# Parameter definitions for thorn HydroBase SHARES: InitBase USES KEYWORD initial_data_setup_method RESTRICTED: KEYWORD initial_hydro "The hydro initial data" { "zero" :: "hydro variables are set to vacuum (without atmosphere)" } "zero" KEYWORD evolution_method "The hydro evolution method" { "none" :: "hydro variables are not evolved" } "none" INT timelevels "Number of time levels in evolution scheme" { 1:3 :: "" } 1 STRING prolongation_type "The prolongation operator used by Carpet for HydroBase variables" { "ENO" :: "Third order ENO operators; only third order is implemented" "WENO" :: "Fifth order WENO operators; only fifth order is implemented" ".*" :: "Anything else" } "ENO" # Settings for electron fraction Y_e KEYWORD initial_Y_e "Initial value for Y_e" { "none" :: "inactive" "one" :: "initially set to one" } "none" KEYWORD Y_e_evolution_method "Evolution method for Y_e" { "none" :: "Evolution for Y_e is disabled" } "none"