsi2d) in_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqpsi2d) in_arrays(4) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaetapsi2d) in_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo( detaqpsi2d) in_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqqpsi2d) out_arrays(1) = CCTK_PointerTo( psi2dv) out_arrays(2) = CCTK_PointerTo( detapsi2dv) out_arrays(3) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqpsi2dv) out_arrays(4) = CCTK_PointerTo(detaetapsi2dv) out_arrays(5) = CCTK_PointerTo( detaqpsi2dv) out_arrays(6) = CCTK_PointerTo( dqqpsi2dv) call CCTK_InterpLocalUniform (ierror, 2, $ interp_handle, param_table_handle, $ coord_origin, coord_delta, $ npoints, type_codes(1), interp_coords, $ 6, in_array_dims, type_codes, in_arrays, $ 6, type_codes, out_arrays) if (ierror < 0) then write(message_buffer, '(A,I8)') $ 'error in interpolator: ierror=', ierror call CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, message_buffer) endif call Util_TableDestroy (ierror, param_table_handle) if (debug .ge. 6) then print *, '### interpolation results (at this 3-D grid point) ###' print *, ' psi2dv =', psi2dv(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) end if c c ***** compute the ADMBase conformal factor, its derivatives, ***** c ***** metric, and extrinsic curvature from the interpolation output ***** c psi = psi2dv * exp (-0.5d0 * eta) detapsi2dv = sign_eta * detapsi2dv detaqpsi2dv = sign_eta * detaqpsi2dv do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx c psix = \partial psi / \partial x / psi #include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_1st_deriv.x" c psixx = \partial^2\psi / \partial x^2 / psi #include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/psi_2nd_deriv.x" enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nz do j=1,ny do i=1,nx c Conformal metric c gxx = ... c Derivatives of the metric (currently commented-out) c dxgxx = 1/2 \partial gxx / \partial x #include "CactusEinstein/IDAxiBrillBH/src/gij.x" enddo enddo enddo c convert to physical metric if StaticConformal isn't wanted if (generate_StaticConformal_metric .eq. 0) then call CCTK_INFO("converting to physical metric") call ConfToPhysInPlace(nx, ny, nz, $ psi, $ gxx, gxy, gxz, $ gyy, gyz, $ gzz) c record that we now have a physical metric conformal_state = 0 else c record that we computed psi and its 1st and 2nd derivatives conformal_state = 3 end if c Extrinsic Curvature is identically zero kxx = 0.0d0 kxy = 0.0d0 kxz = 0.0d0 kyy = 0.0d0 kyz = 0.0d0 kzz = 0.0d0 if (debug .ge. 6) then print *, '### final results (again at this 3-D grid point) ###' if (conformal_state .gt. 0) then print *, '### ... conformal metric with' print *, ' psi =', psi(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) else print *, '### ... physical metric with' end if print *, ' gxx =', gxx(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' gxy =', gxy(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' gxz =', gxz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' gyy =', gyy(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' gyz =', gyz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) print *, ' gzz =', gzz(debug_i,debug_j,debug_k) endif c c ***** diagnostics and final cleanup c c ADM mass call CCTK_INFO("computing ADM mass") i = neb-15 adm = 0.0d0 do j=2,nqb-1 adm = adm $ + (psi2d(i,j)-(psi2d(i+1,j)-psi2d(i-1,j))/deta) $ *exp(0.5d0*etagrd(i)) enddo adm=adm/(nqb-2) print *,'ADM mass: ',adm if (CCTK_EQUALS(initial_lapse,"schwarz")) then write (*,*)"Initial with schwarzschild-like lapse" write (*,*)"using alp = (2r - adm)/(2r+adm)" alp = (2.0d0*r - adm)/(2.0d0*r+adm) endif deallocate(cc,ce,cw,cn,cs,rhs,psi2d,detapsi2d,dqpsi2d, $ detaetapsi2d,detaqpsi2d,dqqpsi2d, $ etagrd,qgrd, $ eta,abseta,sign_eta,q,phi,psi2dv,detapsi2dv,dqpsi2dv, $ detaetapsi2dv,detaqpsi2dv,dqqpsi2dv) return end