#include "PtrList.h" #include #include #ifdef macintosh #include #endif #define ITEMSONFULLPAGE 62 #define TAKEDEFAULTSIZE 0 #define MIN(a,b) (aitems = malloc( maxItems * sizeof( void * ) ); new->maxItems = maxItems; } return new; } #define ListPage_IsFull( page ) \ ( ((const ListPage *)page)->numberOfItems >= page->maxItems ) static ListPage * ListPage_Dup( const ListPage * other ); static void * ListPage_Append( ListPage * this, void * item ); static void * ListPage_RemoveItem( ListPage * this, size_t index ); static void * ListPage_InsertItem( ListPage * this, size_t index, void * item ); /* ListPage_Dup does not copy the next pointer */ ListPage * ListPage_Dup( const ListPage * other ) { ListPage * this = ListPage_New( other->maxItems ); if( other->numberOfItems > 0 ) memcpy( this->items, other->items, other->numberOfItems * sizeof( void * ) ); this->maxItems = other->maxItems; this->numberOfItems = other->numberOfItems; return this; } /* Returns the input pointer if it doesn't fit on page * (for similarity with InsertItem) */ void * ListPage_Append( ListPage *this, void * item ) { if( this->numberOfItems < this->maxItems ) /* If page not full */ { *( this->items + this->numberOfItems ) = item; /* item to end*/ this->numberOfItems++; /* Update number of items on page */ return NULL; } return item; } /* Returns a pointer to the item removed, or NULL if no item found */ void * ListPage_RemoveItem( ListPage *this, size_t index ) { if( index < this->numberOfItems ) { const size_t lastItemToShift = this->numberOfItems - 1; size_t i; void *item = *( this->items + index ); this->numberOfItems--; for( i = index; i < lastItemToShift; i++ ) *( this->items + i ) = *( this->items + i + 1 ); return item; } return NULL; } /* Returns a pointer to any item bumped off the page due to * the page being full. (could be the input item) */ void * ListPage_InsertItem( ListPage *this, size_t index, void * item ) { void * remainder = NULL; if( index < this->numberOfItems ) { const size_t firstItemToShift = this->numberOfItems - 1; size_t i; if( this->numberOfItems >= this->maxItems ) remainder = *( this->items + firstItemToShift ); this->numberOfItems = MIN( this->numberOfItems + 1, this->maxItems ); for( i = firstItemToShift; i > index; i-- ) *( this->items + i ) = *( this->items + i - 1 ); *( this->items + index ) = item; } else remainder = ListPage_Append( this, item ); return remainder; } /* =========================================================================== ______________________________ PtrList functions _________________________ ======================================================================== */ static void List_HandleAddressingError() { /* To taste */ } static ListPage * List_Xerox( const PtrList *other); static void List_FindItemAddress( const PtrList *this, size_t itemNo, ListPage ** thePage, size_t *thePageIndex ); /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Constructor & Destructor**__________________________________________ *_____________________________________________________________________ */ PtrList * List_New( void ) { return List_NewWithPageSize( TAKEDEFAULTSIZE ); } PtrList * List_NewWithPageSize( size_t itemsOnFullPage ) { PtrList *new = (PtrList *)calloc( 1, sizeof( PtrList ) ); if( new ) { if( itemsOnFullPage == TAKEDEFAULTSIZE ) new->itemsPerPage = ITEMSONFULLPAGE; else new->itemsPerPage = itemsOnFullPage; } return new; } PtrList * List_MakeCopy( const PtrList *other ) { PtrList *this = (PtrList *)calloc( 1, sizeof( PtrList ) ); this->itemsPerPage = other->itemsPerPage; this->firstPage = List_Xerox( other ); return this; } void List_Delete( PtrList *list ) { List_Empty( list ); free( list ); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Empty**____________________________________________________________ * Runs through the list of ListPages deleting the (previous) page. *_____________________________________________________________________ */ void List_Empty( PtrList * this ) { if( this->firstPage != NULL ) { ListPage *prevPage = this->firstPage, *startPage = this->firstPage->next; ListPage *page; this->firstPage = NULL; /* Prefer to do this first, so list is consistent */ for( page = startPage; page != NULL; page = page->next ) { free( prevPage ); prevPage = page; } free( prevPage ); } } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **NumberOfItems**______________________________________________________ * Runs through the list of ListPages totalling the items on each page. * -> This number could be cached. *______________________________________________________________________ */ size_t List_NumberOfItems( const PtrList *this ) { size_t number = 0; ListPage *page; for( page = this->firstPage; page != NULL; page = page->next ) number += page->numberOfItems; return number; } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Append**_____________________________________________________________ * This and Insert the only PtrList method that allocates ListPages. * If there are no pages with space on them, it allocates an new * page and links the page the the previous last page. * If there is space on the page, it adds the item to the end of * the page and updates the number of items on the page. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_Append( PtrList *this, void * newItem ) { ListPage *page; if( this->firstPage == NULL ) /* Add first page if necessary*/ this->firstPage = ListPage_New( this->itemsPerPage ); page = this->firstPage; while( page != NULL ) /* Cycle through pages */ { /* Try to put on page*/ if( ListPage_Append( page, newItem ) == NULL ) return; /* Go home with a smile */ else if( page->next == NULL ) /* If next page doesn't exist*/ page->next = ListPage_New( this->itemsPerPage ); /* make new page and */ /* link to this*/ page = page->next; /* Try the next page*/ } List_HandleAddressingError(); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ * Internal routine for List_Insert. * Assumes check has already been done for item address and that * it exists on the given page. * * It is inserted on the page. The question is, what to do if the * page was almost empty, and an item had to be bumped off the page * to accomodate it. * * Could shift all elemtents in the list up by one. Might be * expensive * * Strategey here will be to add a new page after the present one * if the next page is either full or non-existant. That way, only * elements on the next page are affected, and if another item is * added to the present page (as often happens) very little more work * need be done. *______________________________________________________________________ */ static void List_InsertExistingItem( PtrList *list, ListPage *page, size_t pageIndex, void *item ) { void * remnant = ListPage_InsertItem( page, pageIndex, item ); if( remnant ) /* An item got bumped off when inserting into page */ { ListPage *next = page->next; if( next == NULL || ListPage_IsFull( next ) ) { ListPage *new = ListPage_New( list->itemsPerPage ); ListPage_Append( new, item ); /* Item on new */ new->next = next; /* link new page */ page->next = new; } else ListPage_InsertItem( next, 0, remnant ); } } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **List_Insert** * Inserts the item at the specified index, shifting indices of * existing list items as necessary. If index equals the number * of items in the list less one, the item is appended to the list. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_Insert( PtrList * list, size_t index, void * item ) { if( index >= List_NumberOfItems( list ) ) List_Append( list, item ); else { ListPage *page = NULL; size_t pageIndex; List_FindItemAddress( list, index, &page, &pageIndex ); if( page != NULL ) List_InsertExistingItem( list, page, pageIndex, item ); else List_HandleAddressingError(); /* probably should handle an addressing error */ } } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Item**_______________________________________________________________ * Returns the item of given index; returns NULL if no such index. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void * List_Item( const PtrList *this, size_t requestedIndex ) { ListPage *itsPage = NULL; size_t itsPageIndex; List_FindItemAddress( this, requestedIndex, &itsPage, &itsPageIndex ); if( itsPage != NULL ) return *( itsPage->items + itsPageIndex ); return NULL; } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **SetItem**____________________________________________________________ * Sets the item of given index. Calls user-supplied addressing * handler if no such item exists. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_SetItem( PtrList *this, size_t requestedIndex, void *value ) { ListPage *itsPage = NULL; size_t itsPageIndex; List_FindItemAddress( this, requestedIndex, &itsPage, &itsPageIndex ); if( itsPage != NULL ) *( itsPage->items + itsPageIndex ) = value; else List_HandleAddressingError(); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **CopyList**_________________________________________________________ * Empties this list and puts items from other list in it. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_CopyList( PtrList * this, const PtrList * other ) { List_Empty( this ); this->itemsPerPage = other->itemsPerPage; this->firstPage = List_Xerox( other ); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **RemoveItem**_________________________________________________________ * Removes the item of given index from the list by shifting all the * following items back by one and reducing itsNumberOfItems by one. * -> It would kind of be nice if this also deleted empty pages *______________________________________________________________________ */ void * List_RemoveItem( PtrList *this, const size_t requestedIndex ) { ListPage *page = NULL; size_t pageIndex = 0; List_FindItemAddress( this, requestedIndex, &page, &pageIndex ); if( page != NULL ) return ListPage_RemoveItem( page, pageIndex ); else List_HandleAddressingError(); return NULL; } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Remove**_____________________________________________________________ * Removes the first item in the list with matching pointer. * Note: No check is done for duplicate pointers in the list. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_Remove( PtrList *this, void * item ) { size_t index = 0; if( List_GetIndexOf( this, item, &index ) ) List_RemoveItem( this, index ); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **GetIndexOf**_________________________________________________________ * Inverse of Item(), if pointers in list are unique. * Note: No check is done for duplicate pointers in the list. * Returns TRUE and sets the indexi argument to the first item in the * list with matching pointer, if such an item exists; otherwise * returns FALSE. *______________________________________________________________________ */ PLBOOL List_GetIndexOf( const PtrList *this, const void * item, size_t * index ) { size_t numItemsOnPreviousPages = 0; ListPage *page = NULL; for( page = this->firstPage; page != NULL; page = page->next ) { const size_t numItemsOnPage = page->numberOfItems; size_t i; for( i = 0; i < numItemsOnPage; i++ ) if( *( page->items + i ) == item ) { *index = numItemsOnPreviousPages + i; return PLTRUE; } numItemsOnPreviousPages += numItemsOnPage; } return PLFALSE; } #if 0 static void List_BubbleSort( PtrList * list, ListSortComparison comparison ) { const size_t n = List_NumberOfItems( list ); size_t i, j; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { void *item_i = List_Item( list, i ); for( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { void *item_j = List_Item( list, j ); if( comparison( item_i, item_j ) > 0 ) { List_SwapItems( list, i, j ); item_i = item_j; } } } } #endif void List_SwapItems( PtrList * v, size_t a, size_t b ) { ListPage *aPage = NULL, *bPage = NULL; size_t aPageInd, bPageInd; List_FindItemAddress( v, a, &aPage, &aPageInd ); List_FindItemAddress( v, b, &bPage, &bPageInd ); if( aPage != NULL && bPage != NULL ) { void *temp = *( aPage->items + aPageInd ); *( aPage->items + aPageInd ) = *( bPage->items + bPageInd ); *( bPage->items + bPageInd ) = temp; } } /* Adapted from Kernighan & Ritchie */ static void List_Qsort( PtrList * v, size_t left, size_t right, ListSortComparison comparison ) { size_t i, last; if( left >= right ) /* do nothing if array contains */ return; /* fewer than two elements */ List_SwapItems( v, left, ( left + right ) / 2); /* move partition */ last = left; /* elem to v[0] */ for( i = left + 1; i <= right; i++ ) {/* SW this could be improved a lot */ void * item_i = List_Item( v, i ); void * item_left = List_Item( v, left ); if( comparison( item_i, item_left ) < 0 ) List_SwapItems( v, ++last, i ); } List_SwapItems( v, left, last ); /* restore partition elem */ /* SW NEED TO THINK ABOUT THIS */ if( last > 0 ) /* K&R use int, so this isn't an issue for them */ List_Qsort( v, left, last - 1, comparison ); List_Qsort( v, last + 1, right, comparison ); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **SortAccordingTo**__________________________________________________ * Based on the comparison of any two items provided by the comparison * function argument, sorts the list. * Note here it uses a bubble sort, which is slow but easy to * understand. Want something faster? Write your own! *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_SortAccordingTo( PtrList * list, ListSortComparison comparison ) { size_t n = List_NumberOfItems( list ); if( n > 1 ) List_Qsort( list, 0, n - 1, comparison ); } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **FirstItemSuchThat**__________________________________________________ * Takes a ListCondition function, returns the pointer value that * satisfies the condition, otherwise returns NULL, *______________________________________________________________________ */ void * List_FirstItemSuchThat( const PtrList *list, ListCondition condition ) { const size_t n = List_NumberOfItems( list ); size_t i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( condition( List_Item( list, i ) ) ) return List_Item( list, i ); return NULL; } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **FindFirstIndexSuchThat**_____________________________________________ * Takes a ListCondition function, sets the index pointer to the index * of the first pointer in the list that satisfies condition. * Otherwise returns PLFALSE. *______________________________________________________________________ */ PLBOOL List_FindFirstIndexSuchThat( const PtrList *list, ListCondition condition, size_t * index ) { const size_t n = List_NumberOfItems( list ); size_t i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) if( condition( List_Item( list, i ) ) ) { *index = i; return PLTRUE; } return PLFALSE; } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **FreeItemsInListAndEmpty**____________________________________________ * Lists don't usually delete the things they refer to. * This function takes the list and uses it to free the listed items. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_FreeItemsInListAndEmpty( PtrList * this ) { size_t i = List_NumberOfItems( this ); void *item = NULL; while( i > 0 ) /* Remove items in reverse order for efficeincy */ { i--; item = List_Item( this, i ); List_RemoveItem( this, i ); /* Remove item before deleting */ /* (for consistency) */ free( item ); } } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **FindItemAddress**____________________________________________________ * Private utility that gets the page and index relative to the page * given the item index. Sets *thePage to NULL if no such index. *______________________________________________________________________ */ void List_FindItemAddress( const PtrList *this, size_t itemNo, ListPage ** thePage, size_t *thePageIndex ) { ListPage *page = NULL; size_t numItemsIncludingThisPage = 0, numItemsOnPreviousPages = 0; *thePage = NULL; *thePageIndex = 0; for( page = this->firstPage; page != NULL; page = page->next ) { numItemsIncludingThisPage += page->numberOfItems; if( numItemsIncludingThisPage > itemNo ) { *thePage = page; *thePageIndex = itemNo - numItemsOnPreviousPages; return; } numItemsOnPreviousPages = numItemsIncludingThisPage; } } /*_____________________________________________________________________ **Xerox**______________________________________________________________ * Private utility that makes a duplicate of the pages in the list. *______________________________________________________________________ */ ListPage * List_Xerox( const PtrList *list) { ListPage *copy = NULL, *newPage = NULL, *page = list->firstPage; if( list->firstPage != NULL ) copy = newPage = ListPage_Dup( list->firstPage ); if( newPage != NULL ) do { if( page->next != NULL ) { page = page->next; newPage->next = ListPage_Dup( page ); } newPage = newPage->next; } while( newPage != NULL ); return copy; }