# Interface definition for thorn HydroBase implements: HydroBase inherits: InitBase USES INCLUDE: HydroBase.h INCLUDE HEADER: HydroBase.h in HydroBase.h public: # These variables correspond to the Valencia formulation # HydroBase uses the following conventions: # M = M_sun # c = G = 1 # We also assume the following constants of nature: # c = 299792458.0 m/s # G = 6.67428e-11 m^3/kg/s^2 # mu0 = 4 pi 1.0e-7 N/A^2 # eps0 = 1 / (mu0 c^2) # M_sun = 1.98892e+30 kg # This corresponds to the following units: # [M] = M_sun # [L] = [M] (G / c^2) # [T] = [L] / c # [B] = 1 / [L] / sqrt(eps0 G / c^2)) CCTK_REAL rho type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "rest mass density" CCTK_REAL press type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "gas pressure" CCTK_REAL eps type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "internal energy density" CCTK_REAL vel[3] type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="U" interpolator="matter"' "velocity v^i" CCTK_REAL Y_e type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "Electron Fraction" CCTK_REAL temperature type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "Temperature [MeV]" CCTK_REAL entropy type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="Scalar" interpolator="matter"' "Specific Entropy [k_b/baryon]" CCTK_REAL Bvec[3] type = GF Timelevels = 3 tags='ProlongationParameter="HydroBase::prolongation_type" tensortypealias="U" tensorparity=-1 interpolator="matter"' "Magnetic field components B^i" # This may become CCTK_BYTE when Carpet enables it by default CCTK_INT hydro_excision_mask type = GF Timelevels = 1 tags='Prolongation="None" checkpoint="no"' "Mask for hydro excision"