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authorknarf <knarf@c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45>2010-04-06 19:36:40 +0000
committerknarf <knarf@c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45>2010-04-06 19:36:40 +0000
commit958e330232906ff86d44e19e48bb1c65f4384729 (patch)
parent55e42caa20dc5e49fa85c53eb7a71ec77131df27 (diff)
openmp and a bit of cleanup for Conservative2Primitive()
git-svn-id: http://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/cactus/EinsteinEvolve/GRHydro/trunk@100 c83d129a-5a75-4d5a-9c4d-ed3a5855bf45
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Whisky_Con2Prim.F90 b/src/Whisky_Con2Prim.F90
index 19d9a5c..0f462e8 100644
--- a/src/Whisky_Con2Prim.F90
+++ b/src/Whisky_Con2Prim.F90
@@ -167,9 +167,8 @@ subroutine Conservative2Primitive(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
pmin = EOS_Pressure(whisky_polytrope_handle, whisky_rho_min, 1.0d0)
epsmin = EOS_SpecificIntEnergy(whisky_polytrope_handle, whisky_rho_min, pmin)
-!!$ do k = whisky_stencil + 1, nz - whisky_stencil
-!!$ do j = whisky_stencil + 1, ny - whisky_stencil
-!!$ do i = whisky_stencil + 1, nx - whisky_stencil
+ !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,itracer,&
+ !$OMP uxx, uxy, uxz, uyy, uyz, uzz, det, psi4pt, epsnegative)
do k = 1, nz
do j = 1, ny
do i = 1, nx
@@ -241,6 +240,7 @@ subroutine Conservative2Primitive(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
if (epsnegative) then
+#if 1
! cott 2010/03/30:
! Set point to atmosphere, but continue evolution -- this is better than using
! the poly EOS -- it will lead the code to crash if this happens inside a (neutron) star,
@@ -272,9 +272,7 @@ subroutine Conservative2Primitive(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
! w_lorentz=1, so the expression for tau reduces to:
tau(i,j,k) = sqrt(det) * (rho(i,j,k)+rho(i,j,k)*eps(i,j,k)) - dens(i,j,k)
-#if 0
! cott 2010/03/27:
! Honestly, this should never happen. We need to flag the point where
! this happened as having led to failing con2prim.
@@ -290,42 +288,11 @@ subroutine Conservative2Primitive(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
z(i,j,k), r(i,j,k),whisky_rho_min, whisky_reflevel, whisky_C2P_failed(i,j,k))
end if
- if (eps(i,j,k) .lt. 0.0d0) then
- whisky_C2P_failed(i,j,k) = 1
- call CCTK_WARN(1, 'Specific internal energy just went below 0! ')
- write(warnline,'(a28,i2)') 'on carpet reflevel: ',whisky_reflevel
- call CCTK_WARN(1,warnline)
- write(warnline,'(a20,3g16.7)') 'xyz location: ',&
- x(i,j,k),y(i,j,k),z(i,j,k)
- call CCTK_WARN(1,warnline)
- write(warnline,'(a20,g16.7)') 'radius: ',r(i,j,k)
- call CCTK_WARN(1,warnline)
- call CCTK_WARN(1,"Setting the point to atmosphere")
- ! for safety, let's set the point to atmosphere
- dens(i,j,k) = sqrt(det)*whisky_rho_min !/(1.d0+whisky_atmo_tolerance)
- rho(i,j,k) = whisky_rho_min
- scon(i,j,k,:) = 0.d0
- vel(i,j,k,:) = 0.d0
- w_lorentz(i,j,k) = 1.d0
- press(i,j,k) = EOS_Pressure(whisky_polytrope_handle, rho(i,j,k), eps(i,j,k))
- eps(i,j,k) = EOS_SpecificIntEnergy(whisky_polytrope_handle, rho(i,j,k), press(i,j,k))
- ! w_lorentz=1, so the expression for tau reduces to:
- tau(i,j,k) = sqrt(det) * (rho(i,j,k)+rho(i,j,k)*eps(i,j,k)) - dens(i,j,k)
- end if
end do
end do
end do