# Parameter definitions for thorn httpd # $Header$ private: # Probably the most useful parameter INT port "HTTP port number" { 1:65535 :: "Any valid port" } 5555 # This allows you to control the number of times all procs need to synchronise parameters INT steering_frequency "How many iterations between steering events" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0: :: "Any number, 0 means don't steer" } 1 # Switching this off means all pages must be provided by other thorns. BOOLEAN provide_pages "Should the server provide any pages ?" { } "yes" # Setting this to true in the parameter file will start the simulation paused. BOOLEAN pause "Pause ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" # Username and password for controlling cactus STRING user "The username for Cactus Control " { ".+" :: "Any name of one or more characters" } "anon" STRING password "The password for Cactus Control" { ".*" :: "Any password" } "anon" KEYWORD encryption_scheme "How the password is encrypted" { "none" :: "Not encrypted" "crypt" :: "crypt(3) (standard UNIX passwd format)" } "none" ################################################################## # Tuning parameters INT timeout_seconds "Polling timeout seconds" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0: :: "Any whole number" } 0 INT timeout_useconds "Polling timeout micro-seconds" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 0: :: "Any whole number" } 0 INT queue_length "Listen queue length" { 1: :: "Any positive number" } 4 ################################################################### # You probably don't want to set this in a parameter file BOOLEAN terminate "Kill the simulation ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" ################################################################### # Dynamic control BOOLEAN single_step "Do one step then pause ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" # Interate until BOOLEAN until_it_active "Use until_it parameter ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" INT until_it "Pause at this iteration" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { : :: "Any iteration" } 0 # Run until BOOLEAN until_time_active "Use until_time parameter ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" REAL until_time "Pause after this simulation time" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { : :: "Any time" } 0 # Run until expression BOOLEAN until_expression_active "Use until_expression parameter ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" STRING until_expression "Pause if this expression evaluates to true." STEERABLE = ALWAYS { ".*" :: "Any expression" } "iteration+40 < time*100"