/*@@ @file Parameters.c @date Wed Sep 13 23:47:43 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Files for displaying and steering parameters @enddesc @version $Header$ @@*/ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameter.h" #include "cctk_ActiveThorns.h" #include "util_String.h" #include "http_Request.h" #include "http_Auth.h" #include "http_Steer.h" #include "http_Cookies.h" #include "http_Content.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(CactusConnect_HTTPD_Parameters_c) /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Data Types *********************** ********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Routine Prototypes ********************* ********************************************************************/ static int MainParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data); static int ThornParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data); static int ParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data); /******************************************************************** ********************* Other Routine Prototypes ********************* ********************************************************************/ int HTTPi_RegisterParameterPages(void); /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Data ***************************** ********************************************************************/ static const char *notauthorized_page = "\nError 401: Not Authorized\ You are not authorized to access this page\n\n"; #define USER_LENGTH 255 /******************************************************************** ********************* External Routines ********************** ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine HTTPi_RegisterParameterPages @date Wed Sep 13 23:47:43 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Main page registration routine. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int HTTPi_RegisterParameterPages(void) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS int i; int first; const char *thorn; char pagename[27+20+100]; /* Thorns have maximum length then added 100 for parameters */ char *namecopy; union { const cParamData *pData; void *non_const_pData; } u; /* Two ways to do this - can either just have one function * registered as /Parameters which then checks request->residual, * to see what the actual accessed page is, or can register a * main page and one for each thorn. * Choose the latter for the mo to keep functions smaller, and also * since the compiled thorn list is static at the moment. */ HTTP_RegisterPage("/Parameters/index.html", MainParameterPage, NULL); HTTP_ContentLink("/Parameters/index.html", "Parameters", "Parameter Information and Control", HTTP_QUICKLINK); for (i = 0; i < CCTK_NumCompiledThorns (); i++) { thorn = CCTK_CompiledThorn(i); sprintf(pagename,"/Parameters/%s", thorn); namecopy = Util_Strdup(thorn); HTTP_RegisterPage(pagename, ThornParameterPage, namecopy); /* Walk through all parameters of given implementation. */ first = 1; while(CCTK_ParameterWalk(first, thorn, NULL, &u.pData) == 0) { first = 0; sprintf(pagename,"/Parameters/%s/%s",thorn,u.pData->name); HTTP_RegisterPage(pagename, ParameterPage, u.non_const_pData); } } return 0; } /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Routines ************************* ********************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** ***************************** Parameter Pages ******************************** ******************************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine MainParameterPage @date Wed Sep 13 23:47:43 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Displays the parameter page. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @hdate Sat Sep 16 15:13:16 2000 @hauthor Tom Goodale @hdesc Copied content format from original http thorn developed by Werner Benger, with the aesthetic enhancements of Gabrielle Allen, John Shalf and Ed Seidel. @endhistory @@*/ static int MainParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data) { int retval; char message[4098]; int i; const char *thorn; /* avoid compiler warning about unused parameter */ data = data; /* Status message */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Content-Type */ strcpy(message,"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Start the page */ strcpy(message, "Cactus Parameters Request\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); HTTP_ContentHeader(cctkGH,0,4098,message,NULL); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message, "
"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message, "

Check/Modify Parameters

\n" "

From this page you can check the values \n" "of all parameters for the \n" "simulation, and modify any parameters which have been designated as steerable

\n" "

Parameters can be viewed for all Active Thorns, that is, for thorns which \n" "have been activated in the parameter file for the simulation. \n" "Select one of the active thorns for this simulation from the list below to \n" "view all of its parameters

\n" "

Steerable parameters can be identified by the presence of a form input box, \n" "to change the value of a parameter, simply edit the value in the box and press \n" " the submit button to register the new values.

\n" "" "\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); for (i = 0; i < CCTK_NumCompiledThorns (); i++) { thorn = CCTK_CompiledThorn (i); if (CCTK_IsThornActive (thorn)) { sprintf(message, "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n", thorn, thorn,CCTK_ThornImplementation(thorn)); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } } strcpy(message,"
Thorn NameImplementation
"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Write out the footer part. */ HTTP_ContentFooter(cctkGH, 0, 4098, message); retval = HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); return retval; } /*@@ @routine ThornParameterPage @date Sat Sep 16 15:13:55 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Parameter page for a thorn. Checks to see if it is a setting request or an info request and behaves accordingly. Copied content format from original http thorn developed by Werner Benger, with the aesthetic enhancements of Gabrielle Allen, John Shalf and Ed Seidel. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ static int ThornParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data) { int retval=0; int i; char message[4098]; char menu[4098]; const char *thorn, *menuthorn; int first; const cParamData *pData; t_range *range; char *value; const httpArg *argument; char user[USER_LENGTH+1]; int notauthorised; int readonly; int param_type; int param_bool; int nsteerable=0; int nfixed=0; thorn = (const char *)data; notauthorised = HTTP_AuthenticateBasic(request, "user", user, USER_LENGTH); readonly = notauthorised; if(request->n_arguments > 0) { /* This is a parameter set request */ if(!notauthorised) { if(!readonly) { /* Queue parameters for steering */ first = 1; while((argument = HTTP_ArgumentWalk(request, first)) != NULL) { first = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Setting %s::%s to %s\n", thorn, argument->arg, argument->value); HTTP_SteerQueue(thorn, argument->arg, argument->value); } /* Now redirect the browser to the normal page */ /* Status message */ if(request->http_major_version < 1 || (request->http_major_version == 1 && request->http_minor_version < 1)) { /* Older browsers don't understand 303 */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"); } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 303 See Other\r\n"); } sprintf(message, "%sLocation: /Parameters/%s/\r\n\r\n", message, thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } else { /* Redirect the browser to the normal page */ /* Status message */ if(request->http_major_version < 1 || (request->http_major_version == 1 && request->http_minor_version < 1)) { /* Older browsers don't understand 303 */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"); } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 303 See Other\r\n"); } sprintf(message, "%sLocation: /Parameters/%s/\r\n\r\n", message, thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"foo\"\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); HTTP_Write(request, notauthorized_page, strlen(notauthorized_page)); } } else { /* Display the page. */ /* Status message */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Content-Type */ strcpy(message,"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Start the page */ sprintf(message, "Cactus Parameters Request : %s\n", thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); if (CCTK_NumCompiledThorns()>0) { strcpy(menu,"
Parameters:\n"); } /* Menu for this page */ for (i = 0; i < CCTK_NumCompiledThorns (); i++) { menuthorn = CCTK_CompiledThorn (i); if (CCTK_IsThornActive (menuthorn)) { sprintf(menu, "%s
%s\n", menu,menuthorn, menuthorn); } } HTTP_ContentHeader(cctkGH,0,4098,message,menu); strcat(message,""); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); if (!CCTK_IsThornActive(thorn)) { sprintf(message," Thorn %s is not active !!!
\n",thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } else { /* Send table of available parameters for given thorn */ /* Steerable parameters can be edited in a FORM. */ sprintf(message, "

Check/Modify Parameters

" "

Thorn %s

\n", thorn); strcat(message, "

Parameters in Cactus can be either fixed or steerable. " "Steerable parameters are those which can be modified during a " "simulation" "To change steerable parameters, edit the values and press \n" " the submit button." "Before applying the new parameter value, Cactus will check that" " the parameter lies in the allowed range. Note that there" " is currently no log of parameters which have been modified.

\n" "

The tables below show the parameter name, current value and description." "The default value of each parameter is shown in brackets at the end of the description.

" "
\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); if(!readonly ) { sprintf(message,"
",thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } /* Walk through all steerable parameters of given implementation. */ first = 1; while(CCTK_ParameterWalk(first, thorn, NULL, &pData) == 0) { first = 0; strcpy(message,""); value = CCTK_ParameterValString (pData->name, pData->thorn); if(value) { if (pData->steerable == CCTK_STEERABLE_ALWAYS) { if (nsteerable == 0) { strcat(message,"

Steerable Parameters

"); if (readonly) { strcat(message,"

The following parameters are steerable, " "but you do not have authorisation to change them. " "To change parameters you must first register on the " "Simulation Control Page." "

"); } strcat(message,""); } nsteerable++; if (!readonly) { if (pData->type == PARAMETER_BOOLEAN) { /* Steerable boolean */ param_bool = *((const CCTK_INT *)CCTK_ParameterGet(pData->name,thorn,¶m_type)); sprintf(message, "%s\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n", message,pData->thorn,pData->name, pData->name,pData->name, param_bool ? "checked" : "", pData->name, param_bool ? "" : "checked",pData->description,pData->defval); } else if (pData->type == PARAMETER_KEYWORD) { /* Steerable keyword */ CCTK_ParameterGet(pData->name,thorn,¶m_type); sprintf(message,"%s\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n", message,pData->description,pData->defval); } else { /* Steerable nonboolean */ sprintf(message, "%s\n" "\n" "\n" "\n\n", message, pData->thorn, pData->name, pData->name, pData->name, value, pData->description,pData->defval); } } else { /* Steerable but no authority */ sprintf(message, "%s\n" "\n", message, pData->thorn, pData->name, pData->name, value, pData->description,pData->defval); } } free (value); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } if (nsteerable>0) { strcpy(message, "
" "%s" "Yes " " " "No " "%s (%s)
" "%s\n", message,pData->thorn,pData->name,pData->name); sprintf(message,"%s \n"); sprintf(message,"%s%s (%s)
" "%s" "%s (%s)
" "%s%s" "%s (%s)
\n"); } else { strcpy(message, "

This thorn has no steerable parameters.

\n"); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); if(!readonly && nsteerable>0) { strcpy(message, "\n" "
\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } /* Walk through non-all steerable parameters of given implementation. */ first = 1; while(CCTK_ParameterWalk(first, thorn, NULL, &pData) == 0) { first = 0; strcpy(message,""); value = CCTK_ParameterValString (pData->name, pData->thorn); if(value) { if (!(pData->steerable == CCTK_STEERABLE_ALWAYS)) { if (nfixed == 0) { strcat(message,"

Fixed Parameters

" ""); } nfixed++; /* FIXME: This is a hack - should put in parameter tags. */ if(strcmp(thorn,CCTK_THORNSTRING) || (strcmp(pData->name,"user") && strcmp(pData->name,"password") && strcmp(pData->name,"encryption_scheme"))) { sprintf(message, "%s\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n", message, pData->thorn, pData->name, pData->name, value, pData->description,pData->defval); } } free(value); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } if (nfixed>0) { strcpy(message, "
" "%s%s%s (%s)
\n"); } else { strcpy(message, "

This thorn has no fixed parameters.

\n"); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } strcpy(message,"
"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Write out the footer part. */ HTTP_ContentFooter(cctkGH, 0, 4098, message); retval = HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } /* n_arguments > 0 */ return retval; } /*@@ @routine ParameterPage @date Thu Sep 21 15:13:55 2000 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Page for an individual parameter Lots copied from ThornParameterPage @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ static int ParameterPage(const cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data) { int retval=0; char message[10000]; char menu[10000]; int first; const cParamData *pData; const cParamData *pDataWalk=NULL; t_range *range; char *value; const httpArg *argument; char user[USER_LENGTH+1]; int notauthorised; int readonly; pData = (cParamData *)data; notauthorised = HTTP_AuthenticateBasic(request, "user", user, USER_LENGTH); readonly = notauthorised; if(request->n_arguments > 0) { /* This is a parameter set request */ if(!notauthorised) { if(!readonly) { /* Queue parameters for steering */ first = 1; while((argument = HTTP_ArgumentWalk(request, first)) != NULL) { first = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Setting %s::%s to %s\n", pData->thorn, argument->arg, argument->value); HTTP_SteerQueue(pData->thorn, argument->arg, argument->value); } /* Now redirect the browser to the normal page */ /* Status message */ if(request->http_major_version < 1 || (request->http_major_version == 1 && request->http_minor_version < 1)) { /* Older browsers don't understand 303 */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"); } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 303 See Other\r\n"); } sprintf(message, "%sLocation: /Parameters/%s/\r\n\r\n", message, pData->thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } else { /* Redirect the browser to the normal page */ /* Status message */ if(request->http_major_version < 1 || (request->http_major_version == 1 && request->http_minor_version < 1)) { /* Older browsers don't understand 303 */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n"); } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 303 See Other\r\n"); } sprintf(message, "%sLocation: /Parameters/%s/\r\n\r\n", message, pData->thorn); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } } else { strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"foo\"\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); HTTP_Write(request, notauthorized_page, strlen(notauthorized_page)); } } else { /* Display the page. */ /* Status message */ strcpy(message,"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Content-Type */ strcpy(message,"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Start the page */ sprintf(message, "Cactus Parameter Request : %s" "\n", pData->name); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); /* Menu for this page */ first = 1; while(CCTK_ParameterWalk(first, pData->thorn, NULL, &pDataWalk) == 0) { if (first==1) { sprintf(menu,"
%s:\n",pDataWalk->thorn); } first = 0; sprintf(menu, "%s
%s\n", menu,pDataWalk->thorn,pDataWalk->name,pDataWalk->name); } HTTP_ContentHeader(cctkGH,0,4098,message,menu); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); sprintf(message,"

%s: %s

\n",pData->thorn,pData->name); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); sprintf(message, "

Return to all parameters for this " "thorn.

", CCTK_ThornImplementation(pData->thorn)); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); value = CCTK_ParameterValString (pData->name, pData->thorn); /* FIXME: HACK need a tag on parameter definition */ if(strcmp(pData->thorn,CCTK_THORNSTRING) || (strcmp(pData->name,"user") && strcmp(pData->name,"password") && strcmp(pData->name,"encryption_scheme"))) { sprintf(message,"
\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "" "\n" "\n" "\n" "" "" "\n" "\n" "", pData->name,pData->thorn,CCTK_ThornImplementation(pData->thorn), value,pData->description,pData->defval); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"\n\n\n\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,"\n" "\n\n\n"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,""); break; case SCOPE_RESTRICTED : strcat(message,"Restricted"); break; case SCOPE_PRIVATE : strcat(message,"Private"); break; default : strcat(message,"Not matched"); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); strcpy(message,""); first = 1; for(range = pData->range; range ; range = range->next) { if (first==1) { sprintf(message, "%s\n" "\n\n\n"); } HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); sprintf(message, "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
Current value:%s
\n" "Steerable:"); switch(pData->steerable) { case CCTK_STEERABLE_ALWAYS : strcat(message,"Always"); break; case CCTK_STEERABLE_NEVER : strcat(message,"Never"); break; case CCTK_STEERABLE_RECOVER : strcat(message,"Recovery"); break; default : strcat(message,"Not matched"); } strcat(message,"
Type:\n"); switch(pData->type) { case PARAMETER_BOOLEAN : strcat(message,"Boolean"); break; case PARAMETER_REAL : strcat(message,"Real"); break; case PARAMETER_INTEGER : strcat(message,"Integer"); break; case PARAMETER_SENTENCE : strcat(message,"Sentence"); break; case PARAMETER_STRING : strcat(message,"String"); break; case PARAMETER_KEYWORD : strcat(message,"Keyword"); break; default : strcat(message,"Not matched"); } strcat(message,"
Scope:"); switch(pData->scope) { case SCOPE_GLOBAL : strcat(message,"Global
\n" "Range:" "
\n", message); } first = 0; sprintf(message,"%s
%s\n", message,range->range,range->description); if (!CCTK_Equals(range->origin,pData->thorn)) { sprintf(message,"%s
[Extended by thorn %s]\n", message,range->origin); } } if(first==0) { strcat(message,"
Times Set:%d
\n", pData->n_set); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } else { strcpy(message,"

Hidden parameter, information is not available

"); HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } /* Write out the footer part. */ HTTP_ContentFooter(cctkGH, 0, 4098, message); retval = HTTP_Write(request, message, strlen(message)); } return retval; }