/*@@ @file GRHydro_HLLEM.F90 @date Aug 30, 2010 @author Joshua Faber, Scott Noble, Bruno Mundim, Ian Hawke, Pedro Montero, Toni Font @desc The HLLE solver. Called from the wrapper function, so works in all directions. @enddesc @@*/ #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Functions.h" #include "GRHydro_Macros.h" #include "SpaceMask.h" /*@@ @routine GRHydro_HLLEGeneralM @date Aug 30, 2010 @author Joshua Faber, Scott Noble, Bruno Mundim, Ian Hawke, Pedro Montero, Toni Font @desc The HLLE solver. Sufficiently simple that its just one big routine. Rewritten for the new EOS interface. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history Altered from Cactus 3 routines originally written by Toni Font. @endhistory @@*/ subroutine GRHydro_HLLEGeneralM(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) USE GRHydro_EigenproblemM implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS integer :: i, j, k, m CCTK_REAL, dimension(8) :: cons_p,cons_m,fplus,fminus,f1,qdiff CCTK_REAL, dimension(6) :: prim_p, prim_m CCTK_REAL, dimension(5) :: lamminus,lamplus CCTK_REAL :: charmin, charmax, charpm,avg_alp,avg_det CCTK_REAL :: gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, gyyh, gyzh, gzzh, uxxh, uxyh, & uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, avg_beta, usendh, alp_l, alp_r, & cs2_p, cs2_m, dpdeps_p, dpdeps_m CCTK_REAL :: rhoenth_p, rhoenth_m, avg_betax, avg_betay, avg_betaz CCTK_REAL :: vxtp,vytp,vztp,vxtm,vytm,vztm,ab0p,ab0m,b2p,b2m,bdotvp,bdotvm CCTK_REAL :: wp,wm,v2p,v2m,bxlowp,bxlowm,bylowp,bylowm,bzlowp,bzlowm,vA2m,vA2p CCTK_REAL :: Bvecxlowp,Bvecxlowm,Bvecylowp,Bvecylowm,Bveczlowp,Bveczlowm CCTK_REAL :: pressstarp,pressstarm,velxlowp,velxlowm,velylowp,velylowm,velzlowp,velzlowm CCTK_INT :: type_bits, trivial, not_trivial integer tadmor if(CCTK_EQUALS(HLLE_type,"Tadmor")) then tadmor = 1 else tadmor = 0 endif if (flux_direction == 1) then call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX") call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX", & &"trivial") else if (flux_direction == 2) then call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY") call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY", & &"trivial") else if (flux_direction == 3) then call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ") call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ", & &"trivial") else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(3) - GRHydro_stencil do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(2) - GRHydro_stencil do i = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(1) - GRHydro_stencil f1 = 0.d0 lamminus = 0.d0 lamplus = 0.d0 cons_p = 0.d0 cons_m = 0.d0 fplus = 0.d0 fminus = 0.d0 qdiff = 0.d0 !!$ Set the left (p for plus) and right (m_i for minus, i+1) states cons_p(1) = densplus(i,j,k) cons_p(2) = sxplus(i,j,k) cons_p(3) = syplus(i,j,k) cons_p(4) = szplus(i,j,k) cons_p(5) = tauplus(i,j,k) cons_p(6) = Bvecxplus(i,j,k) cons_p(7) = Bvecyplus(i,j,k) cons_p(8) = Bveczplus(i,j,k) cons_m(1) = densminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(2) = sxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(3) = syminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(4) = szminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(5) = tauminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(6) = Bvecxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(7) = Bvecyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cons_m(8) = Bveczminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_p(1) = rhoplus(i,j,k) prim_p(2) = velxplus(i,j,k) prim_p(3) = velyplus(i,j,k) prim_p(4) = velzplus(i,j,k) prim_p(5) = epsplus(i,j,k) prim_m(1) = rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(2) = velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(3) = velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(4) = velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(5) = epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_p(6) = pressplus(i,j,k) cs2_p = eos_cs2_p(i,j,k) dpdeps_p = eos_dpdeps_p(i,j,k) rhoenth_p = prim_p(1)*(1.0d0+prim_p(5))+prim_p(6) prim_m(6) = pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cs2_m = eos_cs2_m(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) dpdeps_m = eos_dpdeps_m(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) rhoenth_m = prim_m(1)*(1.0d0+prim_m(5))+prim_m(6) !!$ Calculate various metric terms here. !!$ Note also need the average of the lapse at the !!$ left and right points. !!$ !!$ In MHD, we need all three shift components regardless of the flux direction if (shift_state .ne. 0) then avg_betax = 0.5d0 * (betax(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betax(i,j,k)) avg_betay = 0.5d0 * (betay(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betay(i,j,k)) avg_betaz = 0.5d0 * (betaz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betaz(i,j,k)) if (flux_direction == 1) then avg_beta=avg_betax else if (flux_direction == 2) then avg_beta=avg_betay else if (flux_direction == 3) then avg_beta=avg_betaz else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if else avg_beta = 0.d0 avg_betax = 0.d0 avg_betay = 0.d0 avg_betaz = 0.d0 end if avg_alp = 0.5 * (alp(i,j,k) + alp(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)) gxxh = 0.5d0 * (gxx(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxx(i,j,k)) gxyh = 0.5d0 * (gxy(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxy(i,j,k)) gxzh = 0.5d0 * (gxz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxz(i,j,k)) gyyh = 0.5d0 * (gyy(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gyy(i,j,k)) gyzh = 0.5d0 * (gyz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gyz(i,j,k)) gzzh = 0.5d0 * (gzz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gzz(i,j,k)) avg_det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh) vxtp = prim_p(2)-avg_betax/avg_alp vytp = prim_p(3)-avg_betay/avg_alp vztp = prim_p(4)-avg_betaz/avg_alp vxtm = prim_m(2)-avg_betax/avg_alp vytm = prim_m(3)-avg_betay/avg_alp vztm = prim_m(4)-avg_betaz/avg_alp call calc_vlow_blow(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh, & prim_p(2),prim_p(3),prim_p(4),cons_p(6),cons_p(7),cons_p(8), & velxlowp,velylowp,velzlowp,Bvecxlowp,Bvecylowp,Bveczlowp, & bdotvp,b2p,v2p,wp,bxlowp,bylowp,bzlowp) call calc_vlow_blow(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh, & prim_m(2),prim_m(3),prim_m(4),cons_m(6),cons_m(7),cons_m(8), & velxlowm,velylowm,velzlowm,Bvecxlowm,Bvecylowm,Bveczlowm, & bdotvm,b2m,v2m,wm,bxlowm,bylowm,bzlowm) ab0p = wp*bdotvp ab0m = wm*bdotvm vA2p = b2p/(rhoenth_p+b2p) vA2m = b2m/(rhoenth_m+b2m) !!$ p^* = p+b^2/2 in Anton et al. pressstarp = prim_p(6)+0.5d0*b2p pressstarm = prim_m(6)+0.5d0*b2m !!$ If the Riemann problem is trivial, just calculate the fluxes from the !!$ left state and skip to the next cell if (SpaceMask_CheckStateBitsF90(space_mask, i, j, k, type_bits, trivial)) then !!$ we now pass in the B-field as conserved and flux, the vtilde's instead of v's, !!$ pressstar instead of P, b_i, alp b^0, w, metric determinant, !!$ alp, and beta in the flux dir if (flux_direction == 1) then call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(2),cons_m(3),cons_m(4),cons_m(5),& cons_m(6),cons_m(7),cons_m(8),& f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),f1(4),f1(5),f1(6),f1(7),f1(8),& vxtm,vytm,vztm,pressstarm,bxlowm,bylowm,bzlowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else if (flux_direction == 2) then call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(3),cons_m(4),cons_m(2),cons_m(5),& cons_m(7),cons_m(8),cons_m(6),& f1(1),f1(3),f1(4),f1(2),f1(5),f1(7),f1(8),f1(6),& vytm,vztm,vxtm,pressstarm,bylowm,bzlowm,bxlowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else if (flux_direction == 3) then call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(4),cons_m(2),cons_m(3),cons_m(5),& cons_m(8),cons_m(6),cons_m(7),& f1(1),f1(4),f1(2),f1(3),f1(5),f1(8),f1(6),f1(7), & vztm,vxtm,vytm,pressstarm,bzlowm,bxlowm,bylowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if else !!! The end of this branch is right at the bottom of the routine call UpperMetric(uxxh, uxyh, uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, & avg_det,gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, & gyyh, gyzh, gzzh) if (flux_direction == 1) then usendh = uxxh else if (flux_direction == 2) then usendh = uyyh else if (flux_direction == 3) then usendh = uzzh else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if !!$ Calculate the jumps in the conserved variables qdiff(1) = cons_m(1) - cons_p(1) qdiff(2) = cons_m(2) - cons_p(2) qdiff(3) = cons_m(3) - cons_p(3) qdiff(4) = cons_m(4) - cons_p(4) qdiff(5) = cons_m(5) - cons_p(5) qdiff(6) = cons_m(6) - cons_p(6) qdiff(7) = cons_m(7) - cons_p(7) qdiff(8) = cons_m(8) - cons_p(8) !!$ Eigenvalues and fluxes either side of the cell interface if (flux_direction == 1) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(2),prim_m(3),prim_m(4),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(2),prim_p(3),prim_p(4),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_p(1),cons_p(2),cons_p(3),cons_p(4),cons_p(5),& cons_p(6),cons_p(7),cons_p(8),& fplus(1),fplus(2),fplus(3),fplus(4),fplus(5),fplus(6),fplus(7),fplus(8),& vxtp,vytp,vztp,pressstarp,bxlowp,bylowp,bzlowp,ab0p,wp, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(2),cons_m(3),cons_m(4),cons_m(5),& cons_m(6),cons_m(7),cons_m(8),& fminus(1),fminus(2),fminus(3),fminus(4),fminus(5),& fminus(6),fminus(7),fminus(8),& vxtm,vytm,vztm,pressstarm,bxlowm,bylowm,bzlowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else if (flux_direction == 2) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(3),prim_m(4),prim_m(2),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,gxzh,gxxh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(3),prim_p(4),prim_p(2),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,gxzh,gxxh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_p(1),cons_p(3),cons_p(4),cons_p(2),cons_p(5),& cons_p(7),cons_p(8),cons_p(6),& fplus(1),fplus(3),fplus(4),fplus(2),fplus(5),fplus(7),fplus(8),fplus(6),& vytp,vztp,vxtp,pressstarp,bylowp,bzlowp,bxlowp,ab0p,wp, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(3),cons_m(4),cons_m(2),cons_m(5),& cons_m(7),cons_m(8),cons_m(6),& fminus(1),fminus(3),fminus(4),fminus(2),fminus(5),& fminus(7),fminus(8),fminus(6),& vytm,vztm,vxtm,pressstarm,bylowm,bzlowm,bxlowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else if (flux_direction == 3) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(4),prim_m(2),prim_m(3),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(4),prim_p(2),prim_p(3),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_p(1),cons_p(4),cons_p(2),cons_p(3),cons_p(5),& cons_p(8),cons_p(6),cons_p(7),& fplus(1),fplus(4),fplus(2),fplus(3),fplus(5),fplus(8),fplus(6),fplus(7), & vztp,vxtp,vytp,pressstarp,bzlowp,bxlowp,bylowp,ab0p,wp, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) call num_x_fluxM(cons_m(1),cons_m(4),cons_m(2),cons_m(3),cons_m(5),& cons_m(8),cons_m(6),cons_m(7),& fminus(1),fminus(4),fminus(2),fminus(3),fminus(5), & fminus(8),fminus(6),fminus(7), & vztm,vxtm,vytm,pressstarm,bzlowm,bxlowm,bylowm,ab0m,wm, & avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta) else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if if(tadmor.eq.0) then !!$ Find minimum and maximum wavespeeds charmin = min(0.d0, lamplus(1), lamplus(2), lamplus(3), & lamplus(4),lamplus(5), lamminus(1),lamminus(2),lamminus(3),& lamminus(4),lamminus(5)) charmax = max(0.d0, lamplus(1), lamplus(2), lamplus(3), & lamplus(4),lamplus(5), lamminus(1),lamminus(2),lamminus(3),& lamminus(4),lamminus(5)) charpm = charmax - charmin !!$ Calculate flux by standard formula do m = 1,8 qdiff(m) = cons_m(m) - cons_p(m) f1(m) = (charmax * fplus(m) - charmin * fminus(m) + & charmax * charmin * qdiff(m)) / charpm end do else ! Tadmor's semi-discrete scheme: JcP 160, 241 (2000) charmax = max(abs(lamplus(1)), abs(lamplus(2)), abs(lamplus(3)), & abs(lamplus(4)),abs(lamplus(5)),abs(lamminus(1)),abs(lamminus(2)), & abs(lamminus(3)),abs(lamminus(4)),abs(lamminus(5))) do m = 1,8 qdiff(m) = cons_m(m) - cons_p(m) f1(m) = 0.5d0 * (fplus(m) + fminus(m)) - 0.5d0*charmax* & qdiff(m) end do end if end if !!! The end of the SpaceMask check for a trivial RP. densflux(i, j, k) = f1(1) sxflux(i, j, k) = f1(2) syflux(i, j, k) = f1(3) szflux(i, j, k) = f1(4) tauflux(i, j, k) = f1(5) Bvecxflux(i, j, k) = f1(6) Bvecyflux(i, j, k) = f1(7) Bveczflux(i, j, k) = f1(8) end do end do end do end subroutine GRHydro_HLLEGeneralM subroutine GRHydro_HLLE_TracerGeneralM(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) USE GRHydro_EigenproblemM implicit none DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS integer :: i, j, k, m CCTK_REAL, dimension(number_of_tracers) :: cons_p,cons_m,fplus,fminus,f1 CCTK_REAL, dimension(5) :: lamminus,lamplus CCTK_REAL, dimension(number_of_tracers) :: qdiff CCTK_REAL, dimension(6) :: prim_p, prim_m CCTK_REAL, dimension(3) :: mag_p, mag_m CCTK_REAL :: charmin, charmax, charpm,avg_alp,avg_det CCTK_REAL :: gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, gyyh, gyzh, gzzh, uxxh, uxyh, & uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, avg_beta, usendh, alp_l, alp_r, & cs2_p, cs2_m, dpdeps_p, dpdeps_m CCTK_REAL :: b2p,b2m,vA2m,vA2p integer tadmor if(CCTK_EQUALS(HLLE_type,"Tadmor")) then tadmor = 1 else tadmor = 0 endif do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(3) - GRHydro_stencil do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(2) - GRHydro_stencil do i = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(1) - GRHydro_stencil f1 = 0.d0 lamminus = 0.d0 lamplus = 0.d0 cons_p = 0.d0 cons_m = 0.d0 mag_p = 0.d0 mag_m = 0.d0 fplus = 0.d0 fminus = 0.d0 qdiff = 0.d0 !!$ Set the left (p for plus) and right (m_i for minus, i+1) states cons_p(:) = cons_tracerplus(i,j,k,:) cons_m(:) = cons_tracerminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset,:) mag_p(1) = Bvecxplus(i,j,k) mag_p(2) = Bvecyplus(i,j,k) mag_p(3) = Bveczplus(i,j,k) mag_m(1) = Bvecxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) mag_m(2) = Bvecyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) mag_m(3) = Bveczminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_p(1) = rhoplus(i,j,k) prim_p(2) = velxplus(i,j,k) prim_p(3) = velyplus(i,j,k) prim_p(4) = velzplus(i,j,k) prim_p(5) = epsplus(i,j,k) prim_m(1) = rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(2) = velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(3) = velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(4) = velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_m(5) = epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) prim_p(6) = pressplus(i,j,k) cs2_p = eos_cs2_p(i,j,k) dpdeps_p = eos_dpdeps_p(i,j,k) prim_m(6) = pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) cs2_m = eos_cs2_m(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) dpdeps_m = eos_dpdeps_m(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) !!$ Calculate various metric terms here. !!$ Note also need the average of the lapse at the !!$ left and right points. if (shift_state .ne. 0) then if (flux_direction == 1) then avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (betax(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betax(i,j,k)) else if (flux_direction == 2) then avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (betay(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betay(i,j,k)) else if (flux_direction == 3) then avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (betaz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + & betaz(i,j,k)) else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if else avg_beta = 0.d0 end if avg_alp = 0.5 * (alp(i,j,k) + alp(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)) gxxh = 0.5d0 * (gxx(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxx(i,j,k)) gxyh = 0.5d0 * (gxy(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxy(i,j,k)) gxzh = 0.5d0 * (gxz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gxz(i,j,k)) gyyh = 0.5d0 * (gyy(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gyy(i,j,k)) gyzh = 0.5d0 * (gyz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gyz(i,j,k)) gzzh = 0.5d0 * (gzz(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + gzz(i,j,k)) avg_det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh) !!$ If the Riemann problem is trivial, just calculate the fluxes from the !!$ left state and skip to the next cell call UpperMetric(uxxh, uxyh, uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, & avg_det,gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, & gyyh, gyzh, gzzh) if (flux_direction == 1) then usendh = uxxh else if (flux_direction == 2) then usendh = uyyh else if (flux_direction == 3) then usendh = uzzh else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if !!$ b^2 = (1-v^2)B^2+(B dot v)^2 b2p=(1.d0-DOTP2(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,prim_p(2),prim_p(3),prim_p(4)))* & DOTP2(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,mag_p(1),mag_p(2),mag_p(3)) + & (DOTP(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,prim_p(2),prim_p(3),prim_p(4),mag_p(1),mag_p(2),mag_p(3)))**2 b2m=(1.d0-DOTP2(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,prim_m(2),prim_m(3),prim_m(4)))* & DOTP2(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,mag_m(1),mag_m(2),mag_m(3)) + & (DOTP(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,prim_m(2),prim_m(3),prim_m(4),mag_m(1),mag_m(2),mag_m(3)))**2 vA2p = b2p/(prim_p(1)*(1.0d0+prim_p(5))+prim_p(6)+b2p) vA2m = b2m/(prim_m(1)*(1.0d0+prim_m(5))+prim_m(6)+b2m) !!$ Eigenvalues and fluxes either side of the cell interface if (flux_direction == 1) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(2),prim_m(3),prim_m(4),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,& gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,& gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(2),prim_p(3),prim_p(4),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,& gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,& gyyh,gyzh,gzzh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) fplus(:) = (velxplus(i,j,k) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerplus(i,j,k,:) fminus(:) = (velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset,:) else if (flux_direction == 2) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(3),prim_m(4),prim_m(2),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,& gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,& gzzh,gxzh,gxxh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(3),prim_p(4),prim_p(2),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,& gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,& gzzh,gxzh,gxxh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) fplus(:) = (velyplus(i,j,k) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerplus(i,j,k,:) fminus(:) = (velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset,:) else if (flux_direction == 3) then call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_m(4),prim_m(2),prim_m(3),cs2_m,vA2m, & lamminus,& gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,& gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) call eigenvalues_generalM(& prim_p(4),prim_p(2),prim_p(3),cs2_p,vA2p, & lamplus,& gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,& gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,& usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta) fplus(:) = (velzplus(i,j,k) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerplus(i,j,k,:) fminus(:) = (velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta / avg_alp) * & cons_tracerminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset,:) else call CCTK_WARN(0, "Flux direction not x,y,z") end if if(tadmor.eq.0) then !!$ Find minimum and maximum wavespeeds charmin = min(0.d0, lamplus(1), lamplus(2), lamplus(3), & lamplus(4),lamplus(5), lamminus(1),lamminus(2),lamminus(3),& lamminus(4),lamminus(5)) charmax = max(0.d0, lamplus(1), lamplus(2), lamplus(3), & lamplus(4),lamplus(5), lamminus(1),lamminus(2),lamminus(3),& lamminus(4),lamminus(5)) charpm = charmax - charmin !!$ Calculate flux by standard formula do m = 1,number_of_tracers qdiff(m) = cons_m(m) - cons_p(m) f1(m) = (charmax * fplus(m) - charmin * fminus(m) + & charmax * charmin * qdiff(m)) / charpm end do else ! Tadmor's semi-descrite scheme: JcP 160, 241 (2000) charmax = max(abs(lamplus(1)), abs(lamplus(2)), abs(lamplus(3)), & abs(lamplus(4)),abs(lamplus(5)),abs(lamminus(1)),abs(lamminus(2)), & abs(lamminus(3)),abs(lamminus(4)),abs(lamminus(5))) do m = 1,number_of_tracers qdiff(m) = cons_m(m) - cons_p(m) f1(m) = 0.5d0 * (fplus(m) + fminus(m)) - 0.5d0*charmax* & qdiff(m) end do end if cons_tracerflux(i,j,k,:) = f1(:) end do end do end do end subroutine GRHydro_HLLE_TracerGeneralM