Cactus Code Thorn GRHydro Author(s) : Luca Baiotti Ian Hawke Pedro Montero Sebastiano Bernuzzi Giovanni Corvino Toni Font Joachim Frieben Roberto De Pietri Thorsten Kellermann Frank Löffler Christian D. Ott Luciano Rezzolla Nikolaos Stergioulas Aaryn Tonita many others Maintainer(s): CIGR developers team Licence : GPLv2+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Purpose GRHydro is the evolution code for a general-purpose 3D relativistic hydrodynamics code. To work it requires Einstein, MoL (the method of lines thorn), CactusEOS (the general equation of state interface). In theory any (suitably written) spacetime evolution thorn should work, but for the moment the MoL version of BSSN will be the tested version. For more information see the documentation in the ThornGuide.