Cactus Code Thorn httpd Authors : Tom Goodale CVS info : $Header$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of the thorn: ------------------- This is a prototype C version of a web server thorn. Usage: ------------------- Interface: --------- The current interface for this webserver is contained in http_Request.h (Note that this will change once we have an agreed common protocol for other thorns to talk to web-serving thorns.) There are also utility interface for parameter steering and HTTP authentication, which are described in the files in the doc directory. The primary mechanism is to HTTP_RegisterPage(path, function, data) where 'path' is the URI you want to register, e.g. /parameters 'function' is a function of the form int foo(cGH *cctkGH, httpRequest *request, void *data) which will be called when the page is accessed, with 'data' being the same data pointer that was passed into the registration routine. Note that a request of the form '/foo/bar/' will look for a page of the called '/foo/var/index.html' first, followed by '/foo/bar', followed by '/foo' followed by '/'. The httpRequest structure contains various pieces of information - request->body The body of the http request. This is empty for a GET. request->body_length The length of the body. request->method The http method. request->uri The full URI of the request. request->residual The URI remaining after the registered URI is removed from it. request->http_major_version The major version of the HTTP protocol used. request->http_minor_version The minor version of the HTTP protocol used. request->n_arguments The number of arguments passed to the request. All other members of the structure should be considered opaque. To get details of arguments or HTTP header lines, the functions const char *HTTP_ArgumentValue(const httpRequest *request, const char *arg); const char *HTTP_HeaderValue(const httpRequest *request, const char *header); may be used. Given the name of a header field or an argument, these functions will return the corresponding value, or NULL if the argument or header does not exist. There is also a function const httpArg *HTTP_ArgumentWalk(httpRequest *request, int first); which will walk through all the arguments passed to a page. If 'first' is true it will start with the first argument, otherwise it will start with the next argument after the last one queried. Currently this is the only way to get arguments which are passed in more than once. The httpArg structure contains two public variables arg The name of the argument. value The value of the argument. Writing to the browser: ---------------------- This is done with the HTTP_Write(httpRequest *request, const char *buffer, size_t count); function. This takes three arguments - the request, a buffer, and the length of the buffer. The first line sent to the browser should be HTTP_Write(request, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n",19) (or an error code, e.g. "404 Not Found"). This should be followed by any HTTP headers, such as "Content-Type", followed by "\r\n\r\n" and then the content of your page, or at least that's what the standard says 8-). You may make as many calls to this function as you like to get the data to the browser. Examples: --------- For examples of how to use the interface, please look at the Content.c file. Structure of the thorn: ---------------------- The thorn is split into three parts - basic web serving, utilities, and content provision Web serving: ----------- The web server capabilities are held in Sockets.c - basic socket utilities; these should be replaced by or moved to the Socket thorn. Server.c - Stuff to register and serve pages. http.c - Parsing of HTTP requests. Startup.c - normal scheduled stuff. The above files should not need to be touched apart from debugging purposes, to add more HTTP methods, or otherwise to enhance the interaction with the network and protocols. Utilities: _________ The web server provided utilities to help content provision - Steer.c - parameter steering interface - see doc/Steering.txt Authorisation.c - HTTP authentication - see doc/Auth.txt Content Provision: ----------------- The content provision is currently in Headers.c Content.c Groups.c This makes use of the interfaces in http_Request.h described above to provide content. In principle this could be in another thorn, but that should wait until we have an agreed set of interfaces to allow web-server thorns to be interchangeable, at least at compile time, but hopefully at run-time.