# Parameter definitions for thorn Whisky_Excision shares: grid USES keyword domain restricted: boolean whisky_initexcision "Sets up an excision zone" { } "no" boolean whisky_initexcision_poststep "Schedule also at poststep" STEERABLE=always { } "no" CCTK_INT whisky_initexcision_old_mask "Also set the old 'emask'?" { 0:1 :: "0 (default) for no, 1 for yes" } 0 keyword whisky_initexcision_type "Type of excision to apply" { "box" :: "Box excised region" "x-axis" :: "X axis excision" "y-axis" :: "Y axis excision" "z-axis" :: "Z axis excision" "diagonal" :: "diagonal excision" "sphere" :: "sphere excision" } "x-axis" CCTK_INT whisky_initexcision_flip "Exchange excised and normal region" { 0:1 :: "0 (default) for no, 1 for yes" } 0 CCTK_REAL whisky_initexcision_fraction "Fraction of excised region" { 0:1 :: "Represents the fraction of excised region (0..1)" } 0.25 CCTK_REAL whisky_initexcision_coordinate_length "Length of excised region" STEERABLE=always { 0: :: "Length of excised region, has different meanings for the types" } 0 CCTK_REAL whisky_initexcision_position_x "x-coordinate" { : :: "anything real is ok" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL whisky_initexcision_position_y "y-coordinate" { : :: "anything real is ok" } 0.0 CCTK_REAL whisky_initexcision_position_z "z-coordinate" { : :: "anything real is ok" } 0.0 CCTK_INT whisky_initexcision_min_points "minimal number of points of excision" { 0: :: "minimal number of points of excision, currently only partly implemented" } 0