/*@@ @file SString.c @date 02.04.2004 @author Steve White @desc Module for generic operations on strings @enddesc @version $Header$ @@*/ #include "SString.h" #include "SStringIO.h" #include #include #include "util_String.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN( a, b ) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX( a, b ) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) ) #endif typedef enum { MAKE_NULL_ALLOC, NEW_NULL_ALLOC, BUFFER_NULL_ALLOC } SSTRING_ERROR; static void String_HandleSeriousError( SSTRING_ERROR ); #define LINE_END_BUFSIZE 3 typedef struct String_tag { size_t length; SSCHAR *chars; SSCHAR line_end[LINE_END_BUFSIZE]; } String_placeholder; static SSCHAR kLineEndChar = '\n'; static SSBOOL BufferForThisManyChars( String *s, size_t size ); size_t StringLength( const String * s ) { return s->length; } const SSCHAR * StringGetBuffer( const String * s ) { return s->chars; } void StringCopyBuffer( const String * s, SSCHAR * buf, size_t bufSize ) { strncpy( buf, s->chars, bufSize ); buf[bufSize-1] = '\0'; } /* * Returns 0 if index is not in the string */ SSCHAR StringNthChar( const String * s, size_t n ) { if( n < s->length ) { return s->chars[n]; } else { return '\0'; } } String * String_New() { String *s = (String *)calloc( 1, sizeof( String ) ); if( s != NULL ) { BufferForThisManyChars( s, 0 ); } else { String_HandleSeriousError( NEW_NULL_ALLOC ); } return s; } String * String_Make( const SSCHAR * c_string ) { String *s = (String *)calloc( 1, sizeof( String ) ); if( s != NULL ) { if( c_string != NULL ) { size_t len = strlen( c_string ); s->chars = strdup( c_string ); s->length = len; } else { BufferForThisManyChars( s, 0 ); } s->line_end[0] = kLineEndChar; } else { String_HandleSeriousError( MAKE_NULL_ALLOC ); } return s; } /* note this is a little ambiguous. * needs to be made clear this makes a new string */ String * String_Copy( const String * other ) { String *s = StringSetToCString( String_New(), StringGetBuffer( other ) ); memcpy( s->line_end, other->line_end, LINE_END_BUFSIZE * sizeof( SSCHAR ) ); return s; } void String_Delete( String * s ) { if( s != NULL ) { free( s->chars ); } free( s ); } String * StringTruncate( String * s, size_t n ) { if( n < s->length ) { s->chars[n] = '\0'; s->length = n; } return s; } String * StringTrimLeading( String * s, size_t n ) { const size_t orig_len = StringLength( s ); if( orig_len > 0 && n > 0 ) { const size_t position = MIN( orig_len, n ) - 1; const size_t new_len = orig_len - position; memmove( 0, s->chars + position, new_len ); s->chars[new_len] = '\0'; s->length = new_len; } return s; } String * StringSetNthChar( String * s, size_t n, SSCHAR c ) { if( n < s->length ) { if( c == '\0' ) { StringTruncate( s, n ); } else { s->chars[n] = c; } } return s; } /* Allocates if there is no buffer * Re-allocates (without changing remaining string) if there is a buffer * Puts a null char at the location of the corresponding size * DOES NOT pad with zeros, or initialize the buffer beyond this */ SSBOOL BufferForThisManyChars( String *s, size_t size ) { const size_t blocksize = sizeof( SSCHAR ) * ( size + 1 ); if( s->chars == NULL ) { s->chars = (SSCHAR *)malloc( blocksize ); } else if( s->length < size ) { s->chars = (SSCHAR *)realloc( s->chars, blocksize ); } else if( s->length > ( size << 1 ) ) /* Don't resize if larger but in ballpark */ { s->length = 0; s->chars = (SSCHAR *)malloc( blocksize ); } if( s->chars != NULL ) { s->length = size; if( s->chars != NULL ) s->chars[size] = '\0'; } else { String_HandleSeriousError( BUFFER_NULL_ALLOC ); } return s->chars != NULL; } String * StringSetToCString( String * s, const SSCHAR *c_string ) { return StringSetToBuffer( s, c_string, strlen( c_string ) ); } size_t StringSetNextToken( const String *s, String *token, const SSCHAR *delim, size_t start ) { if( start < s->length ) { const size_t ndelims = strlen( delim ); size_t next = s->length; size_t d; for( d = 0; d < ndelims; d++ ) { size_t nextDelim = start; if( StringFindCharFrom( s, delim[d], &nextDelim ) ) next = MIN( nextDelim, next ); } StringSetRange( token, s, start, next - start ); return next < s->length ? next + 1 : next; } else { return 0; } } String * StringConcatCString( String * s, const SSCHAR *c_string ) { const size_t orig_len = s->length; if( BufferForThisManyChars( s, orig_len + strlen( c_string ) ) ) { strcpy( s->chars + orig_len, c_string ); } return s; } String * StringSetToBuffer( String * s, const SSCHAR *buf, size_t len ) { if( s != NULL && buf != NULL ) if( BufferForThisManyChars( s, len ) ) { strncpy( s->chars, buf, len ); s->chars[ len ] = '\0'; } return s; } String * StringSet( String * s, const String * other ) { return StringSetToCString( s, StringGetBuffer( other ) ); } /* * Take care! What if this String's buffer is the same as the other's? * For now, this can happen only if the other String is the same as this * String. * * This needs thought for every String that takes a String argument, * and for the ones that take C strings as well. */ String * StringSetRange( String * s, const String * other, size_t first, size_t length ) { const size_t other_length = other->length; const size_t veryFirst = MIN( first + 1, other_length ) - 1, minLength = MIN( first + length, other_length ), newLength = minLength - veryFirst; return StringSetToBuffer( s, other->chars + veryFirst, newLength ); } String * StringSetToPartAfter( String * s, const String * other, size_t position ) { return StringSetRange( s, other, position + 1, StringLength( other ) - position ); } /* * Last argument 'position' is both input and output. * Specifies where to begin search: pass 0 to search whole string * On output, is position where char was found. */ SSBOOL StringFindCharFrom( const String *s, SSCHAR theChar, size_t * position ) { SSCHAR * charPtr; if( s->length > 0 && position && *position < s->length && ( charPtr = (SSCHAR *)strchr( s->chars + *position, theChar ) ) != NULL ) { *position = ( charPtr - s->chars ) / sizeof( SSCHAR ); return SSTRUE; } return SSFALSE; } SSBOOL StringFindStringFrom( const String * s, const String * other, size_t * position ) { SSCHAR * charPtr; if( s->length >= other->length && position && *position < s->length && s->length > 0 && other->length > 0 && ( charPtr = (SSCHAR *)strstr( s->chars + *position, other->chars ) ) != NULL ) { *position = ( charPtr - s->chars ) / sizeof( SSCHAR ); return SSTRUE; } return SSFALSE; } SSBOOL StringEquals( const String * a, const String * b ) { if( a->length > 0 ) { return strncmp( a->chars, b->chars, a->length ) == 0; } else if( b->length == 0 ) { return SSTRUE; } return SSFALSE; } int StringCompare( const String * a, const String * b ) { return StringCompareCString( a, b->chars ); } int StringCompareCString( const String * a, const char * b ) { const size_t length = MIN( a->length, strlen( b ) ); if( length > 0 ) { return strncmp( a->chars, b, length ); } else if( strlen( b ) == 0 ) { return 0; } else /* b is empty but a isn't */ { return 1; } } String * StringInsert( String * s, const String * other, size_t position ) { const size_t oldLength = s->length, otherLength = other->length; String *old = String_Copy( s ); if( otherLength > 0 && position <= oldLength && BufferForThisManyChars( s, oldLength + otherLength ) ) { if( position != 0 ) { strncpy( s->chars, old->chars, position ); } strncpy( s->chars + position, other->chars, otherLength ); if( position < oldLength ) { strncpy( s->chars + position + otherLength, old->chars + position, oldLength - position ); } s->chars[s->length] = '\0'; } String_Delete( old ); return s; } String * StringInsertCString( String * s, const char * c_string, size_t position ) { String *other = String_Make( c_string ); StringInsert( s, other, position ); String_Delete( other ); return s; } /* * What to do if position is off end of string? We do nothing */ String * StringInsertChar( String * s, SSCHAR c, size_t position ) { if( position <= s->length ) { BufferForThisManyChars( s, s->length + 1 ); if( position + 2 < s->length ) { s->chars[s->length] = '\0'; memmove( s->chars + position + 1, s->chars + position, s->length - 1 - position ); s->chars[position] = c; } } return s; } String * StringDeleteChar( String * s, size_t position ) { return StringDeleteRange( s, position, position ); } String * StringDeleteRange( String * s, size_t begin, size_t end ) { if( begin <= end && end < s->length ) { if( end + 1 < s->length ) { memmove( s->chars + begin, s->chars + end + 1, ( s->length - end ) - 1 ); } s->length -= end - begin; s->chars[s->length] = '\0'; } return s; } String * StringConcat( String * s, const String * other ) { return StringInsert( s, other, s->length ); } /* * On unix the default \n works; on the Mac, you might want \r */ void StringSetLineEndCharacter( String * s, const SSCHAR *end ) { strncpy( s->line_end, end, LINE_END_BUFSIZE ); s->line_end[LINE_END_BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; } String * StringReadToEndOfLine( String * s, FILE * file ) { return StringReadToDelimiter( s, file, kLineEndChar ); } String * StringReadToDelimiter( String * s, FILE * file, SSCHAR delim ) { int next; while( ( next = fgetc( file ) ) != EOF && (SSCHAR)next != delim ) { StringInsertChar( s, (SSCHAR)next, s->length ); } return s; } void StringPrint( const String * s ) { fprintf( stdout, "%s", s->chars ); } void StringPrintToFile( const String * s, FILE * file ) { fprintf( file, "%s", s->chars ); } void StringFormatPrint( const String * s, const SSCHAR *format ) { fprintf( stdout, format, s->chars ); } void StringFormatPrintToFile( const String * s, const SSCHAR *format, FILE * file ) { fprintf( file, format, s->chars ); } #define DECIMALBUFSIZE 64 String * StringConcatDecimal( String * s, long d ) { char buf[DECIMALBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; Util_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%ld", d ); return StringConcatCString( s, buf ); } String * StringConcatDouble( String * s, double d ) { char buf[DECIMALBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; Util_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%f", d ); return StringConcatCString( s, buf ); } /* * * 0) It's inappropritate to handle string and character convesions. * And there are some very specific-use conversions, such as 't' * * 1) I'm not sure I completely understand all the conversions. * specifically, I don't get G and g. * * 2) There are several standards, including C99 and SUSv2 * * 3) I haven't done long long or long double * * 4) Mixed up notions of unsigned with hex and octal...wrong? * * * */ static void addNumericMods( char * format, SSFORMAT f ) { strcat( format, "%" ); if( f & SFMT_LEFT_ALIGN ) { strcat( format, "-" ); } if( f & SFMT_PRINT_SIGN ) { strcat( format, "+" ); } if( f & SFMT_ADD_SIGN_SPACE ) { strcat( format, " " ); } if( f & SFMT_PAD_ZERO ) { strcat( format, "0" ); } if( f & SFMT_ALT ) { strcat( format, "#" ); } } #define EMPTYSTRING { '\0' } String * StringConcatFormattedDecimal( String *s, long int d, int width, int precision, SSINT_FORMAT f ) { char buf[DECIMALBUFSIZE] = EMPTYSTRING; char format[16] = EMPTYSTRING; addNumericMods( format, f ); strcat( format, "*.*ld" ); Util_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), format, width, precision, d ); return StringConcatCString( s, buf ); } String * StringConcatFormattedUnsigned( String *s, unsigned long int n, int width, int precision, SSINT_FORMAT f ) { char buf[DECIMALBUFSIZE] = EMPTYSTRING; char format[16] = EMPTYSTRING; addNumericMods( format, f ); strcat( format, "*.*l" ); if( f & SFMT_HEX ) { if( f & SFMT_LOWERCASE ) { strcat( format, "x" ); } else { strcat( format, "X" ); } } else if( f & SFMT_OCTAL ) { strcat( format, "o" ); } else { strcat( format, "u" ); } Util_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), format, width, precision, n ); return StringConcatCString( s, buf ); } String * StringConcatFormattedDouble( String *s, double d, int width, int precision, SSDOUBLE_FORMAT f ) { char buf[DECIMALBUFSIZE] = EMPTYSTRING; char format[16] = EMPTYSTRING; addNumericMods( format, f ); if( f & SFMT_ALWAYS_POINT ) { strcat( format, "#" ); } strcat( format, "*.*" ); if( f & SFMT_EXPONENTIAL ) { if( f & SFMT_LOWERCASE ) { strcat( format, "e" ); } else { strcat( format, "E" ); } } if( f & SFMT_DISCRETIONARY_EXP ) { if( f & SFMT_LOWERCASE ) { strcat( format, "g" ); } else { strcat( format, "G" ); } } else { strcat( format, "f" ); } Util_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), format, width, precision, d ); return StringConcatCString( s, buf ); } void String_HandleSeriousError( SSTRING_ERROR e ) { /* to be filled in on a per-implementation basis */ }