/*@@ @file GRHydro_ParamCheck.F90 @date Sat Feb 9 23:48:01 2002 @author @desc Parameter checking routine. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" /*@@ @routine GRHydro_ParamCheck @date Sat Feb 9 23:48:43 2002 @author Ian Hawke @desc Checks the parameters. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ subroutine GRHydro_ParamCheck(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS integer :: coordinates_is_active, evolution_mask_idx if (GRHydro_stencil > minval(cctk_nghostzones)) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("The stencil is larger than the number of ghost zones. Answer will be dependent on processor number...") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_method,"tvd").and.(GRHydro_stencil < 2)) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("The stencil size must be at least 2 to use TVD reconstruction") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_method,"ppm")) then if (CCTK_EQUALS(ppm_flatten,"stencil_3").and.(GRHydro_stencil < 3)) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("The stencil size must be at least 3 to use PPM reconstruction with the stencil-3 variant of the flattening procedure") else if (CCTK_EQUALS(ppm_flatten,"stencil_4").and.(GRHydro_stencil < 4)) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("The stencil size must be at least 4 to use PPM reconstruction with the stencil-4 (original) flattening procedure") end if end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_method,"eno").and.(GRHydro_stencil < eno_order)) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("The stencil size must be at least the order of the reconstruction to use ENO reconstruction") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(GRHydro_eos_table,"2D_Polytrope").and.& (.not.CCTK_EQUALS(GRHydro_eos_type,"Polytype"))) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("When using the 2D_Polytrope EOS you need to set eos_type to Polytype") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(GRHydro_eos_table,"Ideal_Fluid").and.& (.not.CCTK_EQUALS(GRHydro_eos_type,"General"))) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("When using the Ideal_Fluid EOS you need to set eos_type to General") end if if (.not.(CCTK_EQUALS(metric_type, "Physical").or.& CCTK_EQUALS(metric_type, "Static Conformal"))) then call CCTK_WARN(0,"GRHydro only knows how to deal with physical metric type at the moment. Complain to the maintainers...") end if if (use_mask .eq. 0) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("GRHydro now requires you to set SpaceMask::use_mask = ""yes""") end if if (number_of_particles .gt. 0) then if (number_of_arrays .ne. 3) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("If tracking particles then you must have number_of_arrays = 3") end if end if ! This check and 'static' as valid keyword option can be removed after the ! year 2010 if (CCTK_EQUALS(bound,"static")) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("GRHydro::bound = 'static' is no longer supported, use 'none' instead"); end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(Bvec_evolution_method,"GRHydro").or.CCTK_EQUALS(Bvec_evolution_method,"GRHydro_Avec")) then evolve_MHD = 1 else evolve_MHD = 0 endif if ( CCTK_EQUALS(Bvec_evolution_method,"GRHydro_Avec") ) then if ( CCTK_EQUALS(Avec_gauge,"Lorenz") ) then evolve_Lorenz_gge = 1 else evolve_Lorenz_gge = 0 endif endif if (CCTK_EQUALS(Y_e_evolution_method,"GRHydro")) then evolve_Y_e = 1 else evolve_Y_e = 0 endif if (CCTK_EQUALS(temperature_evolution_method,"GRHydro")) then evolve_temper = 1 else evolve_temper = 0 endif if (CCTK_EQUALS(entropy_evolution_method,"GRHydro")) then evolve_entropy = 1 else evolve_entropy = 0 endif call CCTK_IsImplementationActive(coordinates_is_active, "Coordinates") ! this test is somewhat overzealous but we cannot access ! coordinates::general_coordinates yet since it is only set in BaseGrid if (CCTK_Equals(riemann_solver,"HLLE").eq.0.and.coordinates_is_active.ne.0) then call CCTK_WARN(0, "There is currently no Riemann solver other than HLLE compatible with multipatch!") end if if (constrain_to_1D .eq. 1 .and. coordinates_is_active.eq.1) then call CCTK_WARN(0, "Constrain to 1D option does not work with other than Cartesian coordinates. Ask Christian R. to implement it if required!") endif if (CCTK_EQUALS(riemann_solver,"Roe").and.CCTK_EQUALS(Bvec_evolution_method,"GRHydro")) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Roe solver is not implemented yet for MHD") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(riemann_solver,"Marquina").and.CCTK_EQUALS(Bvec_evolution_method,"GRHydro")) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Marquina solver is not implemented yet for MHD") end if if(evolve_MHD.ne.0 .and. clean_divergence.ne.0) then if (CCTK_EQUALS(psidcspeed,"char speed")) then whichpsidcspeed = 0 else if (CCTK_EQUALS(psidcspeed,"light speed")) then whichpsidcspeed = 1 else if (CCTK_EQUALS(psidcspeed,"set speed")) then whichpsidcspeed = 2 else call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Unknown type of speed setting for psidc (psidcspeed)") end if end if if(CCTK_EQUALS(use_evolution_mask, "always")) then call CCTK_VarIndex(evolution_mask_idx, "CarpetEvolutionMask::evolution_mask") if(evolution_mask_idx .lt. 0) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("You set use_evolution_mask='always' but I cannot find 'CarpetEvolutionMask::evolution_mask'. If you use Carpet, then you should activate thorn 'CarpetEvolutionMask', if using PUGH then evolution_mask makes no sense and you should disable this option.") end if end if if(clean_divergence.ne.0 .and. evolve_MHD.eq.0) then call CCTK_WARN(1, "You activated divergence cleaning but do not evolve a magnetic field. At best, nothing should happen, be preapered for a segfault otherwise.") end if if (Tmunu_damping_radius_min .gt. Tmunu_damping_radius_max) then call CCTK_WARN(0, "Minimum damping radius is greater than maximum damping radius!") end if if(evolve_entropy.ne.0) then if(evolve_MHD.eq.0) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Entropy evolution not properly implemented yet for unmagnetized fluids!") end if if (CCTK_EQUALS(recon_method,"ppm")) then call CCTK_PARAMWARN("Entropy evolution not implemented yet with PPM reconstruction!") end if end if end subroutine GRHydro_ParamCheck