/*@@ @file GRHydro_Tmunu.F90 @date Aug 30, 2010 @author Joshua Faber, Scott Noble, Bruno Mundim, Ian Hawke @histpry Apr. 2009: Luca Baiotti copied and adapted for the Tmunu-thorn mechanism the original include file @desc The calculation of the stress energy tensor. The version used here was worked out by Miguel Alcubierre. I think it was an extension of the routine from GR3D, written by Mark Miller. C version added by Ian Hawke. Lower components of the stress-energy tensor obtained from the hydro variables. The components are given by: T = (rho h +b^2) u u + (P+b^2/2) g - b b mu nu mu nu mu nu mu nu where rho is the energy density of the fluid, h the enthalpy and P the pressure. The enthalpy is given in terms of the basic variables as: h = 1 + e + P/rho with e the internal energy (eps here). In the expresion for T_{mu,nu} we also have the four-velocity of the fluid given by (v_i is the 3-velocity field): i u = W ( - alpha + v beta ) 0 i u = W v i i i -1/2 with W the Lorentz factor: W = ( 1 - v v ) i and where alpha and beta are the lapse and shift vector. Finally, the 4 metric is given by 2 i g = - alpha + beta beta 00 i g = beta 0i i g = gamma (the spatial metric) ij ij @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "SpaceMask.h" #define velx(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,1) #define vely(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,2) #define velz(i,j,k) vel(i,j,k,3) #define Bvecx(i,j,k) Bvec(i,j,k,1) #define Bvecy(i,j,k) Bvec(i,j,k,2) #define Bvecz(i,j,k) Bvec(i,j,k,3) #define bcomx(i,j,k) bcom(i,j,k,1) #define bcomy(i,j,k) bcom(i,j,k,2) #define bcomz(i,j,k) bcom(i,j,k,3) subroutine GRHydro_TmunuM(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_REAL :: velxlow, velylow, velzlow CCTK_REAL :: betaxlow, betaylow, betazlow, beta2 CCTK_REAL :: Bvecxlow,Bvecylow,Bveczlow CCTK_REAL :: bdotv,b2,bxlow,bylow,bzlow,btlow,dum CCTK_REAL :: utlow,rhohstarw2,pstar CCTK_REAL :: bdotbeta,vdotbeta CCTK_INT :: i,j,k !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k,velxlow, velylow, velzlow,& !$OMP Bvecxlow,Bvecylow,Bveczlow, bdotv,dum,b2,bxlow,bylow,bzlow,& !$OMP betaxlow, betaylow, betazlow, beta2, bdotbeta,vdotbeta,utlow, btlow,& !$OMP rhohstarw2,pstar) do k = 1, cctk_lsh(3) do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2) do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1) call calc_vlow_blow(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),& gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k), & velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),Bvecx(i,j,k),Bvecy(i,j,k),Bvecz(i,j,k), & velxlow,velylow,velzlow,Bvecxlow,Bvecylow,Bveczlow, & bdotv,b2,dum,dum,bxlow,bylow,bzlow) !!$ Calculate lower components and square of shift vector. betaxlow = gxx(i,j,k)*betax(i,j,k) + gxy(i,j,k)*betay(i,j,k) + gxz(i,j,k)*betaz(i,j,k) betaylow = gxy(i,j,k)*betax(i,j,k) + gyy(i,j,k)*betay(i,j,k) + gyz(i,j,k)*betaz(i,j,k) betazlow = gxz(i,j,k)*betax(i,j,k) + gyz(i,j,k)*betay(i,j,k) + gzz(i,j,k)*betaz(i,j,k) beta2 = betax(i,j,k)*betaxlow + betay(i,j,k)*betaylow + betaz(i,j,k)*betazlow bdotbeta = betaxlow*Bvecx(i,j,k)+betaylow*Bvecy(i,j,k)+betazlow*Bvecz(i,j,k) vdotbeta = betaxlow*velx(i,j,k)+betaylow*vely(i,j,k)+betazlow*velz(i,j,k) !!$ u0 low is missing the w_lorentz factor (see below)!! utlow = -1.d0*alp(i,j,k) + vdotbeta btlow = -1.0d0*w_lorentz(i,j,k)*alp(i,j,k)*bdotv + & bdotbeta/w_lorentz(i,j,k) + w_lorentz(i,j,k)*bdotv*vdotbeta !!$ Calculate the specific relativistic enthalpy times rho + the mag. field contribution times the !!$ square of the lorentz factor. rhohstarw2 = w_lorentz(i,j,k)**2*(rho(i,j,k)*(1.0D0 + eps(i,j,k)) + press(i,j,k) + b2) pstar = press(i,j,k)+0.5d0*b2 !!$ Calculate lower components of 4-velocity (without the Lorent factor). !!$ uxlow = velxlow !!$ uylow = velylow !!$ uzlow = velzlow !!$ Calculate Tmunu (the lower components!). eTtt(i,j,k) = eTtt(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*utlow**2 + pstar*(beta2 - alp(i,j,k)**2) - btlow**2 eTtx(i,j,k) = eTtx(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*utlow*velxlow + pstar*betaxlow - btlow*bxlow eTty(i,j,k) = eTty(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*utlow*velylow + pstar*betaylow - btlow*bylow eTtz(i,j,k) = eTtz(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*utlow*velzlow + pstar*betazlow - btlow*bzlow eTxx(i,j,k) = eTxx(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velxlow**2 + pstar*gxx(i,j,k) - bxlow**2 eTyy(i,j,k) = eTyy(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velylow**2 + pstar*gyy(i,j,k) - bylow**2 eTzz(i,j,k) = eTzz(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velzlow**2 + pstar*gzz(i,j,k) - bzlow**2 eTxy(i,j,k) = eTxy(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velxlow*velylow + pstar*gxy(i,j,k) - bxlow*bylow eTxz(i,j,k) = eTxz(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velxlow*velzlow + pstar*gxz(i,j,k) - bxlow*bzlow eTyz(i,j,k) = eTyz(i,j,k) + rhohstarw2*velylow*velzlow + pstar*gyz(i,j,k) - bylow*bzlow if(calculate_bcom .ne. 0) then bcom_sq(i,j,k) = b2 bcom0(i,j,k) = w_lorentz(i,j,k)*bdotv/alp(i,j,k) bcomx(i,j,k) = Bvecx(i,j,k)/w_lorentz(i,j,k) + bcom0(i,j,k)*(alp(i,j,k)*velx(i,j,k)-betax(i,j,k)) bcomy(i,j,k) = Bvecy(i,j,k)/w_lorentz(i,j,k) + bcom0(i,j,k)*(alp(i,j,k)*vely(i,j,k)-betay(i,j,k)) bcomz(i,j,k) = Bvecz(i,j,k)/w_lorentz(i,j,k) + bcom0(i,j,k)*(alp(i,j,k)*velz(i,j,k)-betaz(i,j,k)) endif end do end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO return end subroutine GRHydro_TmunuM