/*@@ @file GRHydro_PPM.F90 @date Sun Feb 10 16:53:29 2002 @author Ian Hawke, Toni Font, Luca Baiotti, Frank Loeffler @desc Routines to do PPM reconstruction. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "GRHydro_Macros.h" subroutine PPM_TVD(origm, orig, origp, bextm, bextp) CCTK_REAL :: origm, orig, origp, bextm, bextp CCTK_REAL :: dloc, dupw, delta dupw = orig - origm dloc = origp - orig if (dupw*dloc < 0.d0) then delta=0.d0 else if (abs(dupw) < abs(dloc)) then delta=dupw else delta=dloc end if bextm = orig - 0.5d0 * delta bextp = orig + 0.5d0 * delta end subroutine PPM_TVD /*@@ @routine SimplePPM_1d @date Thu Feb 14 19:08:52 2002 @author Ian Hawke, Toni Font, Christian Reisswig @desc The simple PPM reconstruction routine that applies along each one dimensional slice. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history Written in frustration when IH couldn''t get Toni''s original code to work. Later extended to enhanced PPM scheme by CR. @endhistory @@*/ #define SpaceMask_CheckStateBitsF90_1D(mask,i,type_bits,state_bits) \ (iand(mask((i)),(type_bits)).eq.(state_bits)) subroutine SimplePPM_1d(handle,poly,& nx,dx,rho,velx,vely,velz,eps,press,rhominus,& velxminus,velyminus,velzminus,epsminus,rhoplus,velxplus,velyplus,& velzplus,epsplus,trivial_rp, hydro_excision_mask,& gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, beta, alp, w_lorentz, & dir, ni, nj, nrx, nry, nrz, ev_l, ev_r, xw) USE GRHydro_Scalars USE GRHydro_Eigenproblem implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1 CCTK_INT :: handle,poly,nx CCTK_REAL :: dx CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rho,velx,vely,velz,eps CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhominus,velxminus,velyminus,velzminus,epsminus CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhoplus,velxplus,velyplus,velzplus,epsplus CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhominusl,velxminusl,velyminusl,velzminusl CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: epsminusl CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhoplusl,velxplusl,velyplusl,velzplusl,epsplusl CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhominusr,velxminusr,velyminusr,velzminusr CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: epsminusr CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rhoplusr,velxplusr,velyplusr,velzplusr,epsplusr CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: atmosphere_mask CCTK_INT :: i,s CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: drho,dvelx,dvely,dvelz,deps CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: dmrho,dmvelx,dmvely,dmvelz,dmeps CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: press,dpress,d2rho,tilde_flatten CCTK_REAL :: dpress2,dvel,w,flatten,eta,etatilde logical, dimension(nx) :: trivial_rp CCTK_INT, dimension(nx) :: hydro_excision_mask CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, & beta, alp, w_lorentz CCTK_INT :: dir, ni, nj, nrx, nry, nrz CCTK_REAL, dimension(nrx, nry, nrz) :: ev_l, ev_r, xw CCTK_REAL :: uxx, uxy, uxz, uyy, uyz, uzz, det CCTK_REAL, dimension(5) :: lam CCTK_REAL :: dupw, dloc, delta CCTK_REAL :: agxx, agxy, agxz, agyy, agyz, agzz CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: xwind, l_ev_l, l_ev_r CCTK_REAL :: D2a, D2aL, D2aR, D2aC, D2aLim, rhi, daplus, daminus, D3a, D3aLL, D3aL, D3aR, D2aLL, D2aRR, D3aMin, D3aMax logical :: cond !!$ Initially, all the Riemann problems will be trivial trivial_rp = .true. #define STEEP(x,dx,dmx) \ if ( (x(i+1) - x(i)) * (x(i) - x(i-1)) > 0.d0 ) then &&\ dmx(i) = sign(one, dx(i)) * \ min(abs(dx(i)), 2.d0 * abs(x(i) - x(i-1)), \ 2.d0 * abs(x(i+1) - x(i))) &&\ else &&\ dmx(i) = 0.d0 &&\ end if if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 0) then !! This is the original PPM algorithm by Colella & Woodward 1984. !!$ Average slopes delta_m(a). See (1.7) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 !!$ This is the expression for an even grid. do i = 2, nx - 1 drho(i) = 0.5d0 * (rho(i+1) - rho(i-1)) dvelx(i) = 0.5d0 * (velx(i+1) - velx(i-1)) dvely(i) = 0.5d0 * (vely(i+1) - vely(i-1)) dvelz(i) = 0.5d0 * (velz(i+1) - velz(i-1)) dpress(i) = press(i+1) - press(i-1) d2rho(i) = (rho(i+1) - 2.d0 * rho(i) + rho(i-1))! / 6.d0 / dx / dx ! since we use d2rho only for the condition d2rho(i+1)*d2rhoi(i-1)<0 ! the denominator is not necessary end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 2, nx - 1 deps(i) = 0.5d0 * (eps(i+1) - eps(i-1)) end do end if !!$ Steepened slope. See (1.8) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do i = 2, nx - 1 STEEP(rho, drho, dmrho) STEEP(velx, dvelx, dmvelx) STEEP(vely, dvely, dmvely) STEEP(velz, dvelz, dmvelz) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 2, nx - 1 STEEP(eps, deps, dmeps) end do end if !!$ Initial boundary states. See (1.9) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do i = 2, nx-2 rhoplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (rho(i) + rho(i+1)) + & (dmrho(i) - dmrho(i+1)) / 6.d0 rhominus(i+1) = rhoplus(i) velxplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (velx(i) + velx(i+1)) + & (dmvelx(i) - dmvelx(i+1)) / 6.d0 velxminus(i+1) = velxplus(i) velyplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (vely(i) + vely(i+1)) + & (dmvely(i) - dmvely(i+1)) / 6.d0 velyminus(i+1) = velyplus(i) velzplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (velz(i) + velz(i+1)) + & (dmvelz(i) - dmvelz(i+1)) / 6.d0 velzminus(i+1) = velzplus(i) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 2, nx-2 epsplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (eps(i) + eps(i+1)) + & (dmeps(i) - dmeps(i+1)) / 6.d0 epsminus(i+1) = epsplus(i) end do end if else !! This is the modified PPM algorithm by Colella & Sekora 2008 and McCorquodale & Colella 2011. !! This uses a better limiter based on second derivatives that preserves !! accuracy at local extrema. It also uses a higher-order interpolation polynomial. !!$ Initial boundary states (sixth order accurate). See (17) of Colella and Sekora 2008, p.7071 #define APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(a, ah) \ ah = 37.0d0/60.0d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - 2.0d0/15.0d0*(a(i-1)+a(i+2)) + 1.0d0/60.0d0*(a(i-2)+a(i+3)) !!$ Initial boundary states (4th order accurate). See (16) of Colella and Sekora 2008, p.7071 #define APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(a, ah) \ ah = 7.0d0/12.0d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - 1.0d0/12.0d0*(a(i-1)+a(i+2)) #define LIMIT(a,ah,C, alim) \ if ((min(a(i),a(i+1)) .le. ah) .and. (ah .le. max(a(i),a(i+1)))) then &&\ alim = ah &&\ else &&\ D2a = 3.0d0 * (a(i) - 2.0d0*ah + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aL = (a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aR = (a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2)) &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a)*min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), abs(D2a))/3.0d0 &&\ if (D2a*D2aR .ge. 0 .and. D2a*D2aL .ge. 0) then &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - D2aLim &&\ else &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) &&\ end if &&\ endif #define LIMIT_EPS(a,ah,C, alim) \ if ((min(a(i),a(i+1)) .le. ah) .and. (ah .le. max(a(i),a(i+1)))) then &&\ alim = ah &&\ else &&\ D2a = 3.0d0 * (a(i) - 2.0d0*ah + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aL = (a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aR = (a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2)) &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a)*min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), abs(D2a))/3.0d0 &&\ if (D2a*D2aR .ge. 0 .and. D2a*D2aL .ge. 0 .and. abs(D2aLim) .lt. abs(0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)))) then &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - D2aLim &&\ else &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) &&\ end if &&\ endif if (PPM3) then !! We initialize "plus" \equiv a_j+1/2 with (16) via APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE, !! then checking for (13) of Colella & Sekora 2008 and applying !! (18) and (19) if (13) is not satisfied. This is done with LIMIT. do i = 2, nx-2 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(rho, rhoplus(i)) LIMIT(rho, rhoplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, rhoplus(i)) rhominus(i+1) = rhoplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(velx, velxplus(i)) LIMIT(velx, velxplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velxplus(i)) velxminus(i+1) = velxplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(vely, velyplus(i)) LIMIT(vely, velyplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velyplus(i)) velyminus(i+1) = velyplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(velz, velzplus(i)) LIMIT(velz, velzplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velzplus(i)) velzminus(i+1) = velzplus(i) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 2, nx-2 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(eps, epsplus(i)) LIMIT_EPS(eps, epsplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, epsplus(i)) epsminus(i+1) = epsplus(i) end do end if else !! Same as above but for 4 stencil points using (17) of Colella & Sekora 2008 as !! initial states. do i = 3, nx-3 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(rho, rhoplus(i)) LIMIT(rho, rhoplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, rhoplus(i)) rhominus(i+1) = rhoplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(velx, velxplus(i)) LIMIT(velx, velxplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velxplus(i)) velxminus(i+1) = velxplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(vely, velyplus(i)) LIMIT(vely, velyplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velyplus(i)) velyminus(i+1) = velyplus(i) APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(velz, velzplus(i)) LIMIT(velz, velzplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, velzplus(i)) velzminus(i+1) = velzplus(i) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 3, nx-3 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(eps, epsplus(i)) LIMIT(eps, epsplus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, epsplus(i)) epsminus(i+1) = epsplus(i) end do end if endif !! Finally compute pressure gradient needed for flattening and shock detection do i = 2, nx-1 dpress(i) = press(i+1) - press(i-1) end do endif !!$Discontinuity steepening. See (1.14-17) of C&W. !!$This is the detect routine which mat be activated with the ppm_detect parameter !!$Note that this part really also depends on the grid being even. !!$Note also that we don''t have access to the gas constant gamma. !!$So this is just dropped from eq. (3.2) of C&W. !!$We can get around this by just rescaling the constant k0 (ppm_k0 here). if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 0) then ! Only for 1984 PPM scheme! if (ppm_detect .ne. 0) then if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 1) then ! make sure drho, d2rho and dmrho are computed everywhere! do i = 2, nx-1 drho(i) = 0.5d0 * (rho(i+1) - rho(i-1)) d2rho(i) = (rho(i+1) - 2.d0 * rho(i) + rho(i-1)) end do do i = 2, nx-1 STEEP(rho, drho, dmrho) end do endif do i = 3, nx - 2 if ( (d2rho(i+1)*d2rho(i-1) < 0.d0).and.(abs(rho(i+1)-rho(i-1)) - & ppm_epsilon_shock * min(abs(rho(i+1)), abs(rho(i-1))) > 0.d0) ) then etatilde = (rho(i-2) - rho(i+2) + 4.d0 * drho(i)) / (drho(i) * 12.d0) else etatilde = 0.d0 end if eta = max(0.d0, min(1.d0, ppm_eta1 * (etatilde - ppm_eta2))) if (ppm_k0 * abs(drho(i)) * min(press(i-1),press(i+1)) < & abs(dpress(i)) * min(rho(i-1), rho(i+1))) then eta = 0.d0 end if if (eta > 0.d0) then trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. trivial_rp(i) = .false. end if rhominus(i) = rhominus(i) * (1.d0 - eta) + & (rho(i-1) + 0.5d0 * dmrho(i-1)) * eta rhoplus(i) = rhoplus(i) * (1.d0 - eta) + & (rho(i+1) - 0.5d0 * dmrho(i+1)) * eta end do end if !!$ mppm #define D_UPW(x) (0.5d0 * (x(i) + x(i+1))) #define LEFT1(x) (13.d0*x(i+1)-5.d0*x(i+2)+x(i+3)+3.d0*x(i ))/12.d0 #define RIGHT1(x) (13.d0*x(i )-5.d0*x(i-1)+x(i-2)+3.d0*x(i+1))/12.d0 if (ppm_mppm .gt. 0) then l_ev_l=0.d0 l_ev_r=0.d0 xwind=0.d0 do i=3, nx - 3 agxx = 0.5d0*( gxx(i) + gxx(i+1) ) agxy = 0.5d0*( gxy(i) + gxy(i+1) ) agxz = 0.5d0*( gxz(i) + gxz(i+1) ) agyy = 0.5d0*( gyy(i) + gyy(i+1) ) agyz = 0.5d0*( gyz(i) + gyz(i+1) ) agzz = 0.5d0*( gzz(i) + gzz(i+1) ) det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(agxx, agxy, agxz, \ agyy, agyz, agzz) call UpperMetric (uxx, uxy, uxz, uyy, uyz, uzz, & det, agxx, agxy, agxz, agyy, agyz, agzz) call eigenvalues(handle,& D_UPW(rho), D_UPW(velx), D_UPW(vely), D_UPW(velz), & D_UPW(eps), D_UPW(w_lorentz), lam, & agxx, agxy, agxz, agyy, agyz, agzz, & uxx, D_UPW(alp), D_UPW(beta)) l_ev_l(i)=lam(1) l_ev_r(i)=lam(5) xwind(i) = (lam(1) + lam(5)) / (abs(lam(1)) + abs(lam(5))) xwind(i) = min(1.d0, max(-1.d0, xwind(i))) #define LEFTPLUS(x,xplus) xplus(i) = abs(xwind(i)) * LEFT1(x) + \ (1.d0-abs(xwind(i))) * xplus(i) #define LEFTMINUS(x,xminus) xminus(i+1)= abs(xwind(i)) * LEFT1(x) + \ (1.d0-abs(xwind(i))) * xminus(i+1) #define RIGHTPLUS(x,xplus) xplus(i) = abs(xwind(i)) * RIGHT1(x) + \ (1.d0-abs(xwind(i))) * xplus(i) #define RIGHTMINUS(x,xminus) xminus(i+1)= abs(xwind(i)) * RIGHT1(x) + \ (1.d0-abs(xwind(i))) * xminus(i+1) #define CHECK(x,xc) if (x(i+1) .gt. x(i)) then && xc=min(x(i+1),max(x(i),xc)) && else && xc=min(x(i),max(x(i+1),xc)) && endif !!$ xwind(i)=0.d0 if (xwind(i) .lt. 0.0d0) then LEFTPLUS(rho, rhoplus) LEFTMINUS(rho, rhominus) LEFTPLUS(velx, velxplus) LEFTMINUS(velx, velxminus) LEFTPLUS(vely, velyplus) LEFTMINUS(vely, velyminus) LEFTPLUS(velz, velzplus) LEFTMINUS(velz, velzminus) if (poly .eq. 0) then LEFTPLUS(eps, epsplus) LEFTMINUS(eps, epsminus) end if else RIGHTPLUS(rho, rhoplus) RIGHTMINUS(rho, rhominus) RIGHTPLUS(velx, velxplus) RIGHTMINUS(velx, velxminus) RIGHTPLUS(vely, velyplus) RIGHTMINUS(vely, velyminus) RIGHTPLUS(velz, velzplus) RIGHTMINUS(velz, velzminus) if (poly .eq. 0) then RIGHTPLUS(eps, epsplus) RIGHTMINUS(eps, epsminus) end if end if CHECK(rho, rhoplus(i)) CHECK(rho, rhominus(i+1)) CHECK(velx, velxplus(i)) CHECK(velx, velxminus(i+1)) CHECK(vely, velyplus(i)) CHECK(vely, velyminus(i+1)) CHECK(velz, velzplus(i)) CHECK(velz, velzminus(i+1)) if (poly .eq. 0) then CHECK(eps, epsplus(i)) CHECK(eps, epsminus(i+1)) end if !!$ if ((dir .eq. 1) .and. (ni .eq. 4) .and. (nj .eq. 4)) then !!$ write (*,*) rhoplus(i), rhominus(i+1) !!$ end if end do !!$ mppm debug output if (ppm_mppm_debug_eigenvalues .gt. 0) then if (dir .eq. 1) then ev_l(:,ni,nj) = l_ev_l ev_r(:,ni,nj) = l_ev_r xw(:,ni,nj) = xwind else if (dir .eq. 2) then ev_l(ni,:,nj) = l_ev_l ev_r(ni,:,nj) = l_ev_r xw(ni,:,nj) = xwind else if (dir .eq. 3) then ev_l(ni,nj,:) = l_ev_l ev_r(ni,nj,:) = l_ev_r xw(ni,nj,:) = xwind else write (*,*) "flux direction not 1 to 3 ?" end if end if end if end if !!$ Zone flattening. See appendix of C&W, p. 197-8. do i = 3, nx - 2 dpress2 = press(i+2) - press(i-2) dvel = velx(i+1) - velx(i-1) if ( (abs(dpress(i)) > ppm_epsilon * min(press(i-1),press(i+1))) .and. & (dvel < 0.d0) ) then w = 1.d0 else w = 0.d0 end if if (abs(dpress2) < ppm_small) then tilde_flatten(i) = 1.d0 else tilde_flatten(i) = max(0.d0, 1.d0 - w * max(0.d0, ppm_omega2 * & (dpress(i) / dpress2 - ppm_omega1))) end if end do if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 0) then ! In 1984 PPM, flattening is applied before constraining parabolic profiles. if (PPM3) then !!$ Implement C&W, page 197, but with a workaround which allows to use stencil=3. do i = 3, nx - 2 flatten = tilde_flatten(i) if (abs(1.d0 - flatten) > 0.d0) then trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. trivial_rp(i) = .false. end if rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsplus(i) = flatten * epsplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) epsminus(i) = flatten * epsminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) end if end do else !!$ Really implement C&W, page 197; which requires stencil 4. do i = 4, nx - 3 s=sign(one, -dpress(i)) flatten = max(tilde_flatten(i), tilde_flatten(i+s)) if (abs(1.d0 - flatten) > 0.d0) then trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. trivial_rp(i) = .false. end if rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsplus(i) = flatten * epsplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) epsminus(i) = flatten * epsminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) end if end do end if endif !!$ Monotonicity. See (1.10) of C&W. #define MON(xminus,x,xplus) \ if (.not.( (xplus(i).eq.x(i)) .and. (x(i).eq.xminus(i)) ) \ .and. ((xplus(i)-x(i))*(x(i)-xminus(i)) .le. 0.d0)) then&&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ xminus(i) = x(i) &&\ xplus(i) = x(i) &&\ else if (6.d0 * (xplus(i) - xminus(i)) * (x(i) - 0.5d0 * \ (xplus(i) + xminus(i))) > \ (xplus(i) - xminus(i))**2) then &&\ xminus(i) = 3.d0 * x(i) - 2.d0 * xplus(i) &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ else if (6.d0 * (xplus(i) - xminus(i)) * (x(i) - 0.5d0 * \ (xplus(i) + xminus(i))) < \ -(xplus(i) - xminus(i))**2) then &&\ xplus(i) = 3.d0 * x(i) - 2.d0 * xminus(i) &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ end if &&\ if (.not.( (xplus(i).eq.x(i)) .and. (x(i).eq.xminus(i)) ) ) then &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ end if !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34 !! This requires 4 stencil points. #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(aminus, a, aplus, C, C3) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aLL = a(i-3) - 2.0d0*a(i-2) + a(i-1) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ D2aRR = a(i+1) - 2.0d0*a(i+2) + a(i+3) &&\ D3a = D2aR - D2aC &&\ D3aL = D2aC - D2aL &&\ D3aR = D2aRR - D2aR &&\ D3aLL = D2aL - D2aLL &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ D3aMin = min(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ D3aMax = max(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ if (C3 * max(abs(D3aMin), abs(D3aMax)) .le. D3aMax-D3aMin) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*daplus &&\ end if &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ endif !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34. !! This contains an additional limiter in case the correction becomes larger than !! the corrected value. This is to avoid negative values for epsilon. !! This requires 4 stencil points. #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4_EPS(aminus, a, aplus, C, C3) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aLL = a(i-3) - 2.0d0*a(i-2) + a(i-1) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ D2aRR = a(i+1) - 2.0d0*a(i+2) + a(i+3) &&\ D3a = D2aR - D2aC &&\ D3aL = D2aC - D2aL &&\ D3aR = D2aRR - D2aR &&\ D3aLL = D2aL - D2aLL &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ D3aMin = min(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ D3aMax = max(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ if (C3 * max(abs(D3aMin), abs(D3aMax)) .le. D3aMax-D3aMin) then &&\ if (abs(daplus) .le. abs(a(i)) .and. abs(daminus) .le. abs(a(i))) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ else &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .le. abs(a(i)) .and. abs(daminus) .le. abs(a(i))) then &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*daplus &&\ end if &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ end if &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ endif !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34. !! This does not use the check for deviations from a cubic. Thus, it gets away with only 3 stencil points! #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(aminus, a, aplus, C) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*daplus &&\ end if &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ endif !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34. !! This does not use the check for deviations from a cubic. Thus, it gets away with only 3 stencil points! !! This contains an additional limiter in case the correction becomes larger than !! the corrected value. This is to avoid negative values for epsilon. #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_EPS(aminus, a, aplus, C) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ if (abs(daplus) .le. abs(a(i)) .and. abs(daminus) .le. abs(a(i))) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ else &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .le. abs(a(i)) .and. abs(daminus) .le. abs(a(i))) then &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*daplus &&\ end if &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) &&\ end if &&\ endif &&\ trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. &&\ trivial_rp(i) = .false. &&\ endif if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 1) then !! Constrain parabolic profiles, PPM 2011/2008 if (PPM3) then do i = 3, nx - 2 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(rhominus,rho,rhoplus, enhanced_ppm_C2) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(velxminus,velx,velxplus, enhanced_ppm_C2) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(velyminus,vely,velyplus, enhanced_ppm_C2) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(velzminus,velz,velzplus, enhanced_ppm_C2) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 3, nx - 2 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_EPS(epsminus,eps,epsplus, enhanced_ppm_C2) end do end if else do i = 4, nx - 3 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(rhominus,rho,rhoplus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(velxminus,velx,velxplus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(velyminus,vely,velyplus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(velzminus,velz,velzplus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = 4, nx - 3 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4_EPS(epsminus,eps,epsplus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) end do endif end if ! Apply flattening after constraining the parabolic profiles if (PPM3) then !!$ Implement C&W, page 197, but with a workaround which allows to use stencil=3. do i = 3, nx - 2 flatten = tilde_flatten(i) if (abs(1.d0 - flatten) > 0.d0) then trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. trivial_rp(i) = .false. end if rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsplus(i) = flatten * epsplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) epsminus(i) = flatten * epsminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) end if end do else !!$ Really implement C&W, page 197; which requires stencil 4. do i = 4, nx - 3 s=sign(one, -dpress(i)) flatten = max(tilde_flatten(i), tilde_flatten(i+s)) if (abs(1.d0 - flatten) > 0.d0) then trivial_rp(i-1) = .false. trivial_rp(i) = .false. end if rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i) velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i) velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i) velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsplus(i) = flatten * epsplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) epsminus(i) = flatten * epsminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * eps(i) end if end do end if endif if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 0) then !! Constrain parabolic profiles, PPM 1984 do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 ! original Colella&Woodward monotonicity preservation MON(rhominus,rho,rhoplus) MON(velxminus,velx,velxplus) MON(velyminus,vely,velyplus) MON(velzminus,velz,velzplus) end do if (poly .eq. 0) then do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 MON(epsminus,eps,epsplus) end do end if endif if (check_for_trivial_rp .eq. 0) then trivial_rp = .false. end if !!$ excision do i = 1, nx if (GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0 .and. & (hydro_excision_mask(i) .ne. 0)) then if (i .gt. 1) then trivial_rp(i-1)=.true. end if trivial_rp(i)=.true. else !!$ Do not optimize cond away by combining the 'if's. Fortran does not !!$ have to follow the order of sub-expressions given here and might !!$ access outside the array range cond = .false. if (i .gt. 1 .and. GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0) then cond = hydro_excision_mask(i-1) .ne. 0 end if if (cond) then rhominus(i)=rho(i) rhoplus(i)=rho(i) velxminus(i)=velx(i) velxplus(i)=velx(i) velyminus(i)=vely(i) velyplus(i)=vely(i) velzminus(i)=velz(i) velzplus(i)=velz(i) rhominus(i-1)=rho(i) rhoplus(i-1)=rho(i) velxminus(i-1)=velx(i) velxplus(i-1)=velx(i) velyminus(i-1)=vely(i) velyplus(i-1)=vely(i) velzminus(i-1)=velz(i) velzplus(i-1)=velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsminus(i)=eps(i) epsplus(i)=eps(i) epsminus(i-1)=eps(i) epsplus(i-1)=eps(i) end if else cond = .false. if ((i.gt.2) .and. (i.lt.nx) .and. GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0) then cond = (ppm_mppm .eq. 0) .and. (hydro_excision_mask(i-2) .ne. 0) end if if (cond) then call PPM_TVD(rho(i-1), rho(i), rho(i+1), rhominus(i), rhoplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(velx(i-1), velx(i), velx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(vely(i-1), vely(i), vely(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(velz(i-1), velz(i), velz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i)) if (poly .eq. 0) then call PPM_TVD(eps(i-1), eps(i), eps(i+1), epsminus(i), epsplus(i)) end if end if end if cond = .false. if (i .lt. nx .and. GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0) then cond = hydro_excision_mask(i+1) .ne. 0 end if if (cond) then rhominus(i)=rho(i) rhoplus(i)=rho(i) velxminus(i)=velx(i) velxplus(i)=velx(i) velyminus(i)=vely(i) velyplus(i)=vely(i) velzminus(i)=velz(i) velzplus(i)=velz(i) rhominus(i+1)=rho(i) rhoplus(i+1)=rho(i) velxminus(i+1)=velx(i) velxplus(i+1)=velx(i) velyminus(i+1)=vely(i) velyplus(i+1)=vely(i) velzminus(i+1)=velz(i) velzplus(i+1)=velz(i) if (poly .eq. 0) then epsminus(i)=eps(i) epsplus(i)=eps(i) epsminus(i+1)=eps(i) epsplus(i+1)=eps(i) endif else cond = .false. if ((i.lt.nx-1) .and. (i.gt.1) .and. GRHydro_enable_internal_excision /= 0) then cond = (ppm_mppm .eq. 0) .and. (hydro_excision_mask(i+2) .ne. 0) end if if (cond) then call PPM_TVD(rho(i-1), rho(i), rho(i+1), rhominus(i), rhoplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(velx(i-1), velx(i), velx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(vely(i-1), vely(i), vely(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i)) call PPM_TVD(velz(i-1), velz(i), velz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i)) if (poly .eq. 0) then call PPM_TVD(eps(i-1), eps(i), eps(i+1), epsminus(i), epsplus(i)) end if end if end if end if end do return end subroutine SimplePPM_1d subroutine SimplePPM_tracer_1d(nx,dx,rho,velx,vely,velz, & tracer,tracerminus,tracerplus,press) USE GRHydro_Scalars implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1 CCTK_INT :: nx CCTK_REAL :: dx CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rho,velx,vely,velz CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx,number_of_tracers) :: tracer,tracerminus,tracerplus CCTK_REAL :: tracerflatomega CCTK_INT :: i,s,itracer CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: press,dpress,tilde_flatten CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx,number_of_tracers) :: dmtracer, dtracer, tracerflat!, d2tracer CCTK_REAL :: dpress2,w,flatten,dvel CCTK_REAL :: eta, etatilde !!$ Average slopes delta_m(a). See (1.7) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 !!$ This is the expression for an even grid. do i = 2, nx - 1 dpress(i) = press(i+1) - press(i-1) end do do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 2, nx - 1 dtracer(i,itracer) = 0.5d0 * (tracer(i+1,itracer) - tracer(i-1,itracer)) ! d2tracer(i,itracer) = (tracer(i+1) - 2.d0 * tracer(i) + tracer(i-1))! / 6.d0 / dx / dx ! ! since we use d2tracer only for the condition d2tracer(i+1)*d2tracer(i-1)<0 ! ! the denominator is not necessary enddo enddo !!$ Steepened slope. See (1.8) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 2, nx - 1 if( (tracer(i+1,itracer) - tracer(i,itracer)) * & (tracer(i,itracer) - tracer(i-1,itracer)) > 0.0d0 ) then dmtracer(i,itracer) = sign(one,dtracer(i,itracer)) * & min(abs(dtracer(i,itracer)), 2.0d0 * & abs(tracer(i,itracer) - tracer(i-1,itracer)), & 2.0d0 * abs(tracer(i+1,itracer) - tracer(i,itracer))) else dmtracer(i,itracer) = 0.0d0 endif end do enddo !!$ Initial boundary states. See (1.9) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 2, nx - 2 tracerplus(i,itracer) = 0.5d0 * (tracer(i,itracer) + tracer(i+1,itracer)) + & (dmtracer(i,itracer) - dmtracer(i+1,itracer)) / 6.d0 tracerminus(i+1,itracer) = tracerplus(i,itracer) enddo enddo !!$Discontinuity steepening. See (1.14-17) of C&W. !!$This is the detect routine which mat be activated with the ppm_detect parameter !!$Note that this part really also depends on the grid being even. !!$Note also that we do not have access to the gas constant gamma. !!$So this is just dropped from eq. (3.2) of C&W. !!$We can get around this by just rescaling the constant k0 (ppm_k0 here). !!! We might play around with this for the tracer. CURRENTLY TURNED OFF #if 0 if (ppm_detect .eq. 1000) then do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 3, nx - 2 if ( (dtracer(i+1,itracer)*dtracer(i-1,itracer) > 0.d0) & !make sure this is not an extremum .and.(abs(tracer(i+1,itracer)-tracer(i-1,itracer)) - & !this is to prevent steepening !of relatively small composition jumps ppm_epsilon_shock * min(tracer(i+1,itracer), tracer(i-1,itracer)) > 0.d0 ) & .and. & ! the actual criterion from Plewa & Mueller ((tracer(i+1,itracer)-tracer(i-1,itracer)) / & (tracer(i+2,itracer)-tracer(i-2,itracer)) > ppm_omega1 ) ) then etatilde = (tracer(i-2,itracer) - tracer(i+2,itracer) + & 4.d0 * dtracer(i,itracer)) / (dtracer(i,itracer) * 12.d0) write(*,*) "Additional Steepening in Zone: ",i else etatilde = 0.d0 end if eta = max(0.d0, min(1.d0, ppm_eta1 * (etatilde - ppm_eta2))) if (ppm_k0 * abs(dtracer(i,itracer)) * min(press(i-1),press(i+1)) < & abs(dpress(i)) * min(tracer(i-1,itracer), tracer(i+1,itracer))) then eta = 0.d0 end if tracerminus(i,itracer) = tracerminus(i,itracer) * (1.d0 - eta) + & (tracer(i-1,itracer) + 0.5d0 * dmtracer(i-1,itracer)) * eta tracerplus(i,itracer) = tracerplus(i,itracer) * (1.d0 - eta) + & (tracer(i+1,itracer) - 0.5d0 * dmtracer(i+1,itracer)) * eta end do enddo end if #endif !!$ Zone flattening. See appendix of C&W, p. 197-8. do i = 3, nx - 2 dpress2 = press(i+2) - press(i-2) dvel = velx(i+1) - velx(i-1) if ( (abs(dpress(i)) > ppm_epsilon * min(press(i-1),press(i+1))) .and. & (dvel < 0.d0) ) then w = 1.d0 else w = 0.d0 end if if (abs(dpress2) < ppm_small) then tilde_flatten(i) = 1.d0 else tilde_flatten(i) = max(0.d0, 1.d0 - w * max(0.d0, ppm_omega2 * & (dpress(i) / dpress2 - ppm_omega1))) end if end do if (PPM3) then do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 3, nx - 2 flatten = tilde_flatten(i) tracerplus(i,itracer) = flatten * tracerplus(i,itracer) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * tracer(i,itracer) tracerminus(i,itracer) = flatten * tracerminus(i,itracer) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * tracer(i,itracer) end do enddo else !!$ Really implement C&W, page 197; which requires stencil 4. do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 4, nx - 3 s=sign(one, -dpress(i)) flatten = max(tilde_flatten(i), tilde_flatten(i+s)) tracerplus(i,itracer) = flatten * tracerplus(i,itracer) + & (1.d0 - flatten) * tracer(i,itracer) tracerminus(i,itracer) = flatten * tracerminus(i,itracer) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * tracer(i,itracer) end do enddo end if !! Additional flattening a la Plewa & Mueller #if 1 do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 2, nx - 1 if ( ( tracer(i+1,itracer) - tracer(i,itracer) ) * & ( tracer(i,itracer) - tracer(i-1,itracer) ) < 0.0d0 ) then tracerflat(i,itracer) = 1.0d0 else tracerflat(i,itracer) = 0.0d0 endif enddo enddo do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = 3, nx -2 tracerflatomega = 0.5d0 * max(tracerflat(i-1,itracer),2.0d0*tracerflat(i,itracer), & tracerflat(i+1,itracer)) * ppm_omega_tracer tracerplus(i,itracer) = tracerflatomega*tracer(i,itracer) + & (1.0d0 - tracerflatomega)*tracerplus(i,itracer) tracerminus(i,itracer) = tracerflatomega*tracer(i,itracer) + & (1.0d0 - tracerflatomega)*tracerminus(i,itracer) enddo enddo #endif !!$ Monotonicity. See (1.10) of C&W. do itracer=1,number_of_tracers do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 if (((tracerplus(i,itracer)-tracer(i,itracer))* & (tracer(i,itracer)-tracerminus(i,itracer)) .le. 0.d0)) then tracerminus(i,itracer) = tracer(i,itracer) tracerplus(i,itracer) = tracer(i,itracer) else if ((tracerplus(i,itracer) - tracerminus(i,itracer)) * (tracer(i,itracer) - 0.5d0 * & (tracerplus(i,itracer) + tracerminus(i,itracer))) > & (tracerplus(i,itracer) - tracerminus(i,itracer))**2 / 6.d0) then tracerminus(i,itracer) = 3.d0 * tracer(i,itracer) - 2.d0 * tracerplus(i,itracer) else if ((tracerplus(i,itracer) - tracerminus(i,itracer)) * (tracer(i,itracer) - 0.5d0 * & (tracerplus(i,itracer) + tracerminus(i,itracer))) < & -(tracerplus(i,itracer) - tracerminus(i,itracer))**2 / 6.d0 ) then tracerplus(i,itracer) = 3.d0 * tracer(i,itracer) - 2.d0 * tracerminus(i,itracer) end if end do enddo end subroutine SimplePPM_tracer_1d subroutine SimplePPM_ye_1d(nx,dx,rho,velx,vely,velz, & Y_e,Y_e_minus,Y_e_plus,press) USE GRHydro_Scalars implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1 CCTK_INT :: nx CCTK_REAL :: dx CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: rho,velx,vely,velz CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: Y_e,Y_e_minus,Y_e_plus CCTK_REAL :: Y_eflatomega CCTK_INT :: i,s CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: press,dpress,tilde_flatten CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: dmY_e, dY_e, Y_eflat!, d2tracer CCTK_REAL :: dpress2,w,flatten,dvel CCTK_REAL :: eta, etatilde CCTK_REAL :: D2a, D2aL, D2aR, D2aC, D2aLim, rhi, daplus, daminus, D3a, D3aLL, D3aL, D3aR, D2aLL, D2aRR, D3aMin, D3aMax do i = 2, nx - 1 dpress(i) = press(i+1) - press(i-1) end do if (use_enhanced_PPM .eq. 0) then !!$ Average slopes delta_m(a). See (1.7) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 !!$ This is the expression for an even grid. do i = 2, nx - 1 dY_e(i) = 0.5d0 * (Y_e(i+1) - Y_e(i-1)) ! d2Y_e(i,iY_e) = (Y_e(i+1) - 2.d0 * Y_e(i) + Y_e(i-1))! / 6.d0 / dx / dx ! ! since we use d2Y_e only for the condition d2Y_e(i+1)*d2Y_e(i-1)<0 ! ! the denominator is not necessary enddo !!$ Steepened slope. See (1.8) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do i = 2, nx - 1 if( (Y_e(i+1) - Y_e(i)) * & (Y_e(i) - Y_e(i-1)) > 0.0d0 ) then dmY_e(i) = sign(one,dY_e(i)) * & min(abs(dY_e(i)), 2.0d0 * & abs(Y_e(i) - Y_e(i-1)), & 2.0d0 * abs(Y_e(i+1) - Y_e(i))) else dmY_e(i) = 0.0d0 endif end do !!$ Initial boundary states. See (1.9) of Colella and Woodward, p.178 do i = 2, nx - 2 Y_e_plus(i) = 0.5d0 * (Y_e(i) + Y_e(i+1)) + & (dmY_e(i) - dmY_e(i+1)) / 6.d0 Y_e_minus(i+1) = Y_e_plus(i) enddo else !! This is the modified PPM algorithm by Colella & Sekora 2008. !! This uses a better limiter based on second derivatives that preserves !! accuracy at local extrema. It also uses a higher-order interpolation polynomial. !!$ Initial boundary states (sixth order accurate). See (17) of Colella and Sekora, p.7071 #undef APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4 !!$ Initial boundary states (sixth order accurate). See (17) of Colella and Sekora 2008, p.7071 #define APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(a, ah) \ ah = 37.0d0/60.0d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - 2.0d0/15.0d0*(a(i-1)+a(i+2)) + 1.0d0/60.0d0*(a(i-2)+a(i+3)) #undef APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE !!$ Initial boundary states (4th order accurate). See (16) of Colella and Sekora 2008, p.7071 #define APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(a, ah) \ ah = 7.0d0/12.0d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - 1.0d0/12.0d0*(a(i-1)+a(i+2)) #undef LIMIT #define LIMIT(a,ah,C, alim) \ if ((min(a(i),a(i+1)) .le. ah) .and. (ah .le. max(a(i),a(i+1)))) then &&\ alim = ah &&\ else &&\ D2a = 3.0d0 * (a(i) - 2.0d0*ah + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aL = (a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1)) &&\ D2aR = (a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2)) &&\ if (D2a*D2aR .ge. 0 .and. D2a*D2aL .ge. 0) then &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) - sign(one, D2a)*min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), abs(D2a))/3.0d0 &&\ else &&\ alim = 0.5d0*(a(i)+a(i+1)) &&\ end if &&\ endif if (PPM3) then !! We initialize "plus" \equiv a_j+1/2 with (16) via APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE, !! then checking for (13) of Colella & Sekora 2008 and applying !! (18) and (19) if (13) is not satisfied. This is done with LIMIT. !! There, we also switch to lower order if we are near atmosphere values. do i = 2, nx-2 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE(Y_e, Y_e_plus(i)) LIMIT(Y_e, Y_e_plus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, Y_e_plus(i)) Y_e_minus(i+1) = Y_e_plus(i) end do else !! Same as above but for 4 stencil points using (17) of Colella & Sekora 2008 as !! initial states. do i = 3, nx-3 APPROX_AT_CELL_INTERFACE_STENCIL4(Y_e, Y_e_plus(i)) LIMIT(Y_e, Y_e_plus(i), enhanced_ppm_C2, Y_e_plus(i)) Y_e_minus(i+1) = Y_e_plus(i) end do endif end if !!$Discontinuity steepening. See (1.14-17) of C&W. !!$This is the detect routine which mat be activated with the ppm_detect parameter !!$Note that this part really also depends on the grid being even. !!$Note also that we do not have access to the gas constant gamma. !!$So this is just dropped from eq. (3.2) of C&W. !!$We can get around this by just rescaling the constant k0 (ppm_k0 here). !!$ Zone flattening. See appendix of C&W, p. 197-8. do i = 3, nx - 2 dpress2 = press(i+2) - press(i-2) dvel = velx(i+1) - velx(i-1) if ( (abs(dpress(i)) > ppm_epsilon * min(press(i-1),press(i+1))) .and. & (dvel < 0.d0) ) then w = 1.d0 else w = 0.d0 end if if (abs(dpress2) < ppm_small) then tilde_flatten(i) = 1.d0 else tilde_flatten(i) = max(0.d0, 1.d0 - w * max(0.d0, ppm_omega2 * & (dpress(i) / dpress2 - ppm_omega1))) end if end do if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 0) then if (PPM3) then do i = 3, nx - 2 flatten = tilde_flatten(i) Y_e_plus(i) = flatten * Y_e_plus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) Y_e_minus(i) = flatten * Y_e_minus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) end do else !!$ Really implement C&W, page 197; which requires stencil 4. do i = 4, nx - 3 s=sign(one, -dpress(i)) flatten = max(tilde_flatten(i), tilde_flatten(i+s)) Y_e_plus(i) = flatten * Y_e_plus(i) + & (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) Y_e_minus(i) = flatten * Y_e_minus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) end do end if endif #undef MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4 !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34 !! This requires 4 stencil points. #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(aminus, a, aplus, C, C3) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aLL = a(i-3) - 2.0d0*a(i-2) + a(i-1) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ D2aRR = a(i+1) - 2.0d0*a(i+2) + a(i+3) &&\ D3a = D2aR - D2aC &&\ D3aL = D2aC - D2aL &&\ D3aR = D2aRR - D2aR &&\ D3aLL = D2aL - D2aLL &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ D3aMin = min(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ D3aMax = max(D3aLL, D3aL, D3a, D3aR) &&\ if (C3 * max(abs(D3aMin), abs(D3aMax)) .le. D3aMax-D3aMin) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*daplus &&\ end if &&\ endif #undef MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM !! Monotonicity of PPM 2011 (McCorquodale & Colella 2011), Sec. 2.4.1, Eq. 23-34. !! This does not use the check for deviations from a cubic. Thus, it gets away with only 3 stencil points! #define MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(aminus, a, aplus, C) \ daplus = aplus(i)-a(i) &&\ daminus = a(i)-aminus(i) &&\ if (daplus*daminus .le. 0 .or. (a(i-2)-a(i))*(a(i)-a(i+2)) .le. 0) then &&\ D2a = - (12.0d0*a(i) - 6.0d0*(aminus(i)+aplus(i))) && \ D2aC = a(i-1) - 2.0d0*a(i) + a(i+1) &&\ D2aL = a(i-2) - 2.0d0*a(i-1) + a(i) &&\ D2aR = a(i) - 2.0d0*a(i+1) + a(i+2) &&\ if (sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aC) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aL) .and. sign(one, D2a) .eq. sign(one, D2aR)) then &&\ D2aLim = sign(one, D2a) * min(C*abs(D2aL), C*abs(D2aR), C*abs(D2aC), abs(D2a)) &&\ else &&\ D2aLim = 0 &&\ end if &&\ if (abs(D2a) .le. 1.d-12*max(abs(a(i-2)), abs(a(i-1)), abs(a(i)), abs(a(i+1)), abs(a(i+2)))) then &&\ rhi = 0 &&\ else &&\ rhi = D2aLim / D2a &&\ endif &&\ if (.not. (rhi .ge. 1.0d0 - 1.d-12)) then &&\ if (daplus*daminus .lt. 0) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + daplus * rhi &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - daminus * rhi &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daplus - rhi*daminus &&\ else if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) + 2.0d0*(1.0d0-rhi)*daminus + rhi*daplus &&\ endif &&\ endif &&\ else &&\ if (abs(daplus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daminus)) then &&\ aplus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(aminus(i) - a(i)) &&\ else if (abs(daminus) .ge. 2.0d0*abs(daplus)) then &&\ aminus(i) = a(i) - 2.0d0*(aplus(i) - a(i)) &&\ end if &&\ endif if (use_enhanced_ppm .eq. 1) then ! Constrain parabolic profiles if (PPM3) then do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM(Y_e_minus,Y_e,Y_e_plus, enhanced_ppm_C2) end do else do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 MON_WITH_LOCAL_EXTREMUM_STENCIL4(Y_e_minus,Y_e,Y_e_plus, enhanced_ppm_C2, enhanced_ppm_C3) end do endif ! In PPM 2011/2008, flattening is applied after constraining parabolic profiles. if (PPM3) then do i = 3, nx - 2 flatten = tilde_flatten(i) Y_e_plus(i) = flatten * Y_e_plus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) Y_e_minus(i) = flatten * Y_e_minus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) end do else !!$ Really implement C&W, page 197; which requires stencil 4. do i = 4, nx - 3 s=sign(one, -dpress(i)) flatten = max(tilde_flatten(i), tilde_flatten(i+s)) Y_e_plus(i) = flatten * Y_e_plus(i) + & (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) Y_e_minus(i) = flatten * Y_e_minus(i) & + (1.d0 - flatten) * Y_e(i) end do end if else !!$ Monotonicity. See (1.10) of C&W. do i = GRHydro_stencil, nx - GRHydro_stencil + 1 if (((Y_e_plus(i)-Y_e(i))* & (Y_e(i)-Y_e_minus(i)) .le. 0.d0)) then Y_e_minus(i) = Y_e(i) Y_e_plus(i) = Y_e(i) else if ((Y_e_plus(i) - Y_e_minus(i)) * (Y_e(i) - 0.5d0 * & (Y_e_plus(i) + Y_e_minus(i))) > & (Y_e_plus(i) - Y_e_minus(i))**2 / 6.d0) then Y_e_minus(i) = 3.d0 * Y_e(i) - 2.0d0 * Y_e_plus(i) else if ((Y_e_plus(i) - Y_e_minus(i)) * (Y_e(i) - 0.5d0 * & (Y_e_plus(i) + Y_e_minus(i))) < & -(Y_e_plus(i) - Y_e_minus(i))**2 / 6.0d0 ) then Y_e_plus(i) = 3.d0 * Y_e(i) - 2.d0 * Y_e_minus(i) end if end do end if end subroutine SimplePPM_ye_1d